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Vietnam's Su-27s mount first Spratly patrols from Phu Cat

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Su 30 & SU 27 antiques planes? :rofl: they are way superior to your copycat metal boxes called J10B & J15 ... :lol:

good and bad news ,the good news is those antiques planes can be used as live target practice, the bad news is even when we shoot all of them down is it not something to be proud of:azn:
what made you believe that your sorry Taiwane AF can match with our AF ?? do your pilots have any real experience like our ?? Don't forget our Mig-21 with super ACE pilots shot down B-52 that well protected by F-4, F-111.

So I guess the guys fighting in Vietnam war against the US are still flying for VietCong airforce?

We don't advocate using force to resolve disputes with Taiwan in Truong Sa islands. We will negotiate peacefully with Taipei to get back the island. We let Taiwanese AF focus to counter PLAF...

Vietcong fired on the Taiwanese island a while back. If Vietcong dare to make the same mistake again, vietcong will be forced out of Spratlys by the Taiwanese navy and air force.
So I guess the guys fighting in Vietnam war against the US are still flying for VietCong airforce?
Our ACE pilots can train our new ones to fight as well as them when your sorry AF has No one know how to fight in real combat, same like with those poor China pilots :P.

btw: our AF also have more advantage in the distance to Spratly , so your AF and China AF simple have No chance to match with us.

faithfulguy said:
Vietcong fired on the Taiwanese island a while back. If Vietcong dare to make the same mistake again, vietcong will be forced out of Spratlys by the Taiwanese navy and air force.
Mistake ?? we fired at you in Itu-aba, and what can you do now ??how to forced us our when you're surrounded ??don't forget we control 40 isl and shoals there.:coffee:
Our ACE pilots can train our new ones to fight as well as them when your sorry AF has No one know how to fight in real combat, same like with those poor China pilots :P.

btw: our AF also have more advantage in the distance to Spratly , so your AF and China AF simple have No chance to match with us.

Taiwan controlled the largest island in the Spratlys. It does not need to fly planes from Taiwan. It has a air strip there that is capable of land a C-130.

Taiping Island is the largest of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, and the only one where fresh water is available.

Also, Vietcong navy cannot handle Taiwanese navy. Does Vietcong have anything like the La Fayette class frigate or operate even a single destroyer? I don't think so.

Also, you should ask the Chinese members how China matched up with Vietnam navy back in the 1980s, when the so call Vietcong warriors that fought the US were still alive.
So I guess the guys fighting in Vietnam war against the US are still flying for VietCong airforce?

Vietcong fired on the Taiwanese island a while back. If Vietcong dare to make the same mistake again, vietcong will be forced out of Spratlys by the Taiwanese navy and air force.

Taipei should return Ba Binh island to Vietnam, then Taipei to focus on the protection of Taiwan island. The island so remote as Ba Binh doesn't bring any benefit to Taiwan. Moreover, Taiwan's inability to protect the island far away to 1500km.
Taiwan controlled the largest island in the Spratlys. It does not need to fly planes from Taiwan. It has a air strip there that is capable of land a C-130.

Taiping Island is the largest of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, and the only one where fresh water is available.
Pls get back to life dude, your air strip will be destroyed by our Scud-D missile(range off 900km ) when war happen.
Also, Vietcong navy cannot handle Taiwanese navy. Does Vietcong have anything like the La Fayette class frigate or operate even a single destroyer? I don't think so.

Also, you should ask the Chinese members how China matched up with Vietnam navy back in the 1980s, when the so call Vietcong warriors that fought the US was still alive.
Did you forget that we even have Shaddock missile (range of 550km )that can sink a supper carrier in single shot ?? and we also have lots of Yakhont too, so how can your cheap La Fayette class frigate counter our missiles ??
Taiwan controlled the largest island in the Spratlys. It does not need to fly planes from Taiwan. It has a air strip there that is capable of land a C-130.

Taiping Island is the largest of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, and the only one where fresh water is available.

Also, Vietcong navy cannot handle Taiwanese navy. Does Vietcong have anything like the La Fayette class frigate or operate even a single destroyer? I don't think so.

Also, you should ask the Chinese members how China matched up with Vietnam navy back in the 1980s, when the so call Vietcong warriors that fought the US was still alive.

Chiang Kai-shek took advantage of the chaos in WW2, Chiang army illegally occupied Ba Binh Island of Vietnam in 1946.
For reference on this, review the topic:
Pls get back to life dude, your air strip will be destroyed by our Scud-D missile(range off 900km ) when war happen.

Did you forget that we even have Shaddock missile (range of 550km )that can sink a supper carrier in single shot ?? and we also have lots of Yakhont too, so how can your cheap La Fayette class frigate counter our missiles ??

too bad that you don't have boats to carry any of these missiles. also you don't have radar to detect stealthy ship such as the la fayette class. Don't be jealous and sour grape about the Taiwanese navy. Finally, US will side with Taiwan in a conflict with Vietnam.And the irony is that PLAN would also side with Taiwan. So that is game over for Vietcong.
too bad that you don't have boats to carry any of these missiles. also you don't have radar to detect stealthy ship such as the la fayette class. Don't be jealous and sour grape about the Taiwanese navy. Finally, US will side with Taiwan in a conflict with Vietnam.And the irony is that PLAN would also side with Taiwan. So that is game over for Vietcong.

If Taipei concentrate its navy to the Spratly Islands to pick a fight with Vietnam, China will take opportunity to invade Taiwan. America never standing for Taiwan in the Spratlys claims, because Uncle Sam doesn't support the greed of Taipei. Greed of Taipei claims no less to Beijing's greed. And Uncle Sam doesn't love this greed.
China has always made concessions on her border claims in Past to secure its borders and she will try to manage this dispute with negotiations as well because this is not the right time for China to get into loggerhead with anyone.
If Taipei concentrate its navy to the Spratly Islands to pick a fight with Vietnam, China will take opportunity to invade Taiwan. America never standing for Taiwan in the Spratlys claims, because Uncle Sam doesn't support the greed of Taipei. Greed of Taipei claims no less to Beijing's greed. And Uncle Sam doesn't love this greed.

Trust me, China would not invade Taiwan if Taiwan is locked in a conflict with Vietcong. If anything, China would assist Taiwan to repel Vietcong sneaky attacks like what happened earlier this year. Vietcong is no different than North Korea in doing sneaky attacks.

Also, if Vietcong attack Taiwanese hold island or ships. The international community would support Taiwan against Vietcong aggression. This would include the US. US knows that Vietcong would try to control the Malacca strait and would do whatever it takes to prevent this from happening.
China has always made concessions on her border claims in Past to secure its borders and she will try to manage this dispute with negotiations as well because this is not the right time for China to get into loggerhead with anyone.

China has never controlled the Spratly Islands. In 1988, she used force to invade few coral reefs in Spratlys from Vietnam.
About Taiwan, Taipei only began occupying an island in the archipelago since 1946, following Japan surrendered to Allies. In 1938, Japan invaded Spratlys islands from Vietnam.
Based on the power to require the territory of other countries is not consistent with the world today.
Trust me, China would not invade Taiwan if Taiwan is locked in a conflict with Vietcong. If anything, China would assist Taiwan to repel Vietcong sneaky attacks like what happened earlier this year. Vietcong is no different than North Korea in doing sneaky attacks.

Also, if Vietcong attack Taiwanese hold island or ships. The international community would support Taiwan against Vietcong aggression. This would include the US. US knows that Vietcong would try to control the Malacca strait and would do whatever it takes to prevent this from happening.

Explain to me about the thousands of missiles are targeted at Taipei and Kaohsiung?

Sneak attack? That is just one of Taipei's misinformation to mislead Beijing. Trust me, no have any so-called "fired on the island."

Unfortunately for Taiwan, the international community doesn't allow her as a UN member. So don't be so greedy, the international community will not support the claims of unreasonable and greed of Taipei.
too bad that you don't have boats to carry any of these missiles. also you don't have radar to detect stealthy ship such as the la fayette class. Don't be jealous and sour grape about the Taiwanese navy. Finally, US will side with Taiwan in a conflict with Vietnam.And the irony is that PLAN would also side with Taiwan. So that is game over for Vietcong.
Oh man, with the range of 550km, it's enough to keep your cheap La Fayette class frigate away from SCS(east sea) elready.

We even have Radar to detect stealth air craft, so detecting your warships is just a piece of cake.

US never support you bcz US soliders don't wanna die in VN war again:P. China coward never dare to attack us if having No US-Russia's support.
If Taipei concentrate its navy to the Spratly Islands to pick a fight with Vietnam, China will take opportunity to invade Taiwan. America never standing for Taiwan in the Spratlys claims, because Uncle Sam doesn't support the greed of Taipei. Greed of Taipei claims no less to Beijing's greed. And Uncle Sam doesn't love this greed.

china isn't going to attack Taiwan it's better intact then destroyed, uncle sam would support taiwan over vietnam china as well will support taipei.
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