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Vietnam Defence Forum

@Viva_Viet I think we need to go to that forum and teach those oversea Viets and Chinese about TPP and the coming great flood. The Chinese members here, we cant warn and inform them anymore...the truth hurts them so much that they have to hide behind their mod.
Recently, my company import alot of American used trucks and gradually reduce importing CN new ones such as Howo,Dongfeng due to TPP coming so close, so I'm quite busy to learn more about American used trucks now.

So, posting some TPP analysis and news here is enough for me already, no need to help those short vision guys to understand what are going on in real life :)
So, lets go there and make that forum more political.

I see that forum has too many topics about pop music, northeast asian culture, etc.

@Viva_Viet I think we need to go to that forum and teach those oversea Viets and Chinese about TPP and the coming great flood. The Chinese members here, we cant warn and inform them anymore...the truth hurts them so much that they have to hide behind their mod.

Haha, there are forum for south-east Asia countries too, but most member post in Asia discussion anyway. No need too much politic lol, most of politican words report on news are meaningless anyway, their action are different, and most of members there are friendly to each other, no need to be so hostile! Historic related topic Doraemon post is quite entertaining and informative, u should see it, her history and costume knowledge are amazing. Most members there are rational anyway. Economic topic is good if you like, haha. There are 3 Korean member there. MrC and pochi (Japanese) there have great knowledge and very creative too as well as xng. Phillipines mem are friendly to everyone :)
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Yoro you are so funny. Ja du bist so ein lustiger Kerl.

let see how high the quality of the forum you want me to join.

EB News - EastBound's Asia News

the thread you mentioned. here says an obviously chinese poster in response to the OP.

"If I had the ability to stretch my dick all the way to Vietnam I would let people, both men and women have their way with it. Tetetelatelatet."

and a viet poster answers:
"Too bad huh. Hard to stretch what you cant find. OH BURRN!"

in the Philippine section, there two sticky threads "hot philippina girls" and "handsome boys.

if you think that forum is of high quality, much better for you, then pls go there. don´t bother me.
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Yoro you are so funny. Ja du bist so ein lustiger Kerl.

let see how high the quality of the forum you want me to join.

EB News - EastBound's Asia News

the thread you mentioned. here says an obviously chinese poster in response to the OP.

"If I had the ability to stretch my dick all the way to Vietnam I would let people, both men and women have their way with it. Tetetelatelatet."

and a viet poster answers:
"Too bad huh. Hard to stretch what you cant find. OH BURRN!"

in the Philippine section, there two sticky threads "hot philippina girls" and "handsome boys.

if you think that forum is of high quality, much better for you, then pls go there. don´t bother me.
Eastbound? Oh God, stay away form that forum. That forum for women. You will get banned by the women over there. All they do is talk about food, clothing, history, dont you dare to speak anything different or act different. I get banned twice there and never come back again in my life.

I am recruiting any talents in here join me and my friend project. Im sponsoring Vietnamese oversea forum at Vietboundary.com feel free to stop by, I am second Boss there. I guarantee freedom of speech, troll and fair.
Eastbound? Oh God, stay away form that forum. That forum for women. You will get banned by the women over there. All they do is talk about food, clothing, history, dont you dare to speak anything different or act different. I get banned twice there and never come back again in my life.

I am recruiting any talents in here join me and my friend project. Im sponsoring Vietnamese oversea forum at Vietboundary.com feel free to stop by, I am second Boss there. I guarantee freedom of speech, troll and fair.
Lol ...slowly I believe to the words of @ChineseTiger1986 who says Yoro was short to being promoted to Thinktank status before he began trolling and trolling. he was banned. now out of frustration he goes rough, and the most unexpected thing happens: he began to personally attack me...like a stalker.

BoQ was permanently banned because he opened many chinese threads with intentional trollings. nonsense topics, and sometimes he created threads with domestic violent graphic images, including dead bodies. he was warned but did not want to listen. I appealed him many times to stop opening such threads, but he did not want to listen to me, either. if I remember myself correctly, I never created any chinese thread. but BoQ.
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So I continue posting some military news here if nobody minds?

South China Sea: new compact, mobile, long range Radar ELM-2288 ER from Israel will be deployed on Spratlys, monitoring the airspace, part of a larger Vietnam Air Defense System. the radar, max. range 480 km, providing 3D images, can not only detect enemy aircraft but ballistic missiles, too.




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if you think that forum is of high quality, much better for you, then pls go there. don´t bother me.

When did I ever said or alluded to anything about that forum being high quality?

Can you read again my previous posts and quote me on that? Can you find any?

And your posts/arguments here is not high quality either. A Chinese troll once made fun of the 1988 shooting, and your reply to him was this:

I assume you, your father and grandfather go everyday to the shrine, where the dead bodies and souls of our people are buried and masturbate. good time for you all indeed.

What kind of dumb reply was that???? Was that supposed to offend the Chinese troll or were you intending to insult the dead VN soldiers? You always have these kind of stupid replies, intended to counter the trolls but end up making a fool out of VN.

This is why the Chinese trolls want to keep you here while always report the other Viet members to be banned. You think you never get banned because they love you? stop being delusional, they like keeping you here to toy around with you because you keep making a fool out of yourself here.

The most honest chinese guy here was actually @Fattyacids who have said you are only getting toyed and trolled on PDF because your counter posts is usually dumb. That may sound harsh but he was telling the truth. When that @ChineseTiger1986 guy, who is a well known anti-Vietnam troll, said you are a good Vietnamese member, is called
bơm đểu. But you believed him anyway and thumps him up, which shows your naivety and desperate for approval.

Lol ...slowly I believe to the words of @ChineseTiger1986 who says Yoro was short to being promoted to Thinktank status before he began trolling and trolling. he was banned. now out of frustration he goes rough, and the most unexpected thing happens: he began to personally attack me...like a stalker.

BoQ was permanently banned because he opened many chinese threads with intentional trollings. nonsense topics, and sometimes he created threads with domestic violent graphic images, including dead bodies. he was warned but did not want to listen. I appealed him many times to stop opening such threads, but he did not want to listen to me, either. if I remember myself correctly, I never created any chinese thread. but BoQ.

When have I ever said I wanted to become a think-tank or was close to becoming TT? That is news to me. You are now crazy for believing and siding with that anti-Vietnam troll. That @ChineseTiger1986 is probably secretly admiring me to come up with that conclusion :lol:.

But no surprise that you are siding with the Chinese trolls. Like I said before, deep down you just want acceptance and validation from the Chinese that is why you keep staying here and try to make friends with the Chinese even though they are trolling on you. And that is why you attack Vietnamese like me and @BoQ77 even though we dont troll. You may deny this, just like how @VALKRYIE had denied it when I told him that....but then he proved my point by creating a “Hey, Chinese do love Viet people” thread in another forum. You are probably saying the same thing in your heart.

What a pitiful guy, getting toyed and trolled by the Chinese trolls but still desperately trying to make friends and serious conversations them:

Taiwanese bank comes to Vietnam

You have already admitted that they like to call you a monkey, so why are you still here trying to make friends with them? That is so desperate. Anyway, you are free to stay here and try to get some validation from the Chinese, but change your name from “Viet” to something else while you are doing it please.
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yoro, you can cry and shout as you like. you can spew insult and lies until you become black and red. I´m not impressed at all. I do what I like, and not what you decide what I have to do.

but you know what, I will ask the mods to either ban you or me on this forum.

Dear mods, this member yoro is a stalker, trying to stop me contributing on this forum, spewing nonsense and lies. pls ban him permanently. thank you!

@Hu Songshan
The most honest chinese guy here was actually @Fattyacids who have said you are only getting toyed and trolled on PDF because your counter posts is usually dumb. That may sound harsh but he was telling the truth. When that @ChineseTiger1986 guy, who is a well known anti-Vietnam troll, said you are a good Vietnamese member, is called
bơm đểu. But you believed him anyway and thumps him up, which shows your naivety and desperate for approval.

Why tag me, then put words into my mouth? I've never called @Viet dumb, you can revisit the old thread. On the contrary, he is the more educated and rational poster compared to most of the Vietnamese, who cannot debate, or even troll, factually and intelligently. Their only way of trolling to is smear, demean and insult. And they recycle the same content again and again, lol. Honest opinion, they are dumbest low IQ trolls here. If anything, Viet makes Vietnamese look more respectable here.

You're an intelligent poster, I surprised you would bash him and say nothing your other comrades.
BoQ was permanently banned because he opened many chinese threads with intentional trollings. nonsense topics, and sometimes he created threads with domestic violent graphic images, including dead bodies. he was warned but did not want to listen. I appealed him many times to stop opening such threads, but he did not want to listen to me, either. if I remember myself correctly, I never created any chinese thread. but BoQ.

Wow, I had no idea about that. Thank you for the info.
Latest pic of land reclamation in Big Spratly Island (Truong Sa):

Why tag me, then put words into my mouth? I've never called @Viet dumb, you can revisit the old thread. On the contrary, he is the more educated and rational poster compared to most of the Vietnamese, who cannot debate, or even troll, factually and intelligently. Their only way of trolling to is smear, demean and insult. And they recycle the same content again and again, lol. Honest opinion, they are dumbest low IQ trolls here. If anything, Viet makes Vietnamese look more respectable here.

You're an intelligent poster, I surprised you would bash him and say nothing your other comrades.

You are now trying to differentiate @Viet from the other so-called Vietnamese “trolls”. But you have previously generalised all Vietnamese trolling as dumb low IQ and grouped @Viet with all these Vietnamese trolling, here are quotes from you talking to @Viet in this thread (from post 103 onwards):

Mongolia should hold vote on rejoining China | Page 7

You didn't cite, you manipulated facts. This is typical of every Vietnamese poster.

...There's witty relevant mocking, there's dumb and irrelevant mocking.

...Is this not the typical Vietnamese BS/dumb trolling?...

I'm very relaxed, but you bunch need to stop your low IQ trolling in every China related post. Can't get over your complex and hate, seek medical help.

As for why I criticized @Viet and not the other Vietnamese members? Its because the other Vietnamese members usually dont start the trolling...like 80% of the time, they are just responding to the trolling/provocations started by your countrymen. On the other hand, it is @Viet who usually starts the trolling fest by constantly creating threads about VN:

Japan to Give Vietnam Boats, Equipment Amid China's Buildup

U.S. ambassador to Vietnam visits the biggest Vietnamese community in America: Little Saigon

Vietnam capable of building oil rigs larger than China’s Haiyang 981

Premier Li urges China, Vietnam to maintain maritime stability

Vietnam-US relations: What the Vietnamese say

Taiwanese bank comes to Vietnam

Look at those threads and see for yourself who trolled/provoked who first, it is usually your countrymen or an ethnic Chinese instigating/provoking first, the other Vietnamese members were just responding in kind. And most of those troll fest threads above were started by @Viet.

yoro, you can cry and shout as you like. you can spew insult and lies until you become black and red. I´m not impressed at all. I do what I like, and not what you decide what I have to do.

but you know what, I will ask the mods to either ban you or me on this forum.

Dear mods, this member yoro is a stalker, trying to stop me contributing on this forum, spewing nonsense and lies. pls ban him permanently. thank you!

@Hu Songshan

Where did I lie? Read the links above, I have given evidences to what I have described about you. And your childish comment I quoted is from this linked thread, I did not lie:

Watch Out China: Vietnam's Coast Guard Will Fight Back! | Page 3

I assume you, your father and grandfather go everyday to the shrine, where the dead bodies and souls of our people are buried and masturbate. good time for you all indeed.

I’m telling you what to do? Isn’t that like what you said you tried to do with other Vietnamese members like BoQ77? didn’t you tried to tell him what to do, what to post and what not to post? You considered him a troll, I disagreed and consider you are the one who usually starts the troll fest, as evidenced by all your threads I linked above. If you named yourself as “Viet” and constantly create threads on Vietnam/Vietnamese that usually starts a trollfest, then I have the right, as a Vietnamese, to comment on your behaviour.

@Hu Songshan @Horus @WebMaster, yes you are welcomed to permanently ban me if you find that fitting. However, I’ll suggest that you permanently ban both @Viet and I, given the evidences I’ve given about Viet constantly starting threads on Vietnamese topics that usually cause a troll fest. At the very least, give us both a 1-2 month ban and you will see what I said was right and the trolling in this Far East section will decrease substantially.
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Lol ...slowly I believe to the words of @ChineseTiger1986 who says Yoro was short to being promoted to Thinktank status before he began trolling and trolling. he was banned. now out of frustration he goes rough, and the most unexpected thing happens: he began to personally attack me...like a stalker.

BoQ was permanently banned because he opened many chinese threads with intentional trollings. nonsense topics, and sometimes he created threads with domestic violent graphic images, including dead bodies. he was warned but did not want to listen. I appealed him many times to stop opening such threads, but he did not want to listen to me, either. if I remember myself correctly, I never created any chinese thread. but BoQ.
I dont know what is wrong between you two, but he got a point. This forum favors Chinese. This forum will kill your future if you hang out in here too much. Hang out with idiots and extremists will not make you a better person. Idiots and extemists are under bottom of society value chain. There is reason wny I am interested in military, I was ex U.S Army NCO. What is your college major may I asked? If it is not military, political sicence or related stay a way from this forum or you will be brain washed by extremists here.
I There is reason wny I am interested in military, I was ex U.S Army NCO. What is your college major may I asked? If it is not military, political sicence or related stay a way from this forum or you will be brain washed by extremists here.
you are a ex non com? Cool. Can you tell me a bit what you had done. the forum you mentioned earlier I will stop by later. My colleague major? I graduated in Telecommunications at a German University, having a Master (Diplom). special subject: internet technology and infrastructure. I once worked for the German Stock Exchange, travelling many times to Chicago, where the oldest futures and options exchange sits: the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). they had established a joint company there.

I passed by every morning the CBOT buiding below when walking from my rental appartment to office.

the city is wonderful in summer, free public concerts included.

has a Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, where 2,900 US soldiers from the State Illinois who died in the Vietnam War are engraved in a wall, and

...little Saigon in Argyle. Not so nice buidings and surroundings, but pho is ok.
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You are now trying to differentiate @Viet from the other so-called Vietnamese “trolls”. But you have previously generalised all Vietnamese trolling as dumb low IQ and grouped @Viet with all these Vietnamese trolling, here are quotes from you talking to @Viet in this thread (from post 103 onwards):

Mongolia should hold vote on rejoining China | Page 7

As for why I criticized @Viet and not the other Vietnamese members? Its because the other Vietnamese members usually dont start the trolling...like 80% of the time, they are just responding to the trolling/provocations started by your countrymen. On the other hand, it is @Viet who usually starts the trolling fest by constantly creating threads about VN:

Japan to Give Vietnam Boats, Equipment Amid China's Buildup

U.S. ambassador to Vietnam visits the biggest Vietnamese community in America: Little Saigon

Vietnam capable of building oil rigs larger than China’s Haiyang 981

Premier Li urges China, Vietnam to maintain maritime stability

Vietnam-US relations: What the Vietnamese say

Taiwanese bank comes to Vietnam

Look at those threads and see for yourself who trolled/provoked who first, it is usually your countrymen or an ethnic Chinese instigating/provoking first, the other Vietnamese members were just responding in kind. And most of those troll fest threads above were started by @Viet.

I was referring to this thread, a couple weeks ago.
Vietnam-US relations: What the Vietnamese say | Page 6

If you're going to dig out older thread, you can always find something on just about everyone. Yes, that was dumb trolling, but I've never called him dumb. Compared to most Vietnamese here, he looked like a mild-manner gentleman.

No, it was your comrades that drew the first blood. The reason you don't seen it now is because most of them are banned. You have to go back years to see how it all started. The content posted were almost all on China, Vietnamese came here not looking for discussion, but to troll, plain dumb trolling. Chinese of course retaliated. Nothing has changed today. Even if Viet stop posting, they'll still continue their act.
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