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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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We had the balls to send your army running away crying in 1962.

You want to know who doesn't have balls? India. How many times has Mumbai been attacked now, after your Home Minister was boasting that they won't tolerate another attack?

As for the India-Pakistan border being the border with the highest risk of nuclear war in the world, that is your own fault.

Why do you think Pakistan developed Nasr for delivering tactical nuclear warheads, or why they are acquiring so many new ballistic missiles? Why do you think they are making nukes faster than anyone else on the planet?

that isn the case of balls but a matter of preparedness so stop gloating abt it
You are obviously new so i wont bash you too much. I suggest you check your history (try google). I think you will find china has got the balls. In fact very BIG balls.

We fought with two superpowers. We pushed the USA + 16 of her allies out of North Korea during the Korean war, and fought off the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet split.

Now Indians are accusing us of having no balls, lol. They lost Kashmir to Pakistan in 1947, and lost Aksai chin to China in 1962.

They lost wars, to third world nations. They never even sneezed at a superpower.
The estimation of nuclear destructive power:

1. Russia ~ 1,273 megaton
2. USA ~ 570 megaton
3. China ~ 294 megaton
4. France ~ 55 megaton
5. UK ~ 16 megaton
6. Israel ~ 1.5 - 4 megaton
7. India ~ 0.8 - 1 megaton
8. Pakistan ~ 0.6 - 1 megaton
9. North Korea ~ Unknown

NTI: Nuclear Disarmament

We also have an enormous geographical advantage. We can hit all of India's major cities, with short-range missiles based in Tibet.

India on the other hand, will require her very longest range missiles, just to target the cities on China's eastern coast.

thats what Agni 3 will be for and soon Agni V you think you won't screwed in a nuclear war??? Hiroshima was just 15kt imagine what 1MT nuclear warhead can do and if this list of yours is implying China can make a 294 megaton warhead i can only laugh at it the highest yield nuke was the Tsar Bomb 50mt which required a modified bomber to hold the bomb in place China probably has higher yield nuclear weapons than us but we still have boosted fission warheads and possibly thermonuclear warheads
that isn the case of balls but a matter of preparedness so stop gloating abt it

You were the one who was laughing when you said we didn't have balls.

Don't like a taste of your own medicine?
You are obviously new so i wont bash you too much. I suggest you check your history (try google). I think you will find china has got the balls. In fact very BIG balls.

does that make me an infant :lol: and as for the chinese balls i kknow wot they got but it always makes me wonder y u ppl always take shelter under the-chinese-got-more-balls-than-india,coz u have none or are u waiting for one on a soft loan :rofl:
We fought with two superpowers. We pushed the USA + 16 of her allies out of North Korea during the Korean war, and fought off the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet split.

Now Indians are accusing us of having no balls, lol. They lost Kashmir to Pakistan in 1947, and lost Aksai chin to China in 1962.

Lost wars to third world nations, how can they boast about that.

okay first of all India never controlled Kashmir, Kashmir was a independent state before it was ceded to India by Hari Singh we only got involved because the leader of the territory asked us to and signed his land over to us because of Pathan tribesmen and regular Pakistan infantrymen

i find that funny since we never even held much of Aksai Chin in 1962 or before that or today before the 1962 war China had a majority of Aksai Chin nonetheless who still has Arunachal and Sikkim today?
About as relevant as Chengis Khan giving the Chinese a good walloping. It's 2011 now.

In 1962, China and India has similiar sized economies.

In 2011, China's economy is FOUR times bigger than India's, with commensurate military spending. The gap has increased exponentially.

Don't take my word for it, listen to your own Naval Chief.

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

'India can't match China's military force' - Indian Naval Chief - IBNLive
You want to talk about balls? We had the balls to send your army running away crying in 1962.

You want to know who doesn't have balls? India. How many times has Mumbai been attacked now, after your Home Minister was boasting that they won't tolerate another attack?

As for the India-Pakistan border being the border with the highest risk of nuclear war in the world, that is your own fault.

Why do you think Pakistan developed Nasr for delivering tactical nuclear warheads? Why do you think they are making nukes faster than anyone else on the planet?

Who do you think those nukes are for?

yeah and we did the same to you in 1967 Chola Incident! don't forget about that Aksai Chin was a territory never occupied or controlled by India in the first place yet we still have Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh today
thats what Agni 3 will be for and soon Agni V you think you won't screwed in a nuclear war??? Hiroshima was just 15kt imagine what 1MT nuclear warhead can do and if this list of yours is implying China can make a 294 megaton warhead i can only laugh at it the highest yield nuke was the Tsar Bomb 50mt which required a modified bomber to hold the bomb in place China probably has higher yield nuclear weapons than us but we still have boosted fission warheads and possibly thermonuclear warheads

1mt nuke stockpile is too small, may get completely eliminated in a first surprise attack from the enemy.

Even China's current stockpile may be more than 294mt, and i have no doubt that India may get more than 1mt actually.

But China can hide all its landbased nuclear arsenal within the underground tunnel which over 90% of it can survive the first attack. The rest are within the seabased SSBNs.

Thus, China has a reliable second strike deterrence to vaporize any nation, but the same cannot be said with India.

So it is not wise for India to play the nuclear cards with China.
1mt nuke stockpile is too small, may get completely eliminated in a first surprise attack from the enemy.

Even China's current stockpile may be more than 294mt, and i have no doubt that India may get more than 1mt actually.

But China can hide all its landbased nuclear arsenal within the underground tunnel which over 90% of it can survive the first attack. The rest are within the seabased SSBNs.

Thus, China has a reliable second strike deterrence to vaporize any nation, but the same cannot be said with India.

So it is not wise for India to play the nuclear cards with China.

no one has the guts to wage a nuclear war in the current given circumstances so stop the d*** measuring contest and stick to the topic
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