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Violence in Rawapindi claims seven lives, 34 injured

The administration has failed. It doesn't matter who struck first and who struck second. Bottomline is lives are lost.
And to all that say, the maulana was calling shias kafir so the julus went nuts. So by that token the next time a shia calls the first 3 khalifas anything, we should just lynch them right. No. There is always a way of doing things. And the best way to avoid these things is to limit these possessions to certain areas.

Wah sir...
Sectarian terrorists groups should be banned, tortured &killed in order to save Pakistan. It is long time since terrorists like LeJ are targeting Shias & calling them kafirs. Obviously that lava had to explode.

@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Zakii @Oscar thread need cleanup.
Are you a muslim ? its highly advisable not to question religious practices of others . They do it because they find it worth doing . They dont cut themselves for their crimes but for the love of the family members of the prophet (pbuh). They do it to commemorate the sacrifice Imam Hussain made , so that the purpose of his sacrifice may live till eternity . It is just like as we commemorate the sacrifice made by Hazrat Ibrahim some 4000 years ago by sacrificing animals on Eid al Azha every year .

Yes, we sacrifice animals, not our child as Hazrat Abrahim tried to do. And sacrificing an animal to subject your body to such grave pain isn't even comparable.

Anyway, it seems the Shia members are saying they're doing it for the love. I don't think its a proper explanation as they maybe taking an easy way out, but it's their belief and I'll leave them to it. Once again didn't want to invoke any religious tension, just this question has bothered me for sometime.
Those of who of sectarian thoughts. I am currently only banning you from the thread. Further to this I will give you a time out from the forum unless you all learn to get along.
Videos are coming out:

Its the man in photos at 00:32 onwards
well compared to last year and other worse years this year went RELATIVELY better with least amount of violence.....it was only Karachi and Pindi that saw this bloodshed. Even in Kurram Agency or KPK by grace of God there were no untoward incidents

we do have a section of society (in real life as well as on internet) that aim to spread hate and confusion....the worst thing is the whole sectarian bravado where one side claims they are right and other is wrong. All this when both are reading the same Holy Book.

yes the same section has made pakistan & pakistani islam a joke a laughing stock even in other muslim countries ?
but thier thurst for blood , is still un finished ?
Once again, comparing apples and oranges. Fatwas of kufar and wajib ul katal, are they endorsed by Majority? No, That's why Shia's are able to do Jaloos every year in Pakistan. from last 67 years. Shia's are as religiously independent in Pakistan as any other sect of Islam.

Showing love to ahl e bayt is only restricted to 9th and 10th of muharram every year?

I dnt even know what are you blabbering about~!
Yes, we sacrifice animals, not our child as Hazrat Abrahim tried to do. And sacrificing an animal to subject your body to such grave pain isn't even comparable.

Hazrat Ibrahim intended to sacrifice his son Ismael in the name of allah . Allah so much liked the commitment of Ibrahim that he made his practice to be remebered till eternity . Ibrahim was sacrificing Just one Son (whom Allah saved), But Imam hussain literally sacrificed all his family and only one son was left !! We sacrifice animals because Ibrahim did so . We cant sacrifice ourselves or our families as Imam Hussain did , If someone is committed enough and makes himself bleed a little to feel a small part of the pain that Imam Hussain and his family went through for the survival of religion , It is quite understandable .
Sectarian terrorists groups should be banned, tortured &killed in order to save Pakistan. It is long time since terrorists like LeJ are targeting Shias & calling them kafirs. Obviously that lava had to explode.

@WebMaster @Aeronaut @Zakii @Oscar thread need cleanup.

You can't blame it on TTP
I yet have to read the responsibility claim of TTP on this issue.

The administration has failed. It doesn't matter who struck first and who struck second. Bottomline is lives are lost.

Administration will fail, if the do not capture the guilty and punish them publically...otherwise they succeeded in blocking terrorist attack. 
Hazrat Ibrahim intended to sacrifice his son Ismael in the name of allah . Allah so much liked the commitment of Ibrahim that he made his practice to be remebered till eternity . Ibrahim was sacrificing Just one Son (whom Allah saved), But Imam hussain literally sacrificed all his family and only one son was left !! We sacrifice animals because Ibrahim did so . We cant sacrifice ourselves or our families as Imam Hussain did , If someone is committed enough and makes himself bleed a little to feel a small part of the pain that Imam Hussain and his family went through for the survival of religion , It is quite understandable .

Try doing social work to the point that you start feeling pain. If you really wish too feel it.
Donate blood to thalassemia kids, if you need to spill your own blood, actually this is what we Muslims do.
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True colors come out! By now everyone should realize that no matter how sympathetic a person seems to be, they will show their true colors when such things come to light.

Be true to your words, don't be a coward or keep being a hypocrite hiding behind lies and deception.

and to those who are justifying this massacre because of "loud speaker" should be ashamed of yourselves. Mods included.
Unfortunately, it was general shia population who went into mosques and killed Muslim kids.

I yet have to read the responsibility claim of TTP on this issue. 

Administration will fail, if the do not capture the guilty and punish them publically...otherwise they succeeded in blocking terrorist attack.

We should be honest and admit that we are hypocrites . We condemn TTP but when the same TTP (Punjab wing ; LeJ,SSP) attack and kill shias , we think of them as Mujahids and feel happy in some dark corner of our heart .
We hate Talibans , but when the same Taliban kill Indians , Americans or even Afghans , They are our heroes !!

And from your posts , it is obvious that you dont consider Shias to be muslims , you use Shia / Muslim not Shia / Sunni . This approach is the precursor of all kinds of sectarian violence
An uneducated mullah is the greatest curse in our society. People have their own interpretation of kafir and mushrik on the basis of home made Hadees. If any scholar oppose them , he end up finding refuge in foreign country.......people like Ghamdi, Qadri etc etc ...now avoid taking the path of pushing people away from the road of extremism ....because now our leader call a dog shaheed ( Maulana Fazlur rahman on TV interview) , if it comes under drone attack.....Our nation really follow hypocrites, but that's was it given to us by our system.
Let's keep going on democratic path , someday we see better Pakistan inshallah. Be optimistic .
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Question: What does the Qur'an say about sectarian violence?

Modern-day violence among sects of Islam spring primarily from political, not religious, motives. The Qur'an is very clear in its guidance to Muslims that it is wrong to divide into sects and fight one another.

Answer: "As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you have no part of them in the least. Their affair is with Allah; He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did." (6:159)

"Surely, this brotherhood of yours is a single brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher. Therefore serve me and no other. But they broke their religion into sects among them; yet they will all return to Us." (21:92-93)

"And surely this brotherhood of your is a single brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher. Therefore fear Me and no other. But people have broken their religion into sects, each group rejoicing in that which is with them. But leave them in their confused ignorance for a time." (23:52-54)

"Turn back in repentance to Him, and fear Him. Establish regular prayers, and be not among those who ascribe partners to God -- those who split up their religion, and become mere sects, each party rejoicing in that which is with itself!" (30:31-32)

"The believers are but a single Brotherhood. So make peace and reconciliation between your two contending brothers, and observe your duty to God, that you may receive mercy." (49:10-11)

This Shia-Muslim tension that is being created now a days is mostly by design. Nobody can deny the problems that exist among us, that, this problem is within us and was started by us; but, now it is being exploited by the powers which have no stakes in the perpetuation or sustaining of Deen or it's practitioners.

It was experienced in Pakistan with force when USSR was sitting in Afghanistan and punishing us for participation in Afghan Jehad. These terrorist groups like Lahkar-e-Jhangavi, etc. were all funded by foreign powers (KGB, RAW & Khad). When the Superpower left our backyard; the funding dried-up and the groups went into oblivion. They resurfaced again once USA attacked Afghanistan.

Then, it started again, on a much larger scale. It started with Afghanistan, when US attacked with the help of Northern Alliance Warlords, many of them Shia. The kind of brutal revenge they exacted to Sunni Taliban is well documented. It will stay into the memories of Taliban for a long time and has definitely created a rift in relations between two communities. Northern Alliance were brought into positions of power in Karzai govt.

Similarly, In Iraq the Shia majority were brought into power; but a war was necessary to create friction between the two communities. Sunni Al-Zarqawi was imported from Jordan and a relatively unknown Shia Jingoist Moqtada-al Sadar was brought centre stage and into lime light. Majority of Shia community in Iraq followed Ayatollah Ali Sistani, who urged them to get their rights through peaceful demonstrations and democratic means, but he was not the staple of international media outlets who were only interested in showing a Civil War happening between two Islami sects. As it was not happening, two of the holiest sites in Iraq, one containing the Shrine of Imam Hasan-al-Askari were blown into pieces. Pakistani anthropologist Akbar S. Ahmed met former Iraqi ambassador to Jordan who said, "No Muslim, Shia or Sunni would ever think of destroying such a sacred mosque that had withstood some of world's bloodiest conquerors - even the Mongols". This act started a bloodbath that engulfed the whole country and ended in mass exodus of millions of Sunnis from Iraq to neighbouring countries, Jordan, Syria and Turkey, mostly. With them they took the bitter memories of how they were forced to leave their homes and spread these into their new home countries, mostly Sunni. Even in Iraq, no more mixed communities are in existence as in the times of dictator Saddam; and even those separate communities have gates and guards.

Similarly, now Western/Saudi funded FSA is on the loose to get the Shia Alawite regime of Syria. This will serve among other purposes the breakdown the supply to Shia Hezbollah in Lebanon, so, Israel would be able to attack Lebanon and Syria. It will stop the building of Planned Gas pipeline originating from Iran-Iraq-Syria-Mediterranean. The attack of Iran will look like a real possibility as the Hezbollah would have been de-fanged, so, Israel will be safer. There will be animosity between various communities in the Syria also.

The cultivation of hostilities between Shias and Sunni in Pakistan is the part of same plan to create arc of instability between Shias and Sunnis. Middle East with a population of about 300 million is roughly divided into half Shia and Half Sunni people. Pakistan has second largest population of Shias after Iran. This will help only enemies of Islam and Muslims as they become divided into sects and rejoice in that which is with them.

The real thing that we, Muslims, are supposed to do is : "The believers are but a single Brotherhood. So make peace and reconciliation between your two contending brothers, and observe your duty to God, that you may receive mercy." (49:10-11)
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