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Vietnamese military parade 2010 VS Chinese parade 2009

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most dangerous weapon we have

Many poor US guys kiss good bye their life with this weapon :smokin:

You will pay for it hardly in the future, keep proud and see!!!:)
You must stop your soft tongue and focus on what I asked you above!!!

Where are those weapons come from?????
We bought them by our Own money, or buy the license to manufacture.

just wait for 10 or 20 years more, we may can invent some kind of weapon.
We bought them by our Own money, or buy the license to manufacture.

just wait for 10 or 20 years more, we may can invent some kind of weapon.

:lol: "buy" :lol:

You are absolutely reproducing the original version of the old rifles the U.S. left in Vietnam, where was your self-esteem Yuon!?

Are you trying to blackmail China using those fancy metal sticks!? :lol:

Since when we been selling M4 to communist nations!

This is the most lame joke I've heard!!!!

Keep trolling!!! :lol:
Vietnam's flag kinda looks... you know. There was also something about the military uniform that I couldn't quite...

Vietnam's flag is created in 1940 in the South Vietnam.
China's flag is invented in ... 1949 :woot:

most dangerous weapon we have

Many poor US guys kiss good bye their life with this weapon :smokin:

God, you think you can destroy the whole PLA with that thing????

Since when we been selling M4 to communist nations!

It's CAR-15 in Vietnam War with some updates of M4 MK.18 so Vietnamese call it as M18 :D

We bought them by our Own money, or buy the license to manufacture.

just wait for 10 or 20 years more, we may can invent some kind of weapon.

I still hope Vietnamese Industry can "copy" air planes and fighters.
:lol: "buy" :lol:

You are absolutely reproducing the original version of the old rifles the U.S. left in Vietnam, where was your self-esteem Yuon!?

Are you trying to blackmail China using those fancy metal sticks!? :lol:

This is the most lame joke I've heard!!!!

Keep trolling!!! :lol:

hehe, for the M-4 my govt. didn't say any thing, and US. also keep quiet, so, we don't know how VN have it, but at least, we have to Buy M4 bullets from US :lol:
long v&#7929 said:
God, you think you can destroy the whole PLA with that thing????
At least we could Trap Mr.Colin Powell of US by booby trap, during his duty in Vietnam :lol
Everything Chinese made if it looks like from others mean "copying"!?

Great Viet's philosophy!!! :lol:

hey Khmer, you can explain the similarity of images, so you explain how U.S. and Russian weapons are rare similarity ?
We bought them by our Own money, or buy the license to manufacture.

just wait for 10 or 20 years more, we may can invent some kind of weapon.


Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;1942592 said:
It's CAR-15 in Vietnam War with some updates of M4 MK.18 so Vietnamese call it as M18 :D

Good, thanks so much for the confession :D

Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;1942592 said:
I still hope Vietnamese Industry can "copy" air planes and fighters.

Again, a very real confession from Vietnamese!!! ^_^

hehe, for the M-4 my govt. didn't say any thing, and US. also keep quiet, so, we don't know how VN have it, but at least, we have to Buy M4 bullets from US :lol:

Oh did I hit your nerve, if so I am so sorry for that okay, also thanks for the confession about your fancy riffle!!! But hey, you can product the riffles but still need importing the bullets for it!? :rofl:

At least we could Trap Mr.Colin Powell of US by booby trap, during his duty in Vietnam :lol

Yeah that's why he loves Vietnam so much, let wait and see how he and his fellows love your Vietnam in the future!!! :lol:

Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;1942660 said:
Just don't know how can Vietnam get M4 MK.18 updates and bullets???

Trying to being a naive!? They made that right in the backyard of your Ba Dinh president palace!!! The bullets were collected in old battle fields!!! :lol:

The Chinese people have smaller eyes, narrower, so I think they are dimmer

So the Viet don't have slip eyes!? Tell that to your master Japanese for earning more donations oaky!!! :lol:

hey Khmer, you can explain the similarity of images, so you explain how U.S. and Russian weapons are rare similarity ?

Oh were something damage your brain before, do you even know what you are talking about!?

That's exactly what your point of view about Chinese weapons above so I just examine you to know how your view about yourself!?
Interesting, Vietnamese members appear on this forum follow Chinese members.
Then, follow the Vietnamese are Cambodian.
It's getting more and more interesting, I wonder who would be the next?

//It appears that the Vietnamese have found their "tail" on this defense.pk forum. Vietnamese people were victims of Chinese, and Cambodian people were victims of Vietnamese :D
You guys are like little kids..

"My daddy can swim four miles"
" My daddy can swim five.."

Holy crap.. look at each other's size.. and respective economies..
look at each other's histories..

this section, Love Moderator. Sometime I also think so, we are like kids

China went through a turbulent internal reform.. but unlike vietnam.. did not find itself bombed , invaded by two western powers.

yes, Yes, but Japan.

Vietnam CANNOT.. or possibly ever match China militarily.. economically or attain the same lifestyle in the same timeframe.

Agree. WE always say: Vietnam is a developing country, most people are still poor. China is better than Vietnam, but I haven't thought China is a good country because of China's GDP/ capita, and its internal problems

The Vietnamese people have been through hell...
You cant expect them ever to become like the Chinese .. nor should Vietnamese ever think of comparing themselves with the Chinese.

What do you mean??? Economic, military???? Agree, as I said before. Other things I do not think so. We talked a lot in the other topic, you can read it everytime

Why not???? :blink: You're too subjective, dear Mod

I need not expect, now my life is too good to compare to many Chinese. But overall I think that Vietnam should strive more

Territorial an cultural issues aside.. both have more to gain from each other than to lose.
and in this case.. plain and simple.. Vietnam will lose more if it confronts China headon.
This is not 79.. this is 2011.. China's military has changed, its people have changed..
The same goes for Vietnam.. the priorities should be different.

- Yeah, now, VietNam is not 1979, this is 2011 Vietnam's military has changed, its people have changed.... and Other things have changed.
I don't hesitate to tell you, in 1979 Vietnam was a dead-end country, at the same time it had two battles. but the results you have seen it

- Vietnam will lose more, but China will smile???? No, China will also lose no less. As I said: WE always respect China but there is no word "fear" :coffee:
I think if Vietnamese can have an armed uprising against its regime in Hanoi and form a pro-China government, then China should be willing to help its development.

Crazy guy, too crazy, You China goverment should take care of the current regime. If one day Vietnamese can have an armed rebellion against its regime in Hanoi. Trust me, China does not have an grass there
You must stop your soft tongue and focus on what I asked you above!!!

Where are those weapons come from?????

You don't dare to show your face as Chinese, too degraded for you.

you yourself should stop wearing the mask, You're ashamed that you are Chinese, so you wear someone else's mask? right?

Using a mask to attack Vietnamese, that's all what you can do :lol::lol: I'm not strange your policy division

Talking like a mooncalf, not know what is called "dishonourable".

hide your head, poor kid. fie for shame! :coffee:
Exactly, it's copy. Ant15, waiting for your ID is banned again :lol::lol::lol:
Hey, he have the right to talk, we respect him if he's a real Khmer Fighter . Let him understand that: VNese and Cambodian are living peacefuly together, people can not keep ling with hatred, we need more foods, more money than hating each other.:cheers:
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