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Vietnam threatens legal action against China

Name an international scholar that recognizes Van Lang ruling Southern China,while no one denies the existence of Shang and Zhou.

Dai Viet su ky Toan Thu is hardly ancient it is written at least 1,500 year after Van Lang's fall,while Chinese have oracle bones and Spring Autumn/Warring states text that records its existence.

I have already addressed the fabrications of the state of Van Lang.

I'm not talking about Van Lang, just we have enough of ancient maps and ancient documents prove two archipelagos of Paracels and Spratlys belong to Vietnam, that's enough.

And you chinese, your only "ancient map" for claiming SCS is "11 dash line" drawn by Chiang Kai Shek in 1947? :haha:
I'm not talking about Van Lang, just we have enough of ancient maps and ancient documents prove two archipelagos of Paracels and Spratlys belong to Vietnam, that's enough.

And you chinese, your only "ancient map" for claiming SCS is "11 dash line" drawn by Chiang Kai Shek in 1947? :haha:
I have shown you Ming and Qing era maps...
I have shown you Ming and Qing era maps...

Ok, here is a map of Qing in 1904. Please show me where are Paracels and Spratlys, and where is "nine dotted line" which maps of china today always insert it into?

Who gives a shiz about all this legal and historical claims crap. The island is yours if you want it, can take it, and can hold it. Every piece of land on this planet can have competing claims because because nobody is the first to discover it. You think the British gave two shiz about holding some islands thousands of miles away from England but only 300 miles away from Argentina? Nope, they said "come you dirty Argentinos, take them back if you can." And guess what, they can't, and we know who those islands still belong to.

Might is right, my friends, and nothing else matters.
Legal action? And who will be the judge and the jury? Even if God gives a judgement, nothing's going to change! :no:
Well if you want to be the next germany, youre welcome to invade thy neighbors if you dare. See what will happen to your army and corrupted chinese government.

Who gives a shiz about all this legal and historical claims crap. The island is yours if you want it, can take it, and can hold it. Every piece of land on this planet can have competing claims because because nobody is the first to discover it. You think the British gave two shiz about holding some islands thousands of miles away from England but only 300 miles away from Argentina? Nope, they said "come you dirty Argentinos, take them back if you can." And guess what, they can't, and we know who those islands still belong to.

Might is right, my friends, and nothing else matters.

China isnt all that mighty but a coward. If you want to earn that title, go and invade USA and Russia. You sound like an ignorant prick.
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You can't even read a simple title,clearly demonstrates how ignorant Vietnamese are.

Angry there little chinaman? By labling one person to the rest of his people makes you more ignorant. Grow some balls, juice monkey.
It is simply in 1904, Chiang Kai Shek (perhaps that time he was a boy) has not drawn yet "11 dotted line", right?
Who cares about showing these facts to prove a point. The chinese already dont care about it and u know that. Stop wasting time trying to prove something to a wall. Just sit and watch how far the chinese government dare to go then we can take action.
Who cares about showing these facts to prove a point. The chinese already dont care about it and u know that. Stop wasting time trying to prove something to a wall. Just sit and watch how far the chinese government dare to go then we can take action.

The legal action is being considered, the evidence is necessary for a lawsuit.
The chinese often claim SCS is their "historic territory", but the only evidence they have that is a map drawn by Chiang Kai Shek in 1947. :china::haha:
The legal action is being considered, the evidence is necessary for a lawsuit.
The chinese often claim SCS is their "historic territory", but the only evidence they have that is a map drawn by Chiang Kai Shek in 1947. :china::haha:
The world is already aware of that. Just the chinese are so full of themselves without realizing it. Its sad if you ask me.
Well if you want to be the next germany, youre welcome to invade thy neighbors if you dare. See what will happen to your army and corrupted chinese government.

China isnt all that mighty but a coward. If you want to earn that title, go and invade USA and Russia. You sound like an ignorant prick.

Wtf does that even mean? Who gives a shiz about titles?
Wtf does that even mean? Who gives a shiz about titles?

Here allow me to educate you. "Might is right" you chinese want to me mighty but at the current level, youre not because you havent fought against an enemy of your own size or larger ie. USA, Russia. Until you can defeat them, then we might listen to u, otherwise, stop commenting on pdf and embarass yourself. You only make youreelf sound like a weakling and a coward. Get it now? Stop eating chicken feet and read some books.
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