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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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1mt nuke stockpile is too small, may get completely eliminated in a first surprise attack from the enemy.

Even China's current stockpile may be more than 294mt, and i have no doubt that India may get more than 1mt actually.

But China can hide all its landbased nuclear arsenal within the underground tunnel which over 90% of it can survive the first attack. The rest are within the seabased SSBNs.

Thus, China has a reliable second strike deterrence to vaporize any nation, but the same cannot be said with India.

So it is not wise for India to play the nuclear cards with China.

it may be small to you but anything higher than that is much overkill Hiroshima was just 15kt look how much damage it did 80,000 people died total imagine what 200kt FBF warhead could do

same with India INS Arihant will enter service soon and the K missiles with ranges of 750 and 3500km will be tested as well

that is the point of nuclear weapons when your backed in the corner with the knife in your chest you pull out your own knife and hit your enemy right back in the chest in other words i'm screwed anyways so why not take you down with me?

its isn't wise at all but when the nations existence is at stake than obviously things do not matter any more
guys, you need to understand Vietnamese capital is within 150km distance from the Chinese border. indian capital is within 300km distance from the border.

when things go ugly, we can use WS-2D rockets to remove these two cities from world map using dirty cheap rockets. now think it again, would you still want to have China as your enemy?

there is something I really don't understand: why you want your children to inherent a superpower enemy?

Read my usename.. couple of them with nuke head is enough. one has to be on Three Gorges Dam.
no one has the guts to wage a nuclear war in the current given circumstances so stop the d*** measuring contest and stick to the topic

It was your fellow Indian who started talking about nukes:

Agni 3 if it is put in any of the North Eastern Sister states can bring Shanghai or Bejing with in its range with a 1mt warhead so those dirty cheap rockets of yours can stay put...


Because even the Indian Armed forces know that they cannot match China. It is just too bad that your nukes can't match either, 294 megatons vs. 1 megaton.

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

'India can't match China's military force' - Indian Naval Chief - IBNLive
Agni 3 if it is put in any of the North Eastern Sister states can bring Shanghai or Bejing with in its range with a 1mt warhead so those dirty cheap rockets of yours can stay put...

dude, your nation so far even doesn't have single proven H-BOMB.
come back later when you have it.

by the way, the total nuclear strike capacity of China is not in the same level, when necessary, we can remove the entire indian civilization off the world history.
dude, your nation so far even doesn't have single proven H-BOMB.
come back later when you have it.

by the way, the total nuclear strike capacity of China is not in the same level, when necessary, we can remove the entire indian civilization off the world history.

Please don't use these words, we are not some genocidal nation.
This thread again shows the best way to avoid such future conflicts is to let more young indians to travel to China. Once they get the chance to see the difference, they will start to question the regime in delhi and its polices. They will start to question the handling of the relationships.

Most indians, even those considered as well educated, do not understand the huge economic and technology gap between China and india. This issue need to be addressed before indians do something really stupid due to overestimating itself.
It was your fellow Indian who started talking about nukes:


Because even the Indian Armed forces know that they cannot match China. It is just too bad that your nukes can't match either, 294 megatons vs. 1 megaton.

'India can't match China's military force' - Indian Naval Chief - IBNLive

dude, your nation so far even doesn't have single proven H-BOMB.
come back later when you have it.

by the way, the total nuclear strike capacity of China is not in the same level, when necessary, we can remove the entire indian civilization off the world history.

both of you go see pictures of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings that was just a 15kt device imagine what 200kt or 1mt can do

we have 90-110 warheads we don't need hydrogen bombs our missiles CEP are less than 25m in other words we can inflict the same amount of damage on a region with a 200kt FBF warhead like a 1mt 200m cep warhead can do

we can do the same with China as well your "superpower" dream will thus be finished :)
we can do the same with China as well your "superpower" dream will thus be finished :)

LOL, 294 megatons vs. 1 megaton. No contest. (And Chinese people don't care about the word "superpower").

Plus, you can only hit our major cities with your very longest range missiles. We can hit all your major cities with short-range missiles based in Tibet.

Irrelevant anyway, since India is already countered by Pakistan. Pakistan alone can wipe out all your major cities, with only short-range missiles too.

And that is a much more likely scenario as well, considering Mumbai, Cold Start, Nasr, etc.

India and Pakistan: The world's most dangerous border | The Economist
I talked about such rocket attack first, then some indians start talking about nukes.

you tell me who is more genocidal.

LOL rocket attack probably gonna expire in flight or something or go up in midair and fall down on your own territory chinese rockets unless they're fireworks :lol:
dude, your nation so far even doesn't have single proven H-BOMB.
come back later when you have it.

by the way, the total nuclear strike capacity of China is not in the same level, when necessary, we can remove the entire indian civilization off the world history.

you guys forget about nuclear fallout
This thread again shows the best way to avoid such future conflicts is to let more young indians to travel to China. Once they get the chance to see the difference, they will start to question the regime in delhi and its polices. They will start to question the handling of the relationships.

Most indians, even those considered as well educated, do not understand the huge economic and technology gap between China and india. This issue need to be addressed before indians do something really stupid due to overestimating itself.

i think you have alot of interest on indian's than your self. when you studied 1.2billion Indian minds.
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