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Vietnam threatens legal action against China

It is Chinese, you people should stop stealing our history.

It is truth in your history.

Mingshi stated:


It transtated in to Han-Viet

(Nguyễn An hữu xảo tư, phụng Thành Tổ mệnh doanh Bắc Kinh thành trì cung điện cập bách ti phủ giải, mục lượng ý doanh, tất trúng quy chế, Công bộ phụng hành nhi dĩ. Chính Thống thì, trùng kiến tam điện, trì Dương Thôn hà, tịnh hữu công. Cảnh Thái trung, trì Trương Thu hà, đạo tuất, nang vô thập kim).
It is truth in your history.

Mingshi stated:


It transtated in to Han-Viet

(Nguyễn An hữu xảo tư, phụng Thành Tổ mệnh doanh Bắc Kinh thành trì cung điện cập bách ti phủ giải, mục lượng ý doanh, tất trúng quy chế, Công bộ phụng hành nhi dĩ. Chính Thống thì, trùng kiến tam điện, trì Dương Thôn hà, tịnh hữu công. Cảnh Thái trung, trì Trương Thu hà, đạo tuất, nang vô thập kim).

This style of architecture existed long before the Ming Dynasty, also Nguyen An was not the only designer.
Answer my question, buddy ... :D
Of course , we did that before.

And you guys eat your words. That's why we do not want to waste any saliva

he he, I think it is joke made by some kids for fun.

But Forbidden Citadel is built under architecture of Viets,
You mean "Forbidden City" ?

Ming dynasty did expropriate many Vietnamese to build it .

But you can not say this city was built by Viet architecture.

They were expropriated because they were experienced workers of building house , and Forbidden City was huge construction work, we need as many workers as possible.

The chief architecture was 蒯祥, I do not know how to speak in Viet.

The other 3 were 阮安、梁九和马天禄.

The emperor was satisfied with their work , 3 of them were promoted in GOV, 马 did not want to work in GOV and ran his own business.
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Of course , we did that before.

And you guys eat your words. That's why we do not want to waste any saliva

You mean "Forbidden City" ?

Ming dynasty did expropriate many Vietnamese to build it .

But you can not say this city was built by Viet architecture.

They were expropriated because they were experienced workers of building house , and Forbidden City was huge construction work, we need as many workers as possible.

The chief architecture was 蒯祥, I do not know how to speak in Viet.

The other 3 were 阮安、梁九和马天禄.

The emperor was satisfied with their work , 3 of them were promoted in GOV, 马 did not want to work in GOV and ran his own business.

You can not deny that Nguyen An was a chief.
Then Chinese turned back to your old land in Zhong Yuan of China.


bad comparison. the land that vitenam stole was still part of cambodia during the french occupation, very recent. millions of khmer people in vietnam are crying everyday to the UN asking for their stolen land back just like the palestinians, but nobody listen. it's just so funny how em viets burning themselves crying acting all innocent fro tiny sand reef so far away from em.. lol
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Of course , we did that before.

And you guys eat your words. That's why we do not want to waste any saliva
Oh, really, Can you give me link or anything provide about those word !?

bad comparison. the land that vitenam stole was still part of cambodia during the french occupation, very recent. millions of khmer people in vietnam are crying everyday to the UN asking for their stolen land back just like the palestinians, but nobody listen. it's just so funny how em viets burning themselves crying acting all innocent fro tiny sand reef so far away from em.. lol
crying as you want, no any sand or soil for you, turn back your case ... :D
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Answer my question, buddy ...
Question? Is there any problem to check the real of Democratic Republic of Vietnam official document ?

Did ur prime minister write the document, and told China Zhou the Xi Sha islands belong to China ? Who is the liar, H981 rig in our waters no problem coz ur former government had admit it.

The map is no where stated that belong to China.

In the past your ancestor stated that The is 交址洋 "Sea of Jiao Zhi"


China stop lying about nature of the letter, North Vietnam don't have right about Islands of South Vietnam after 1954, both China and North Vietnam signed in Geneva Accords 1954. It stated about 12 miles of Coastline China related to North Vietnam only

If North Vietnam don't have right about Islands of South Vietnam after 1954, why Socialist Republic of Vietnam has right about islands of South Vietnam ? Did ur government come from Democratic Republic of Vietnam or Republic of Vietnam, why u change ur flag color ?

U need this

Or this
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Question? Is there any problem to check the real of Democratic Republic of Vietnam official document ?

Did ur prime minister write the document, and told China Zhou the Xi Sha islands belong to China ? Who is the liar, H981 rig in our waters no problem coz ur former government had admit it.
No, buddy ... my question was not about "real" of "text note" write by PM Pham Van Dong, you should read agian... :D
You can not deny that Nguyen An was a chief.

He didn't invent it.

The Forbidden City of Beijing was just a larger improved replica of the Forbidden City of Nanjing.

You have to know that Yong Le Emperor has moved the capital of the Ming Dynasty from Nanjing to Beijing to safeguard against the Mongol Hordes. So his new palace was also largely based on the one from Nanjing.
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Viet brothers, more reason for you to burn a few more Taiwanese factories [Thank you to Huaqiao2013 at CDF): :)

Taiwan To Build $100M Port In Disputed Region Of The South China Sea But China Does Not React

Taiwan is planning to spend $100 million on enhancing its port facility in a disputed region of the South China Sea, Reuters reported Sunday, a development that China, which views Taiwan as an outlying province, has seemingly chosen to ignore.

The new port is expected to come up next to an airstrip on the Itu Aba islands, also known as Tai Ping, and will allow Taiwan to dock 3,000-ton naval frigates and coastguard cutters, and include the construction of a 1,200-meter long runway to land Hercules C-130 military transport aircraft. The upgrade, which is expected to be completed late next year, is seen as Taiwan's assertion of sovereignty on the island, which is strategically located between the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam.

"Taipei knows it is the only claimant that (China) will not bother, so it is free to upgrade its facilities on Tai Ping without fear of criticism from China," Denny Roy, a senior fellow at the Hawaii-based East-West Center think tank, said according to Reuters, adding: “China would protect Taiwan's garrisons if necessary."

Nearly $5 trillion worth of ship-borne goods pass through the South China Sea every year and Tai Ping, which comes with its own source of fresh water, also boasts the biggest runway in the hotly contested Spratly Islands archipelago. Taipei's move is also expected to support Taiwanese deep-sea fishermen, and marine and mineral research in the area.

While China and Taiwan have staked a claim to almost the entire South China Sea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei have also claimed parts of the sea, which is rich in oil deposits. Since 2008, both China and Taiwan have improved their relationship, after the election of Ma Ying-jeou as Taiwan’s president, but distrust between the two nations remain intact.

"Taiwan itself is Chinese territory anyway," Zhang Zhexin, a research fellow on Taiwan issues at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies said, according to Reuters, adding: “How can we have a territorial dispute within our own country? Of course Taiwan is part of China, so that includes all parts of China, including Tai Ping Island.”

Because of the island's significant strategic value, Taipei regularly stations coastguard personnel and soldiers, supplying them with defense weapons in Itu Aba.

"We would never invade islands occupied by other nations, but we will actively defend our claims," Reuters reported a spokesperson for Ma’s party as saying.
Viet brothers, more reason for you to burn a few more Taiwanese factories [Thank you to Huaqiao2013 at CDF): :)

Taiwan To Build $100M Port In Disputed Region Of The South China Sea But China Does Not React

Taiwan is planning to spend $100 million on enhancing its port facility in a disputed region of the South China Sea, Reuters reported Sunday, a development that China, which views Taiwan as an outlying province, has seemingly chosen to ignore.

The new port is expected to come up next to an airstrip on the Itu Aba islands, also known as Tai Ping, and will allow Taiwan to dock 3,000-ton naval frigates and coastguard cutters, and include the construction of a 1,200-meter long runway to land Hercules C-130 military transport aircraft. The upgrade, which is expected to be completed late next year, is seen as Taiwan's assertion of sovereignty on the island, which is strategically located between the Philippines, Malaysia and Vietnam.

"Taipei knows it is the only claimant that (China) will not bother, so it is free to upgrade its facilities on Tai Ping without fear of criticism from China," Denny Roy, a senior fellow at the Hawaii-based East-West Center think tank, said according to Reuters, adding: “China would protect Taiwan's garrisons if necessary."

Nearly $5 trillion worth of ship-borne goods pass through the South China Sea every year and Tai Ping, which comes with its own source of fresh water, also boasts the biggest runway in the hotly contested Spratly Islands archipelago. Taipei's move is also expected to support Taiwanese deep-sea fishermen, and marine and mineral research in the area.

While China and Taiwan have staked a claim to almost the entire South China Sea, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei have also claimed parts of the sea, which is rich in oil deposits. Since 2008, both China and Taiwan have improved their relationship, after the election of Ma Ying-jeou as Taiwan’s president, but distrust between the two nations remain intact.

"Taiwan itself is Chinese territory anyway," Zhang Zhexin, a research fellow on Taiwan issues at the Shanghai Institute for International Studies said, according to Reuters, adding: “How can we have a territorial dispute within our own country? Of course Taiwan is part of China, so that includes all parts of China, including Tai Ping Island.”

Because of the island's significant strategic value, Taipei regularly stations coastguard personnel and soldiers, supplying them with defense weapons in Itu Aba.

"We would never invade islands occupied by other nations, but we will actively defend our claims," Reuters reported a spokesperson for Ma’s party as saying.

This is an island of Spratlys controlled by Vietnamese from centuries ago. The French invaded it from Vietnamese in the 19th century. In 1938 Japan occupied it from the French-Vietnamese (The island considered a part of Indochina colonial)
In 1946 Chiang Kai shek took advantage of the opportunity tasked Japanese troops disarmed, Chiang illegally occupied the island but then did not give it back to Vietnam.
Question? Is there any problem to check the real of Democratic Republic of Vietnam official document ?

Did ur prime minister write the document, and told China Zhou the Xi Sha islands belong to China ? Who is the liar, H981 rig in our waters no problem coz ur former government had admit it.

If North Vietnam don't have right about Islands of South Vietnam after 1954, why Socialist Republic of Vietnam has right about islands of South Vietnam ? Did ur government come from Democratic Republic of Vietnam or Republic of Vietnam, why u change ur flag color ?

U need this

Or this

Socialist of Vietnam is unified state of two Vietnam's state 19776.

SRV = Govt of Democratic Republic Vietnam + Govt of National Front for the Liberation of the South Vietnam.

SRV possessed both territory of South Vietnam and North Vietnam. SRV has right to claim all territory of Anam Empirer.

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