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Vietnam's Su-27s mount first Spratly patrols from Phu Cat

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ok then what about 1979 Sino-Veitnamese war
In that war, China got strong support from US, without US's satelite, China couldn't know what to do when entering Vn's soil.
The Chinese troop deployments were observed by US spy satellites, and the KH-9 Big Bird photographic reconnaissance satellite played an important role.[citation needed] In his state visit to the US in 1979, the Chinese paramount leader Deng Xiaoping was presented with this information and asked to confirm the numbers. He replied that the information was completely accurate. After this public confirmation in the U.S., the domestic Chinese media were finally allowed to report on these deployments
Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Moazam Khan said:
when Russia was on Vietnam's side but due to China's pressure she couldnot help Vietnamese.

we didn't need Soviet troops when fighting with mighty US, then of course we didn't need Soviet troops when fighting with China too.
Well i think you are oblivious of some facts .. please read Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All i am saying is that the area is disputed as China has also maps showing it her territory, So both adamant sides should find any diplomatic solution for this.

I don't know what you want to say about Sino-Vietnam war in 1979? Do you want to say Soviet didn't help VN? If so, I can say that the Soviet didn't need to fight directly against China to help VN. We also didn't want that. And now, too, we don't expect any country to fight for us.

About maps of China, the claims greedy "nine-dashed line" of China began to appear only in the year 1947-1948. It is not a "ancient" map.
Declaration "nine-dashed line" greed and unfounded of China on SCS is the cause of all disputes.

The nine-dotted line, U-shape line, or nine-dash map (Chinese: 南海九段线; pinyin: nánhǎi jiǔduàn xiàn; literally "Nine division lines of the South China Sea"; Vietnamese: Đường lưỡi bò; literally: "ox's tongue line") refers to the demarcation line used by the government of the People's Republic of China for its claim in the South China Sea, an area including the Paracel Islands (occupied by China but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan) and Spratly Islands disputed by the Philippines, China, Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam, who each either claim all or part of the Spratlys, which are believed to sit on vast mineral resources, including oil.[1] According to Chinese sources the line first appeared in February 1948 as an eleven-dotted U-shape line in a map appearing in a private publication in the Republic of China.[2]

Nine-dotted line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, Japan invaded two islands of Vietnam and all Vietnam, and many other countries in Southeast Asia and Asia. Then she just surrendered after the US and Soviet defeat her. Remember that without the US and Soviet Union, China cannot defeat Japan.
After Japan surrendered to the Allies, the occupied territories by Japan to return to the previous national ownership.

Japan invaded indochina in 1940, way after the start of WWII. Japan invaded China in 1937 and invaded south China in 1938, along with those islands.
Japan invaded indochina in 1940, way after the start of WWII. Japan invaded China in 1937 and invaded south China in 1938, along with those islands.

1938, France Governor established two Radio stations in Pattle Island and Itu Aba Island (Cochin station).
1939 Japan invaded Islands for preparing to invade South-East Asia..
By 4th April 1939, France Governor has been protested and condemned Japan's invasion.
In that war, China got strong support from US, without US's satelite, China couldn't know what to do when entering Vn's soil.

we didn't need Soviet troops when fighting with mighty US, then of course we didn't need Soviet troops when fighting with China too.

yeah correct russsia will not send even one person to fight for vietnam they only want to sell their weapons and called it help that s all. they dont really care much of your country, is it your delusion that russia is a really friend
yeah correct russsia will not send even one person to fight for vietnam they only want to sell their weapons and called it help that s all. they dont really care much of your country, is it your delusion that russia is a really friend
Hehe, we don't even have money to buy Russia's weapon, so it's so great to get Russia's weapon on creadit already. we can't ask for more from our big boss.

btw: if we can unify the whole ASEAN region, then we will get rich and have enough hard cash to buy Russia's weapon, and US's "allies" Thailand-Singapore will be forced to buy Russia's weapon instead of US-China's ones. So, Russia will help VN to unify ASEAN at all cost inorder to sell more weapons and get Rich :P
Japan invaded indochina in 1940, way after the start of WWII. Japan invaded China in 1937 and invaded south China in 1938, along with those islands.

Yes, Japan invaded two archipelagos Paracels and Spratlys from Vietnam - France, not from China.
Before Japan occupied, Vietnamese feudal state has managed two archipelagos for long time without using any force to capture. Under the French colonial period, the two archipelagos still under the control of Vietnam-France, as a France colony.
Before WW2, China has never controlled any island in the two archipelagos.
Hehe, we don't even have money to buy Russia's weapon, so it's so great to get Russia's weapon on creadit already. we can't ask for more from our big boss.

btw: if we can unify the whole ASEAN region, then we will get rich and have enough hard cash to buy Russia's weapon, and US's "allies" Thailand-Singapore will be forced to buy Russia's weapon instead of US-China's ones. So, Russia will help VN to unify ASEAN at all cost inorder to sell more weapons and get Rich :P

LOL at delusional moron , i suggest you try to get your :rofl:country into world top 50 economy first
They noticed our bombing exercises against Spratly reefs and they are afraid. But these foreign-imported fighters can't save them either. They have forgotten our air-defense destroyers and frigates have a sustained forward presence in the Spratlys.
we didn't need Soviet troops when fighting with mighty US, then of course we didn't need Soviet troops when fighting with China too.

You need China help to defeat the mighty American. Ho Chin Minh trail to support supply from China into South and North Vietnam. It was the gurantee of China that US soliders never dare to venture into North Vietnam and Hanoi and they stay in South Vietnam only.

Thank you China!!!
You need China help to defeat the mighty American. Ho Chin Minh trail to support supply from China into South and North Vietnam. It was the gurantee of China that US soliders never dare to venture into North Vietnam and Hanoi and they stay in South Vietnam only.

Thank you China!!!
You China can't even free small Taiwan from US, so how could you help us to defeat US in South VN ??

US soliders never dare to venture into North Vietnam just bcz they're scared of nuclear war may happen if Soviet sent soem nuke warhead to VN. US even dare to rob your Taiwan so let alone your'protection' to North VN:coffee:
kalayaan said:
Good job Vietnam, sky patrol for the Spratlys.

If we can get more closer military ties, maybe you can also use the Phil airstrip on Pag-asa island.

Once the affairs are settled, I'm sure the future when Spratlys becomes a zone of peace and friendship amongst multinationals will come true.

Vietnam backs PHL-proposed Spratlys peace zone | GMA News Online | The Go-To Site for Filipinos Everywhere
Right, VN-Phil-Malaysia-Brunei must resolve the dispute peacefully, and we must unite to fight against China's aggression :tup:
You need China help to defeat the mighty American. Ho Chin Minh trail to support supply from China into South and North Vietnam. It was the gurantee of China that US soliders never dare to venture into North Vietnam and Hanoi and they stay in South Vietnam only.

Thank you China!!!

Dude, ingratitude is inherrent in Viets.
Even before the Vietnam war China backed the Viets in their decisive victory at Dien Bien Phu - the heavy artillery that smashed the French were captured by PVA soldiers from the USA and given to Vietnam. We gave them rice, guns, soldiers while we ourselves were poor. But it would be too much to ask the Viets for gratitude.
Dude, ingratitude is inherrent in Viets.
Even before the Vietnam war China backed the Viets in their decisive victory at Dien Bien Phu - the heavy artillery that smashed the French were captured by PVA soldiers from the USA and given to Vietnam. We gave them rice, guns, soldiers while we ourselves were poor. But it would be too much to ask the Viets for gratitude.
Bcz communist China declared to be a branch of Communist block in order to get support from other communist nation during Long March, so of course you must help VN to return the favor, that's all.

No one forces you to be a branch of communist, don't forget who supported your chair man Mao during Long march, your damn poor China peasants couldn't won the civil war by yourselves :coffee:
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