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Vietnam to Get Sub Fleet in 6 Years: State Media

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in 1988 our inlfation rate was 600 %, now it's only 20% , that's so good already :coffee:

but not good enough for the could be EU investors :lol:

Vietnam losing attraction: European business group — EUbusiness - legal, business and economic news from Europe and the EU

(HANOI) - Vietnam is losing its attraction as a regional investment destination because of trade restrictions, new regulatory burdens and economic instability, the European Chamber of Commerce said Thursday.

"European investors' confidence in Vietnam is going down," Alain Cany, chairman of EuroCham, told reporters at the launch of an annual review of trade and investment issues in Vietnam.

While the fast-growing nation was an investment priority five years ago, businesses are finding increasingly attractive options elsewhere, such as Indonesia, which is a larger market where the business climate has recently improved.

"We believe that Vietnam has its back against the wall," Cany said.
but not good enough for the could be EU investors :lol:

they lent money to our state owned shipbuilding company named Vinashin, when this company went bankrupt , they can not get their loan back bcz that company can not pay (even we just borrow 9 billions from Russia).so their investor feel up set, tha's all :coffee:
they lent money to our state owned shipbuilding company named Vinashin, when this company went bankrupt , they can not get their loan back bcz that company can not pay (even we just borrow 9 billions from Russia).so their investor feel up set, tha's all :coffee:

and when "investors" gets "upset" and other "options are available", it spells trouble. :coffee:
Star√ation;2409464 said:
It's also shameful for Chinese to show their superiority over Vietnamese. Have you ever forgot about Taiwan, Japan, the Opium War, Nanjing massacre... Vietnam is such a small state for Chinese got headache all the time.

The past is always the past, even US in past got bullied by not only the Brits, but also the Spaniards.

Just go to ask Japan to start another war with us, i bet their anime emo boys gonna start to sh!t their pants.
they lent money to our state owned shipbuilding company named Vinashin, when this company went bankrupt , they can not get their loan back bcz that company can not pay (even we just borrow 9 billions from Russia).so their investor feel up set, tha's all :coffee:

Oh oh... that is bad, please do not let Standard & Poor, and Moody know about this. They will downgrade your sovereign rating by at least 2 ranks!
Oh oh... that is bad, please do not let Standard & Poor, and Moody know about this. They will downgrade your sovereign rating by at least 2 ranks!
heheh, they knew it clearly
Vietnam loss-making shipbuilding giant sued in London
Thứ hai, ngày 14 tháng 11 năm 2011 cập nhật lúc 15:23

A Dutch company has filed a lawsuit in a London court, against Vietnam state-owned shipping giant Vinashin, and 21 of its Vietnamese subsidiaries.

According to a BBC report, the Commercial Court under the Court Queen’s Bench on November 1 received a lawsuit filed by Elliott VIN Netherlands BV, a source from the court confirmed on Tuesday.
The content of the lawsuit will be confidential until the defendants confirm that they are being sued, the source said.
Observers said that the lawsuit could be about a loan of approximately US$600 million in bonds that Vinashin had borrowed from the UK-based hedge fund Elliott Advisors, which was supposed to be paid back in 10 semi-annual installments until 2015.
Vietnam loss-making shipbuilding giant sued in London
But they can not downgrade VN, we're important key in their Containing China plan :coffee:
Obambam said:
and when "investors" gets "upset" and other "options are available", it spells trouble.
They don't wanna lose a friend that can help them to contain China :coffee:
They don't wanna lose a friend that can help them co contain China :coffee:

Vietnam is like a doorway through to the gold mine, not quite the friend you self proclaimed to be. Hence Russia is using you to generate fear to boost its arms sale. America is coming back to curb your hegemonic enthusiasm as well as to sell you overpriced technology and China is being invited by all of your close neighbours to keep your rear in check and of course China too is selling arms so ASEAN countries as well as your close neighbours and friends so they can better protect themselves. They all know what Vietnam is like when it tries to bite. Vietnam is truly controlled and contained. EU investors will simply go to wherever deems fit for trade and Indonesia is looking good right now. :coffee:
Vietnam is like a doorway through to the gold mine, not quite the friend you self proclaimed to be. Hence Russia is using you to generate fear to boost its arms sale. America is coming back to curb your hegemonic enthusiasm as well as to sell you overpriced technology and China is being invited by all of your close neighbours to keep your rear in check and of course China too is selling arms so ASEAN countries as well as your close neighbours and friends so they can better protect themselves. They all know what Vietnam is like when it tries to bite. Vietnam is truly controlled and contained. EU investors will simply go to wherever deems fit for trade and Indonesia is looking good right now. :coffee:
Heheh, Okey, we're surrounded, so tell your vice president and your "ASEAN friends" to attack our nuclear plant now :lol:

Oh wait, I think VNese in Laos-Camb wanna attack China instead of VN :lol:
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Star√ation;2409502 said:
Whatsoever, we even do not need to know how to build, assemble or design...
The only thing and also the best thing we can do is learning how to use it and drive any foreign intruders. That's all. That's exactly the case for the Vietnam war and the 1979 border conflict.

Stop your lame masturbation, how many time I have heard that paranoid from your vietnamese``?

You can't have an innovation about creating and producing a weapon so how could you "play"' its better than somebody had invented it??? Talk that ways to your master russian or indian or anybody who could make weapons themselves to earn a big slaps for downgrading their achievements!!!

Second, your vietnamse are always big mouth and self advertising about yourself as if you are too independent in your national defense, here you say the 180 degree opposite thing without any hesitate and brain-work, when facing challenges, anything your viets could do is going out to seek (or even BEG) for help, it is obviously telling us that you are heavily dependable on your supporters, if they happy they will throw you some donations, if they hate you then you have to masturbate yourself to feel safer just like you have been doing these days! So how thick face you are every time you toasting about your might in front of the world!?

Today is 2011, not few thousand years ago where people fight with sticks and stones, and even if we are now in that age I bet the cavemen would beat you out the sh!t because those people know how use sticks and stones very well``! or you may piss in your pants if you face a rhino with his horn on the head, he knows how to use his "weapon" better than you``

Who say Chinese are AQs``???? That must be used to define your viets better!!! endless and lengthy viets never accept to admit your weakness, the only excellent job you could do is exaggerating!!!

Four times less than our average income and fed to the fishes by our navy in 1988, only in Vietnam.

Huge amount of warships and chinese prorates attacked on Vietnamese sailors who protected their island. Only dirty Chinese do that.
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60 kids in 16 sits of bus. It's only in china.:P

Your shameless trolling here just telling world how clownish your viets!!!

The accident was obvious a human mistake there are nothing relate to the bus quality!? and even so there are many pitiful young souls had died, your bastards can't take it as an excuse for your god damn trolling here!!! Your viets indeed are really cheap clowns in people eyes!!!

In you paradise country, vietnam; there are million children can't even have accesses to school don't talk about the public transportation here!!! Yelling the Chinese??? at least they could feed and offer education to most of their children!!! Yes, they are poor, but not in poverty and hungry like 70% of your rural population!!! Some of your stuck up viets in the urban cities driving BMW or Lamborghini doesn't mean your whole stinky nation is rich!!! Next time be prepared for some self esteem before teasing others!!!

Here is "TRUE FACE" of your viva vietnam:







The present russia is not the past USSR,Now china is a russian vital ally and two countries now have a large strategic and financial stake , you know Vietnam is only a little customer of russian weapons.russsian engineers have disclosed all secrets of these 6 Vietnam Kilos to china. china have also too many kilos and chinese engineers are familiar with these kilos. There is no doubt about chiese Y8 asw aircraft will find and kill these outmoded kilos very easy.:bounce:

btw ,these russian outmoded kilos even have't AIP and the ability of kilos are not to be compared with chinese latest 039B class AIP submarine.:chilli::yahoo:
The present russia is not the past USSR,Now china is a russian vital ally and two countries now have a large strategic and financial stake , you know Vietnam is only a little customer of russian weapons.russsian engineers have disclosed all secrets of these 6 Vietnam Kilos to china. china have also too many kilos and chinese engineers are familiar with these kilos. There is no doubt about chiese Y8 asw aircraft will find and kill these outmoded kilos very easy.:bounce:

btw ,these russian outmoded kilos even have't AIP and the ability of kilos are not to be compared with chinese latest 039B class AIP submarine.:chilli::yahoo:

China is betrayal partner. Russian don't trust chinese. Any time Chinese can change his face very quickly, it happent in the past and will repeat in future.:coffee:
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