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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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both of you go see pictures of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings that was just a 15kt device imagine what 200kt or 1mt can do

we have 90-110 warheads we don't need hydrogen bombs our missiles CEP are less than 25m in other words we can inflict the same amount of damage on a region with a 200kt FBF warhead like a 1mt 200m cep warhead can do

we can do the same with China as well your "superpower" dream will thus be finished :)

I have made my point which has been challenged, while you are just keep trolling:

when it comes to necessary, we can launch rocket attacks and cause significant damages to delhi, our WS-2D rocket can provide some pretty good coverage. it is not in india's interest to use the nuke first, because 1) the delivery system is highly unreliable, it may hit its own city, like the Christmas fireworks we saw 9 months ago, 2) india will be removed from world map after launching the first nuke.

if you want to argue, argue with my point, rather than your wet dream. I repeat my core argument: india can hit our cities using ICBM, we hit your capital using rocket.
Yeah, but we would not sink into their level.

India is simply too weak in our vision of challenge.

Very true. India is already easily countered by Pakistan, who have more nukes than India does.

No need to worry about them until they can find a way past Pakistan.
LOL, 294 megatons vs. 1 megaton. No contest.

Plus, you can only hit our major cities with your very longest range missiles. We can hit all your major cities with short-range missiles based in Tibet.

Irrelevant anyway, since India is already countered by Pakistan. Pakistan alone can wipe out all your major cities, with only short-range missiles too.

294mt vs 1mt? China has a 294mt warhead on its missiles? :rofl:

thats what the north east sister states are for!!!! Agni V 5,000km+ can do the same if it is in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, UttaraKhand, Ladakh etc only adds muscle to the deterrence

and we can do the same as well a Prithvi missile in Jalandur can hit most of the major Pakistani cities or even a Agni 1 if it is somewhat close to the border we built up our credible deterrence against pakistan a long time ago now the rest is icing on the cake for you guys ;)

your telling me China won't suffer from 200kt warheads or 1mt warheads? pfft give me a break
This thread again shows the best way to avoid such future conflicts is to let more young indians to travel to China. Once they get the chance to see the difference, they will start to question the regime in delhi and its polices. They will start to question the handling of the relationships.

Most indians, even those considered as well educated, do not understand the huge economic and technology gap between China and india. This issue need to be addressed before indians do something really stupid due to overestimating itself.

India is much more developed and has a larger economy than Pakistan but did that made any Pakistani to say that as we cannot compete with India we should give Kashmir to India........Never. Same in this case. Its about national pride and esteem. You can reach the level of US, but will that make us give Arunachal Pradesh in a silver platter to China or make us forget and forgive1962............Not in a million years.

So congrats on your development & your so called technological economic gap with India and I wish you well for your future but don't try to become a hegemonic neighbour and try to bully us.
LOL rocket attack probably gonna expire in flight or something or go up in midair and fall down on your own territory chinese rockets unless they're fireworks :lol:

see dude, that is the reason why I never use the term "india" or "indian" with capital "I".
294mt vs 1mt? China has a 294mt warhead on its missiles? :rofl:

Didn't you see the source?

India's ENTIRE nuclear arsenal is less than 1 megaton.

Even a single Chinese nuke is 3-5 megatons EACH. One single Chinese/Russian/American nuke, has more power than India's entire arsenal.
LOL, 294 megatons vs. 1 megaton. No contest. (And Chinese people don't care about the word "superpower").

Plus, you can only hit our major cities with your very longest range missiles. We can hit all your major cities with short-range missiles based in Tibet.

Irrelevant anyway, since India is already countered by Pakistan. Pakistan alone can wipe out all your major cities, with only short-range missiles too.

And that is a much more likely scenario as well, considering Mumbai, Cold Start, Nasr, etc.

India and Pakistan: The world's most dangerous border | The Economist

are you talking about with short range missile pakistan can wipe out its own cities right. ha ha ha funny. it is possible on google map only,surely you can touch all indian cities.
Very true. India is already easily countered by Pakistan, who have more nukes than India does.

No need to worry about them until they can find a way past Pakistan.

we are not warmongers :P
neither we want entire destruction of our region
Very true. India is already easily countered by Pakistan, who have more nukes than India does.

No need to worry about them until they can find a way past Pakistan.

RUSSIA has more nukes,then why USSR broked up into pieces.
Didn't you see the source?

India's ENTIRE nuclear arsenal is less than 1 megaton.

Even a single Chinese nuke is 3-5 megatons EACH. One single Chinese/Russian/American nuke, has more power than India's entire arsenal.

yes there is a reason for that
india is not allowed to have nuclear weapons according to the world
where as china has no such restrictions
I have made my point which has been challenged, while you are just keep trolling:

when it comes to necessary, we can launch rocket attacks and cause significant damages to delhi, our WS-2D rocket can provide some pretty good coverage. it is not in india's interest to use the nuke first, because 1) the delivery system is highly unreliable, it may hit its own city, like the Christmas fireworks we saw 9 months ago, 2) india will be removed from world map after launching the first nuke.

if you want to argue, argue with my point, rather than your wet dream. I repeat my core argument: india can hit our cities using ICBM, we hit your capital using rocket.

you don't think Delhi is protected? why do you think we procured S-300 missile systems? the AAD can also be used for low target interception such as cruise missiles etc

we can't hit your cities with rocket artillery from our border but thats where conventional tipped missile can come in

who says delivery system is unreliable? what kind of conjecture trash are you spitting out on here? do you have any proof for these dubious claims that China will deploy these rockets at LAC or whatnot? so will China go and see what mutual assured destruction is

we can hit your cities with IRBM son just matters on the location of the missile thats all
LOL, 294 megatons vs. 1 megaton. No contest. (And Chinese people don't care about the word "superpower").

Plus, you can only hit our major cities with your very longest range missiles. We can hit all your major cities with short-range missiles based in Tibet.

Irrelevant anyway, since India is already countered by Pakistan. Pakistan alone can wipe out all your major cities, with only short-range missiles too.

And that is a much more likely scenario as well, considering Mumbai, Cold Start, Nasr, etc.

India and Pakistan: The world's most dangerous border | The Economist

Oh my goodness... If there is some difference between the US entire TITAN series, then you may also know that the country who has the capability to produce equally capable rockets would normally be able to convert too. Since its ir-relevant for us to disturb our diplomatic relations abroad, we are developing it under a separate project called "Integrated Guided Missile Development Program" to maintain minimum deterrence and not mix a civil organization(ISRO) for military use, at the same time, we have not promised any entity nor nation that in the 11th hour the Civil R&D efforts cannot be brought into for military applications.

Do understand one thing ,testing a missile alone doesn't mean one posses it, if the technology is alive so is a missile somewhere...
Didn't you see the source?

India's ENTIRE nuclear arsenal is less than 1 megaton.

Even a single Chinese nuke is 3-5 megatons EACH. One single Chinese/Russian/American nuke, has more power than India's entire arsenal.

LOL according to that source India has 40-50 warheads yeah pretty reliable alright how old is it? 7..... 8 years?

each warhead on a Agni missile is 200kt or higher go and see Bharat Rakshaks missile section
Didn't you see the source?

India's ENTIRE nuclear arsenal is less than 1 megaton.

Even a single Chinese nuke is 3-5 megatons EACH. One single Chinese/Russian/American nuke, has more power than India's entire arsenal.

Just drop a few on Vietnam, Mongolia, India, Philipines, Australia and some to US or even Japan.... why make/keep more....

Kill all people around and live happily.

Billions of people can be wiped out.. but exports will be affected, but who cares... just kill all..
see dude, that is the reason why I never use the term "india" or "indian" with capital "I".

Its just shows how twisted and bigoted your mind is that you cannot even obey the basic rules of English language. See I start the word ' English' with capital 'e'
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