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Wahhabism & its Connections with Terrorism..!!!

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Pakistanis at its best, blaming its problem on others! Typical.
The culprits behind spread of terrorism may be wahhabis but its total unfair to blame all followers of whhabis. Its like labeling every followers of Sufism to satanism because of the origin of the sect and unorthodox practice of few people of the sect. Also it is like labeling entire Pakistan with terrorism!
Actually the best conclusion is that Pakistan is its own enemy!
Seriously, do some people even claim that the Prophet generalized and experienced Tribalism himself (By the way something he hated and detested with all his heart) just so they can get across a political message?

You dare call our Prophet a racist and a bigot? The lows some people will go to I guess.....

I think it is high time all Muslim elders from all sect i.e Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Sufi, etc etc sit together & reject all these names. The only name allowed must be Islam & it's followers Muslims. A dozens of name & divisions are damaging Islam-the Peaceful religion of light.
Mate, if somehow all the sects get together, as per your suggestion, guess what will happen? The Wahabis will be missing from the meet, they will send in one of their suicide-bombers and blow rest of the gathering to smithereens.

None of the sects have a problem with one another (not that big anyways), it's just the indoctrinated children of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 'The Lunatic' that are menace to the planet. Get rid of the whole lot, and we are golden. Very simple, isn't it?

The devil himself:


I think it is high time all Muslim elders from all sect i.e Sunni, Shia, Wahabi, Sufi, etc etc sit together & reject all these names. The only name allowed must be Islam & it's followers Muslims. A dozens of name & divisions are damaging Islam-the Peaceful religion of light.
Mate, if somehow all the sects get together, as per your suggestion, guess what will happen? The Wahabis will be missing from the meet, they will send in one of their suicide-bombers and blow rest of the gathering to smithereens.

None of the sects have a problem with one another (not that big anyways), it's just the indoctrinated children of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 'The Lunatic' that are menace to the planet. Get rid of the whole lot, and we are golden. Very simple, isn't it?

The devil himself:


Im not a wahhabi or their supporter but the only lunatic here is you sir. :)
In a red neck's point of view every single Muslim is a bomber and at the moment their is not much difference between your and a red neck's intelligence. Stop this hatred nonsense because when it comes to intolerance terrorism then Pakistanis should not be pointing finger at others for the mess they have created themselves!
Hmmmmm..... I really don't know what to say to you...... Let me start with this: Have you ever been to Pakistan? :blink:

Im not a wahhabi or their supporter but the only lunatic here is you sir. :)
In a red neck's point of view every single Muslim is a bomber and at the moment their is not much difference between your and a red neck's intelligence. Stop this hatred nonsense because when it comes to intolerance terrorism then Pakistanis should not be pointing finger at others for the mess they have created themselves!
Hmmmmm..... I really don't know what to say to you...... Let me start with this: Have you ever been to Pakistan? :blink:

March-july 2012 . what difference should it make?
Btw, socialist parties such as PPP and MQM are accountable for MORE innocent deaths then terrorism is even if we label it with wahhabisim. I believe 300+ innocent workers in two different factories BURNED to death while some F1lthy greedy socialistic party influenced ****** owners collected their insurance claims!
My friend, don't mix stuff. Don't have time to argue at your level.

March-july 2012 . what difference should it make?
Btw, socialist parties such as PPP and MQM are accountable for MORE innocent deaths then terrorism is if even if we label it with wahhabisim. I believe 300+ innocent workers in two different factories BURNED to death while some F1lthy greedy socialistic party influenced ****** owners collected their insurance claims!
There is something called Ijtihad, all the Ijtihads of the four imams purely based on quraan and Sunnah, so if there was an Ayat that is not clear or hard to understand, those Imams interpreted them for the public. I Challenge you if you can get me one thing those four imams said that contradict Quraan or Sunnah.

Like I said I respect and honor them but because of these 4 Imams indirectly sects-groups haven been created over the centuries this has led to confusion and rivalry, which is considered fitna. Allah will ask these 4 men and men of understanding, every person will be held accountable including these Imams. It was never all 4 Imams intentions but some how eventually the spark of fitna took place that led to sects in Islam.

Accepted and Won the challenge, I Follow my Prophet P.B.U.H which is enough for me. It is not mandatory to follow 4 Imams Nor would someone be declared kafir, the guidance is in Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H only.

Now you bring forth the evidence that I asked as a challenge. Explain was there any hanbali, hanafi, shafi'i, maliki, jaffery, wahabi at the time of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H or did Prophet P.B.U.H suggested or gave any predictions as to follow them and further create sect or madhabs or call one self or brand one self exclusively as sunni, shia, wahabi, hanafi, shafi'i and so on. The Answer is already No but i'll let you dig and bring forth evidence if you people don't have the evidence you are in great loss.
Like I said I respect and honor them but because of these 4 Imams indirectly sects-groups haven been created over the centuries this has led to confusion and rivalry, which is considered fitna. Allah will ask these 4 men and men of understanding, every person will be held accountable including these Imams. It was never all 4 Imams intentions but some how eventually the spark of fitna took place that led to sects in Islam.

Accepted and Won the challenge, I Follow my Prophet P.B.U.H which is enough for me. It is not mandatory to follow 4 Imams Nor would someone be declared kafir, the guidance is in Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H only.

Now you bring forth the evidence that I asked as a challenge. Explain was there any hanbali, hanafi, shafi'i, maliki, jaffery, wahabi at the time of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H or did Prophet P.B.U.H suggested or gave any predictions as to follow them and further create sect or madhabs or call one self or brand one self exclusively as sunni, shia, wahabi, hanafi, shafi'i and so on. The Answer is already No but i'll let you dig and bring forth evidence if you people don't have the evidence you are in great loss.

It's like there is fitnah among those madhabs followers I have never heard of, actually, I don't know which mathhab I am following, I check the mathhab followed in Jordan over internet, and I still forget it over and over again. That's because there is no difference, there is a teeny tiny differences in the branches not bases, such as covering the face or not, washing the head at wudu or just wipe it with a wet hand, heck, they are not even called differences.

The problem is that sad, desperate and poor minorities represented by Hyperion and few others insist that Wahabi is a sect, just to convice themselves that they are not the only minorities.

And by the way, Qaeda and their followers ideology is not even a sect, they are detested psychos excluded by all human beings including Muslims.
Mate, if somehow all the sects get together, as per your suggestion, guess what will happen? The Wahabis will be missing from the meet, they will send in one of their suicide-bombers and blow rest of the gathering to smithereens.

None of the sects have a problem with one another (not that big anyways), it's just the indoctrinated children of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 'The Lunatic' that are menace to the planet. Get rid of the whole lot, and we are golden. Very simple, isn't it?

The devil himself:


Why are you lying liar? Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (ra) died in 1792. There are no photos of him. Photography was not even invented at that time yet.

Completely agree BlackEagle but some individuals like to stir problems up and divide us Sunnis to create fitna. Ignore them. They have already failed big time.
Not photography. And not such clear photos. There are no photographies of him. So this is a lie. I doubt there are any photographies from the Arab world that were taken before 1800. If so I want to see proofs. All in all the person on that picture is not Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (ra) because there are not any photographies of him. This might be a descendant of his but not the the person.
Not photography. And not such clear photos. There are no photographies of him. So this is a lie. I doubt there are any photographies from the Arab world that were taken before 1800. If so I want to see proofs. All in all the person on that picture is not Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab (ra).

I do not know if that is him... all I'm saying that photography started in 1790... was just correcting your statement regarding photography was not invented in that time...
Educate yourself. The first camera photography first appeared in the 1820's....

What was first invented by Thomas Wedgwood in 1790 was not such pictures but a REFLECTED image.

"The first success of reproducing images without a camera occurred when Thomas Wedgwood, from the famous family of potters, obtained copies of paintings on leather using silver salts. Since he had no way of permanently fixing these reproductions (stabilizing the image by washing out the non-exposed silver salts), they would turn completely black in the light and thus had to be kept in a dark room for viewing."

Photography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Certainly there were not ANY single such clear photographies taken in 1790 let alone in Najd or of the sheikh. So all in all that is not him on the picture because there have not been any pictures of him. This is very simple. So the picture circulated here is false and not of him. I do not know the nature of the picture posted here.
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