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Violence in Rawapindi claims seven lives, 34 injured

The saddest part of the whole incident is that some people trying to justify it right here in this thread and some people are baying for Shia blood indirectly .

Agreed , Its our fault . But going by the stats , KSA has to blamed 20 times more than Iran!!

KSA had more than Iran to invest so they did so but the bottom line is both of them harmed our society. I know x, and z number of Pakistanis / humans were killed in a, b and c incidents irrespective they were Shia, Sunnis or non Muslims.
^^ In no way you can decide the matter by your self.
Security agencies have a job to do and they shall be respected.

Which security agencies? The ill equipped police?

BTW don't get me wrong...obviously in no way there is justification of violence this sentence should be learned by all 183million.

^^ In no way you can decide the matter by your self.

What do you mean by "You"? I' am a Sunni & was just showing mirror to some exteremist Pakistanis in this thread who are continuously trying to drag sectarianism in this thread.
Enflamed passions: Army deployed in Multan, as security heightened in Punjab

MULTAN: At least 40 people have been injured and five motorcycles were burnt in sectarian clashes in Multan as riots spread to more than half of the urban areas of Multan prompting the civil administration to call in Army and Rangers to control the situation. The situation in other cities of Punjab remain tense with a curfew in Rawalpindi still in effect.

Out of the total 40 injured, 25 are said to be in critical condition and have been taken to the emergency ward of Nishtar Hospital, Multan. Three policemen are among the critically-injured.

Owing to the worsening condition, Section 144 has been imposed in Multan.

A day after sectarian clashes in Rawalpindi killed eight people, and injured over 80, the situation in Multan worsened on Saturday morning when local clerics of Jamia Mosque Omar Farooq claimed that a group had raised objectionable slogans outside their mosque. The clerics then demanded that they wanted to lodge an FIR against the group.

Riots then broke out after a mob tried to attack Imambargah Shah Yousuf Gardez and – after facing resistance from the police – they went on to damage public property in parts of the city.

This resulted in furious clashes and the district administration, without waiting for the police, immediately called the Pakistan Army and Rangers in to control the situation.

There was an exchange of fire in different urban areas including Bohar Gate, Ghanta Ghar, Doulat Gate, Chowk Shaeedaan and Railway Road.

Angry mobs forced markets to shut down and protestors also attacked vehicles belonging to the Multan Commissioner, accusing him of favouring the Shia community.

Police resorted to using tear-gas shells and baton charged protesters in an attempt to deter those attacking and burning public property.

Government response

The army has been put on high alert all over Punjab in wake of riots in Rawalpindi, Express News reported on Saturday.

The Punjab High Court has received an inquiry, ordered by Chief Minister of Punjab Shahbaz Sharif, into the outbreak of violence in Rawalpindi on Friday.

The riots at an Ashura procession on Friday were a result of clashes between two groups and the culprits need to be found and apprehended, the inquiry directed.

Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar was also been briefed on the outbreak of violence in Rawalpindi, Express News reported.

Earlier on Saturday, Chaudhry Nisar had chaired a meeting comprising senior officers of the Interior Ministry to review the law and order situation in Rawalpindi, reported Radio Pakistan. He also held telephonic conversations with Maulana Fazlur Rehman and Punjab chief minister Shahbaz Sharif.

Nisar also appealed to the public to show restraint and to aid authorities in identifying the culprits behind the riots.

After violence broke out in Raja Bazar, Rawalpindi yesterday, a curfew had been imposed in the city on the request of the Rawalpindi Commissioner and IG Punjab. Police and Army there is currently holding the curfew and remain on high alert.

A spokesperson for the Interior Ministry stated the situation in Rawalpindi is under control and that Friday’s incident will be investigated through a judicial inquiry under a judge of the high court.

The curfew in Rawalpindi was briefly relaxed for half an hour between 6:00-6:30pm, and then again from 9:30pm to 1am. The curfew is expected to come back in force after 1am on November 17, however, it has not been announced for how long will the curfew last.

The Interior Ministry has also decided to suspend mobile networks in Islamabad from 1am to 2pm on November 17, while the networks will remain suspended indefinitely in Rawalpindi,Express News reported.

Section 144 in Faisalabad

Though the Ashura processions had concluded peacefully in Faisalabad, the authorities have imposed Section 144 in the city as a preemptive security measure.

Senior police officials had held meetings with peace committees of Ulema of various sects and urged them to help the administration keep peace on Friday.
Hazrat Ibrahim intended to sacrifice his son Ismael in the name of allah . Allah so much liked the commitment of Ibrahim that he made his practice to be remebered till eternity . Ibrahim was sacrificing Just one Son (whom Allah saved), But Imam hussain literally sacrificed all his family and only one son was left !! We sacrifice animals because Ibrahim did so . We cant sacrifice ourselves or our families as Imam Hussain did , If someone is committed enough and makes himself bleed a little to feel a small part of the pain that Imam Hussain and his family went through for the survival of religion , It is quite understandable .

Very logical. Except However, after the Hazrat Ibrahim sacrificing incident, it was commanded by Allah that people of faith (Muslims) shall now from this day forth sacrifice an animal (lamb preferably) in memory of Hazrat Ibrahim's devotion and love and faith in Allah.

We didn't choose to do it on our own. It came down from Allah, just as Fasting was ordered. So now, let me ask you, after Hazrat imam Hussain's shahadat and of his beloved family, did Allah ask Shias to beat and cut themselves? Or did they choose to do it on their own? And if it's the latter then how is it religiously significant?
Very logical. Except However, after the Hazrat Ibrahim sacrificing incident, it was commanded by Allah that people of faith (Muslims) shall now from this day forth sacrifice an animal (lamb preferably) in memory of Hazrat Ibrahim's devotion and love and faith in Allah.

We didn't choose to do it on our own. It came down from Allah, just as Fasting was ordered. So now, let me ask you, after Hazrat imam Hussain's shahadat and of his beloved family, did Allah ask Shias to beat and cut themselves? Or did they choose to do it on their own? And if it's the latter then how is it religiously significant?

Bro I am not a shia but I never had any difficulty in understanding the simple concept that why shia do Matam . Incident of kerbala took place almost five decades after the demise of prophet(pbuh) , so this argument that Its not in Quran or Hadith is out of question . And if you say that its a addition in religion , then its not . Islam is the religion for times till eternity , so only those things cant be added in religion which are clearly prohibited in Quran . And for a understanding , one must keep in mind that Quran was compiled into a book form by Hz Usman , Hadith compilation was done in the third century AH , Jamat of Taraweeh , Talaq e baina etc. concepts were all introduced later in the religion according to the need of time . This argument can go on infinitely , My point is that we should understand and respect Islamic interpretation of other sects too besides our own
One questions running through my mind, who provided petrol to attackers, which was used to torch the buildings.
The attack seemed pre-planed. Many people are caught on camera, will Pakistani Shia agree for the arrest of criminals, attacking security personals?

@Oscar why have you deleted my post? what hurt you most? 
Where are the people who always curse Pak army on this forum? and tell its job is on border! 

In the end those deo bands got a good lesson! or you think attackers should have carry on further?

I hope you have already seen pictures of attack and videos as well.

You are getting wrong from my post, important to tell that i mentioned in my post that we should rout out root cause of such incidents and violence. I am not Shiaa, Sunni, Deo-Band, Ehle Hadees or something like that, i respect Sahabaz, Ahle Beit, Salaat to wassalam, and love my prophet and i believe that God will prosecute me what i am thinking not any damn sectarian mentality personality. What i am here writing is observation in conclusions because these facts have strong ties with ethnic, religious and national cause or interests. This good lesson also hurts human beings, property of innocents, overall community, business environment so let us not step ahead with calling Good Lesson. Even if they were Deo-Band, they have families so we should put finger why this happened. Every fraction should live, preach, act in particular code of conduct and in frames of hurt-less, peaceful environment. Let's not forget who fueled these Deo-Band and Shiaas to such extent that now they are going out of society's control! One state institutions using them as jihadis manufacturing and other for geo-politic influencing factor respectively. Stones under water is clear what i said so need to draw them back to teach Quran but not let them carry gun to kill.
Bro I am not a shia but I never had any difficulty in understanding the simple concept that why shia do Matam . Incident of kerbala took place almost five decades after the demise of prophet(pbuh) , so this argument that Its not in Quran or Hadith is out of question . And if you say that its a addition in religion , then its not . Islam is the religion for times till eternity , so only those things cant be added in religion which are clearly prohibited in Quran . And for a understanding , one must keep in mind that Quran was compiled into a book form by Hz Usman , Hadith compilation was done in the third century AH , Jamat of Taraweeh , Talaq e baina etc. concepts were all introduced later in the religion according to the need of time . This argument can go on infinitely , My point is that we should understand and respect Islamic interpretation of other sects too besides our own

Stop here brother. This is not the place for this discussion, don't be a troll.

After reading this I must say Police should be replaced by Army and army should protect citizens in cities and towns and border should be protected by Jihadis as Jihadis doing better job at border, should replace army.
Administration will fail, if the do not capture the guilty and punish them publically...otherwise they succeeded in blocking terrorist attack.

Punishing the guilty is the next part. But what about the violence that has already happened? Couldn't that have been avoided? This is where the administration has failed.
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