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Vietnamese military parade 2010 VS Chinese parade 2009

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You guys are like little kids..

"My daddy can swim four miles"
" My daddy can swim five.."

I don't agree.

It is damn childish to say:

"My daddy can swim four miles"
"My daddy can swim five.."

but when the conversion is:

"My daddy can swim four miles"
"My daddy can swim across the English Channel"

the total meaning is completely different.
Furthermore, the PLA soldiers appeared in the 1984 military parade were mostly the veterans from the battlefield against Vietnam back in 1979.

But lack of confident in battle cost lives man!

Anyways in Viet opinions, they reason:

1- Chinese can't make good civilian products so the Chinese cannot fight well!!!

2-China in size is more bigger than the Vietnam, so when a big country fight with a smaller one, the big is wrong, the World will support Vietnam but China!!!

3- Vietnamese reason becuz their country located next to China so they can never be developed, Chinese will push them down to the bottom; the only way to deal with it is dragging China down to the bottom with them!!! :D

4- Vietnam has nothing to scare, they indeed have nothing to loose, they are more confident to fight than the Chinese if the conflict occurs!!!

5- Off course the Viet cannot win China in one to one battle but their priority point is to make China a largest scale of casualties as much as they can!!!

6- Making China loosing face would shining the Viet reputation in World affairs!!! :D
3- Vietnamese reason becuz their country located next to China so they can never be developed, Chinese will push them down to the bottom; the only way to deal with it is dragging China down to the bottom with them!!! :D

I think if Vietnamese can have an armed uprising against its regime in Hanoi and form a pro-China government, then China should be willing to help its development.
I think if Vietnamese can have an armed uprising against its regime in Hanoi and form a pro-China government, then China should be willing to help its development.

Sorry but the Army hate Chinese most, only VCP like your CCP.
Then noway can have an armed uprising against its regime in Hanoi and form a pro-China government,

what the really hell videos of PLA parade. enjoy it..
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:azn:Vietnam want to copy the chinese parade.
I think the most impressive part of chinese parade is not the marching, but the arms inspection by chairman Hu before the marching.
It took so long just like never ending! And every thing is made in china.
(Started from 2:25 to the end.)
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You guys are like little kids..

"My daddy can swim four miles"
" My daddy can swim five.."

Holy crap.. look at each other's size.. and respective economies..
look at each other's histories..

China went through a turbulent internal reform.. but unlike vietnam.. did not find itself bombed , invaded by two western powers.
Vietnam CANNOT.. or possibly ever match China militarily.. economically or attain the same lifestyle in the same timeframe.
The Vietnamese people have been through hell...
You cant expect them ever to become like the Chinese .. nor should Vietnamese ever think of comparing themselves with the Chinese.
Territorial an cultural issues aside.. both have more to gain from each other than to lose.
and in this case.. plain and simple.. Vietnam will lose more if it confronts China headon.
This is not 79.. this is 2011.. China's military has changed, its people have changed..
The same goes for Vietnam.. the priorities should be different.
This is not 79.. this is 2011.. China's military has changed, its people have changed..
Yes, and America's attitude has changed also, they don't support CHina any more, and CHina have to face with US now, can CHina fight against US. when US never return Taiwan to CHina, and they also protect their benefit in Seat sea ??

Big men will have Big enemies , my friend .:)
The parade clones "some" Russian weapons :enjoy:


I think the most impressive part of chinese parade is not the marching, but the arms inspection by chairman Hu before the marching.
It took so long just like never ending! And every thing is made in china.
(Started from 2:25 to the end.)

Then imagine the 2019 military parade. Hopefully it is going to be more epic than this one, at least our weapon inventory will be improved by a lot.
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yeah yeah Chinese weapons in our parade I do not deny that :D But, Your parade has Russian weapons. =]]

Name one Russia weapon in our 2009 parade. Don't be shy now Viet.
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