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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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guys, you need to understand Vietnamese capital is within 150km distance from the Chinese border. indian capital is within 300km distance from the border.

when things go ugly, we can use WS-2D rockets to remove these two cities from world map using dirty cheap rockets. now think it again, would you still want to have China as your enemy?

there is something I really don't understand: why you want your children to inherent a superpower enemy?

It depends. If you are hell bent on bullying other Asian countries especially your neighbours and wants to become the sole hegemonic Asian power, things can get nasty. We are for a peaceful, multipolar Asia. If you just mind your business and concentrate on your country, everything is fine.

Super power enemy: You are still a long way of.

PS: Its funny how Chinese accuse Indians of not having cordial relation with her neighbours, but it seems you have a bigger problem than us.
two jokes in a single post, you are pretty low IQ, aren't you?

1. vietnam doesn't need to your "retired Guns", their economy is better than yours.

2. I don't think delhi has the balls to deploy any indian missile in vietnam. it will be considered as act of war by Chinese and will earn your nation some rockets coverage from the border. btw, you don't have any real ABM on hand, the jokes demonstrated were terminal stage which can only be deployed near the targets.

3. tejas is a failed project, the regime in new delhi is using to fuel nationalism only. it is a 40 years old design with a crappy performance. do you seriously believe vietnamese are going to buy it? dude, trust me, they are smarter than you guys. their national average IQ is 90+, 10 points higher than indians.

now stop trolling, how about start working and getting some results?

who are you too speak for Vietnam??? ]

if we want to we'll deploy Missiles where ever we want these UPA arseholes might not do it but think again when BJP comes to power and once again Agni 3 is deployed in our north eastern states any rockets containing WMD warhead will result in your destruction from us

3. Tejas is not a failed project true it has been delayed for a long time but you can't criticize it as economic problems + technology bans arose for India in 90's yet we still managed to get it to fly in 2001, first flight 2001 IOC 2011 10 years really Tejas MK1 is a donkey but MK2 will be the real workhorse we won't sell MK1's to Vietnam but MK2 and who says it has crappy performance chairman mao?LOL
two jokes in a single post, you are pretty low IQ, aren't you?

1. vietnam doesn't need to your "retired Guns", their economy is better than yours.

2. I don't think delhi has the balls to deploy any indian missile in vietnam. it will be considered as act of war by Chinese and will earn your nation some rockets coverage from the border. btw, you don't have any real ABM on hand, the jokes demonstrated were terminal stage which can only be deployed near the targets.

3. tejas is a failed project, the regime in new delhi is using to fuel nationalism only. it is a 40 years old design with a crappy performance. do you seriously believe vietnamese are going to buy it? dude, trust me, they are smarter than you guys. their national average IQ is 90+, 10 points higher than indians.

now stop trolling, how about start working and getting some results?

Sounds like swan song to me....
guys, you need to understand Vietnamese capital is within 150km distance from the Chinese border. indian capital is within 300km distance from the border.

when things go ugly, we can use WS-2D rockets to remove these two cities from world map using dirty cheap rockets. now think it again, would you still want to have China as your enemy?

not to forget we posses brahmos :lol:
we would be more than happy to increase military cooperation with Vietnam, both of us have a right to defend ourselves against a belligerent nation like China we and all the other nations China has territorial disputes with need to cooperate more on a military basis Joint exercises training etc

and i don't mean to ignite flame wars by saying this but we should mass produce more Agni 3 and more nuclear warheads and dispatch them to the North East to deter China from an attack
guys, you need to understand Vietnamese capital is within 150km distance from the Chinese border. indian capital is within 300km distance from the border.

when things go ugly, we can use WS-2D rockets to remove these two cities from world map using dirty cheap rockets. now think it again, would you still want to have China as your enemy?

there is something I really don't understand: why you want your children to inherent a superpower enemy?

superpower :rofl: get back to me when u become one till then keep living the wet dream :lol:
Agni 3 if it is put in any of the North Eastern Sister states can bring Shanghai or Bejing with in its range with a 1mt warhead so those dirty cheap rockets of yours can stay put...

The estimation of nuclear destructive power:

1. Russia ~ 1,273 megaton
2. USA ~ 570 megaton
3. China ~ 294 megaton
4. France ~ 55 megaton
5. UK ~ 16 megaton
6. Israel ~ 1.5 - 4 megaton
7. India ~ 0.8 - 1 megaton
8. Pakistan ~ 0.6 - 1 megaton
9. North Korea ~ Unknown

NTI: Nuclear Disarmament

We also have an enormous geographical advantage. We can hit all of India's major cities, with short-range missiles based in Tibet.

India on the other hand, will require her very longest range missiles, just to target the cities on China's eastern coast.
two jokes in a single post, you are pretty low IQ, aren't you?

1. vietnam doesn't need to your "retired Guns", their economy is better than yours.

2. I don't think delhi has the balls to deploy any indian missile in vietnam. it will be considered as act of war by Chinese and will earn your nation some rockets coverage from the border. btw, you don't have any real ABM on hand, the jokes demonstrated were terminal stage which can only be deployed near the targets.[\b]

3. tejas is a failed project, the regime in new delhi is using to fuel nationalism only. it is a 40 years old design with a crappy performance. do you seriously believe vietnamese are going to buy it? dude, trust me, they are smarter than you guys. their national average IQ is 90+, 10 points higher than indians.

now stop trolling, how about start working and getting some results?

u mean like in 1979 when u went to show vietnam that u had the balls only be to shown u had only one of thw two
The estimation of nuclear destructive power:

1. Russia ~ 1,273 megaton
2. USA ~ 570 megaton
3. China ~ 294 megaton
4. France ~ 55 megaton
5. UK ~ 16 megaton
6. Israel ~ 1.5 - 4 megaton
7. India ~ 0.8 - 1 megaton
8. Pakistan ~ 0.6 - 1 megaton
9. North Korea ~ Unknown

NTI: Nuclear Disarmament

We also have an enormous geographical advantage. We can hit all of India's major cities, with short-range missiles based in Tibet.

India on the other hand, will require her very longest range missiles, just to target the cities on China's eastern coast.

Just Shanghai & Beijing is enough for us.
Just Shanghai & Beijing is enough for us.

You think we can't take casualties? China is famous for sustaining enormous casualities and getting back on its feet.

Anyway, 294 megatons vs. 1 megaton... it is quite obvious who will be the winner. Especially considering the geography.

You should worry about Pakistan first though. They alone, can take out Mumbai, New Deli, Bangalore, Kolkata, etc.

The India-Pakistan border has the highest risk of nuclear war in the world.
You think we can't take casualties? China is famous for sustaining enormous casualities and getting back on its feet.

Anyway, 294 megatons vs. 1 megaton... it is quite obvious who will be the winner. Especially considering the geography.

You should worry about Pakistan first though. They alone can take out Mumbai, New Deli, Bangalore, Kolkata, etc.

The India-Pakistan border has the highest risk of nuclear war in the world.

what makes u think pakistan will fight ur war?soft loans?or is it that u dont have the balls :lol:
We had the balls to send your army running away crying in 1962.

You want to know who doesn't have balls? India. How many times has Mumbai been attacked now, after your Home Minister was boasting that they won't tolerate another attack?

As for the India-Pakistan border being the border with the highest risk of nuclear war in the world, that is your own fault.

Why do you think Pakistan developed Nasr for delivering tactical nuclear warheads? Why do you think they are making nukes faster than anyone else on the planet?

we did the same in 1967 Chola incident :)
what makes u think pakistan will fight ur war?soft loans?or is it that u dont have the balls :lol:

You are obviously new so i wont bash you too much. I suggest you check your history (try google). I think you will find china has got the balls. In fact very BIG balls.
what makes u think pakistan will fight ur war?soft loans?or is it that u dont have the balls :lol:

You want to talk about balls? We had the balls to send your army running away crying in 1962.

You want to know who doesn't have balls? India. How many times has Mumbai been attacked now, after your Home Minister was boasting that they won't tolerate another attack?

As for the India-Pakistan border being the border with the highest risk of nuclear war in the world, that is your own fault.

Why do you think Pakistan developed Nasr for delivering tactical nuclear warheads? Why do you think they are making nukes faster than anyone else on the planet?

Who do you think those nukes are for?
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