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Violence in Rawapindi claims seven lives, 34 injured

I believe every word you wrote... and do not doubt a bit on what you state.
This country belong to those who believe in the guidance of our great Quaid.
Shia of Pakistan shall help to find a better solution for those processions, walking from one corner of city to other is not practical these days, and children shall be kept away.

Once, I met a drunken English soldier in a bar, he was drunk... we started chatting and obviously we started discussing the situation in Pakistan.... time about 2007-2008.
Long story short, he mentioned that according to his reliable connections the plan is to build uprisal using tribals, against army in FATA and than further on he gave me a fix date for this uprising.
I naturally, stopped talking and looked at his face in complete disbelief... he realized his mistake and walked away from me and never came back to me again.
Funny part, i didn't knew what to do where to report.... i did what i could but obviously i had no feed back.... and there was no uprisal on that day but guess what happened,,,, bomb blast on Shia procession in Lahore on that exact date. I don't know if it is connected to my story or it was just a random terror attack... but those days terror attacks were not so common.

Trust me, i swear to Allah, i have more stories of my short life.. which i cannot share here. including attack on us in Lahore and its investigation.
BTW.. I'm no practicing Muslim mostly belief.

he walked away because he knew the same tribal types have been azz-whipping them since 2001 when they made the suicidal mistake of invading Afghanistan
Human life should have most priority, not any procession or holy cow / horse.

If I'm the President, i will do what ever it takes to save human lives.... processions in current period are nothing less than a security risk... and **** to exploitation, as you pointed... that foreign elements were present.

Again, discussing some facts, i have been to every where in the world, Shias of Pakistan in west only curse Pakistan. They claim asylum by telling lies of having no religious freedom in Pakistan and western govt. give them asylum, as they were waiting for them.

Ironically, same people have no complaints when they are not even allowed to wear hijab, plus much more. While, having a holiday and making noise/disturbance is a far fetched theory.

BTW.. where do you keep looking for the figures you gave? I didn't knew of any census based on sects.

I agree with you that human life is the most precious thing and providing security to its citizen , is the basic responsibility of Pakistan govt. Under present situation , such processions are highly prone to terrorist attacks . But the point is that we should not try to stop Shia by using force , Its for their scholars and leaders to analyse the situation . These processions are a tradition which originated in Indian sub continent a few centuries ago and has got nothing to do with the original Shiaism of progeny of Imam Ali .

About the figures I gave , They are available easily everywhere . I need you to answer a simple question, but honestly . Deobandis and Shia are almost equal in numbers . Deobandis run 70 % of the total Madarassahs in Pakistan and Shia only 6 % . How can a sect making up one fifth of population run almost three fourths of the total madarassahs and mosques without any large scale foreign funding ?? That is the reason we dont like the Saudis generally !!!!
I agree with you that human life is the most precious thing and providing security to its citizen , is the basic responsibility of Pakistan govt. Under present situation , such processions are highly prone to terrorist attacks . But the point is that we should not try to stop Shia by using force , Its for their scholars and leaders to analyse the situation . These processions are a tradition which originated in Indian sub continent a few centuries ago and has got nothing to do with the original Shiaism of progeny of Imam Ali .

About the figures I gave , They are available easily everywhere . I need you to answer a simple question, but honestly . Deobandis and Shia are almost equal in numbers . Deobandis run 70 % of the total Madarassahs in Pakistan and Shia only 6 % . How can a sect making up one fifth of population run almost three fourths of the total madarassahs and mosques without any large scale foreign funding ?? That is the reason we dont like the Saudis generally !!!!

On a national basis -- the Saudis have been friends of Pakistan in the sense that they've helped us during war-time or during times of need (natural disasters)

if we have a sense of dignity we should ban ALL foreign madrassas from Pakistan; they arent religious schools, they are just centers for brain-washing.

all religious schools in Pakistan should be granted LICENSES to operate (this does happen but i would bet there's also corruption involved, kind of like how there's corruption in handing out weapons license for prohibited bore arms to people with money)

we need to do what Turkey does......the State must provide training and give licenses to religious leaders who head these madrassah centers....most of them are innocent places, but it only takes 10 or 20 madrasses to be enough to become a factory that produces sectarian/terrorist types
I'm from Lahore, i have never seen a madrasa... there is one near FC college but don't know, what exactly it is, but it exists from decades.

I have no knowledge of sects. other than what i learn here.
I'm from Lahore, i have never seen a madrasa... there is one near FC college but don't know, what exactly it is, but it exists from decades.

I have no knowledge of sects. other than what i learn here.

to be honest - i'm an observant Muslim but not obcessive to petty things like sect shmect BS

the less you delve into some of the history -- the better. Whats in the Quran and what's in the actions and conducts of major Islamic figureheads (learn the lessons and the morals they showed) and always do what in your heart is right thing

and when you come across a brain-washed moron (like some of the ones we have on this forum) just buy them a bottle of fanta, sit down with them and be a voice of reason
I'm from Lahore, i have never seen a madrasa... there is one near FC college but don't know, what exactly it is, but it exists from decades.

I have no knowledge of sects. other than what i learn here.

Deobandi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some 15 per cent of Pakistan's Sunni Muslims would consider themselves Deobandi and according to Heritage Online, nearly 65% of the total seminaries (Madrasah) in Pakistan are run by Deobandis, 25% by Barelvis, 6% by Ahle Hadith and 3% by various Shia organizations. The Deobandi movement in Pakistan was a major recipient of funding from Saudi Arabia from the early 1980s up until the early 2000s, whereby this funding was pulled in favor of the rival Ahl al-Hadith movement. Having seen Deoband as a counterbalance to Iranian influence in the region, Saudi funding is now stricly reserved for the Ahl al-Hadith

Shia population is more than 20 % and they run 3 % Madrassahs , Deobandi are 15 % and they run 65% Madrassahs . Decide for yourself that Iran is the culprit or is it KSA ?
Deobandi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some 15 per cent of Pakistan's Sunni Muslims would consider themselves Deobandi and according to Heritage Online, nearly 65% of the total seminaries (Madrasah) in Pakistan are run by Deobandis, 25% by Barelvis, 6% by Ahle Hadith and 3% by various Shia organizations. The Deobandi movement in Pakistan was a major recipient of funding from Saudi Arabia from the early 1980s up until the early 2000s, whereby this funding was pulled in favor of the rival Ahl al-Hadith movement. Having seen Deoband as a counterbalance to Iranian influence in the region, Saudi funding is now stricly reserved for the Ahl al-Hadith

Deobandi-e-hind movement in Pakistani/indo sub-continent -- those guys were against the Partition and Independence of Pakistan. . . so from a political standpoint, i don't care for them.
On a national basis -- the Saudis have been friends of Pakistan in the sense that they've helped us during war-time or during times of need (natural disasters)

if we have a sense of dignity we should ban ALL foreign madrassas from Pakistan; they arent religious schools, they are just centers for brain-washing.

all religious schools in Pakistan should be granted LICENSES to operate (this does happen but i would bet there's also corruption involved, kind of like how there's corruption in handing out weapons license for prohibited bore arms to people with money)

we need to do what Turkey does......the State must provide training and give licenses to religious leaders who head these madrassah centers....most of them are innocent places, but it only takes 10 or 20 madrasses to be enough to become a factory that produces sectarian/terrorist types

Spot on. I fail to see why govt has been so lenient on this issue. Allowing any foreign country be it Saudia or Iran to finance religious seminaries mean that you are allowing them direct influence in Pakistan. We need a more 'Pakistani' flavor of Shia and Sunni Islam which limits its discourse to Pakistan.
Spot on. I fail to see why govt has been so lenient on this issue. Allowing any foreign country be it Saudia or Iran to finance religious seminaries mean that you are allowing them direct influence in Pakistan. We need a more 'Pakistani' flavor of Shia and Sunni Islam which limits its discourse to Pakistan.

because of the slave mentality that exists among weaker-minded people with no sense of pride
You can't blame it on TTP
I yet have to read the responsibility claim of TTP on this issue.

Read again my post my friend. TTP is bigger terrorist group...i was talking about puppies of TTP like LeJ who has long been harassing & butchering innocent Shia Pakistanis. No one will remain calm for so long against targeted oppression...the Lava will explode & it will be catastrophic for Pakistan.

Following is the link where LeJ/SSP terrorists exposed their own face...still they are not been hunted? Because they have PML-N backing.

Also Shia Pakistanis had already said that because govt does nothing against terrorists so next time if LeJ or SSP terrorists attack them they will respond instead of waiting for govt.

A Message For Lashkar Jhangvi By Shia Youth - YouTube

I pray this lanat of sectarianism started by zia ul na haq die down soon. Ameen 
Shia population is more than 20 % and they run 3 % Madrassahs , Deobandi are 15 % and they run 65% Madrassahs . Decide for yourself that Iran is the culprit or is it KSA ?

Neither Iran nor KSA is culprit. zia ul na haq was the main culprit & now those Pakistanis who are supporting these groups. If you won't support these groups how will they function? Also the current govt is very weak & lenient on terrorist groups like TTP, BLA, LeJ & SSP...people of Pakistan need to pressurize govt to crush these groups ASAP.
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^^ In no way you can decide the matter by your self.
Security agencies have a job to do and they shall be respected.
Deobandi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Some 15 per cent of Pakistan's Sunni Muslims would consider themselves Deobandi and according to Heritage Online, nearly 65% of the total seminaries (Madrasah) in Pakistan are run by Deobandis, 25% by Barelvis, 6% by Ahle Hadith and 3% by various Shia organizations. The Deobandi movement in Pakistan was a major recipient of funding from Saudi Arabia from the early 1980s up until the early 2000s, whereby this funding was pulled in favor of the rival Ahl al-Hadith movement. Having seen Deoband as a counterbalance to Iranian influence in the region, Saudi funding is now stricly reserved for the Ahl al-Hadith

Shia population is more than 20 % and they run 3 % Madrassahs , Deobandi are 15 % and they run 65% Madrassahs . Decide for yourself that Iran is the culprit or is it KSA ?

Both are culprits and we are even bigger culprit who fall prey to their fundings, I have no doubts
Both are culprits and we are even bigger culprit who fall prey to their fundings, I have no doubts
Agreed , Its our fault . But going by the stats , KSA has to be blamed 20 times more than Iran!!
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In the world, Deoband movement is strong because of their focus on PURE DEEN. Not on sectarianism or tabarra.

You will find a Deoband madrassa in every major city in North America mashAllah. They are preserving the deen with the help of Allah.

Saudis supporting deobandi madrassas may be true but against Ahlul-hadeeth madrassas? No. Saudis would rather support their own ahlul-hadeeth before Deobandi madrassas. So that age old propaganda piece of saudis supporting such and such is just that propaganda from the anti-Deoband camp aka Barelvis, Shias and the Liberals.

Deobandis are responsible for the Jihadi movements that has helped the Muslims all over the world against oppressors including Irani backed oppression in Balochistan Iran and Afghanistan (Taliban) Mash'Allah.

Barelvis and liberals are the Muslim hippies who are too busy in fairy tales and sticking their heads in sand. They are of no use. They have given nothing back to this Ummah other than green turbans and halwas.

Before anyone labels me a wahabi, learn to respect the name of Allah Al-Wahab.
Deobandis are responsible for the Jihadi movements that has helped the Muslims all over the world

That is not true . This so called JIHAD by you people has done the greatest harm to Muslims in the entire Islamic history . Thanks to you people that "Muslim" and "Terrorist" have become synonyms in most of the dictionaries of the world

Barelvis and liberals are the Muslim hippies who are too busy in fairy tales and sticking their heads in sand. They are of no use. They have given nothing back to this Ummah othan green turbans and halwas.

That is hate speech !! No one will have any problem with deobandis if they stop calling everyone else "kaafir" and killing everyone who doesnt agree with them .
And there is no need to indulge in any sectarian discussion . so peace
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