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Vietnam Defence Forum

so I hope the dumb duck yoro never appears here again, and we all can continue to post military news of Vietnam here in this thread. I don´t know much about him, who he is, from where he comes, but just hope he knows it is time to piss off.

I stay cool. and it is a fact as everybody here can´t deny: the number of chinese dummies on this forum exceeds far the of from VN. I just don´t understand what yoro has in mind. he was reasonable, but now he goes full on attacking mode. on me. citing lie, wrong allegation and worse: bullshit.

Wow you called me a stalker but now you’ve made 4 consecutive posts about me after I have stopped. So you want me to carry on or something?

You called me a liar but I have challenged you to show me where and you still haven’t done so.

I have already provided plenty of links to prove my points about you, that most of your Vietnamese threads are infested with Chinese trolls, and that you do not have enough knowledge about VN to defend your threads against Chinese attacks/trolling...your last thread about VN-TW banks proved this. Its usually you running away from your own threads when the Chinese trolling gets too overwhelming and its the other Viet members who had to deal with the Chinese trolls. Most of your threads I previously linked showed this.

And yes, beneath your “pro-Vietnam” facade, all you want is acceptance and approvals from the Chinese here. Is this just a story I made up? no, you have already exposed yourself like what I’ve described.

You refused to take the polite advices of other Vietnamese members like ComradeNam and DaiViet, but you instead believed the words of the Chinese members here, even thanked fattyacid for his “flowers” ( what the hell does this flower mean?). Not only did you refused to accept the Vietnamese advices, you even turned around and attacked another Vietnamese member like BoQ77 and called him a troll. But at the same time, you clicked on the like button of a well-known anti-Vietnam troll @ChineseTiger1986 because he gave you some fake praise. And this ChineseTiger1986 guy is one of the trolls that called VN “monkey”. But it doesnt matter to you that he is an anti-VN troll isn’t it? You clicked his like button in the previous few pages because he gave you some praise (fake praise). So what does this mean? It just proves my point that beneath your “pro-VN” facade, the only thing that you want from PDF is acceptance and approval from the Chinese. So this is not a story I have made up. You have actually exposed yourself to be how I have described you. You sometime argue back against the Chinese trolls, but its not because they are anti-VN, but its because they refused to accept you. The fact that you clicked the like button of a well-known anti-VN Chinese troll for cheap praises proved this. This probably also explains why you keep refusing to leave here. You are now in the denial phase.

But yes, its your personal rights, you have the freedom to act however you like, seeking validation from the Chinese or whatever, it should not be my business. But the problem is, and the reason I’m on your tail, is that you named yourself “@Viet”, always talk like you are some kind of VN govt spokesperson, and were constantly creating threads on Vietnam, that gives opportunity for Chinese trolls to attack and insult VN and you usually can’t defend your threads, you would usually abandon the thread and start a new one, not caring that your new threads will just invite more trolling from the Chinese. But now its clear why you don’t care about the Chinese trollings that follow your threads. Just like how you clicked the like button of the anti-Vietnam ChineseTiger1986, you do not really care about the anti-Vietnam trolling, because deep down, your only goal here is to get approval and validation from the Chinese.

And please dont call this lies and BS. You have exposed yourself when you clicked on the like button of ChineseTiger1986 on post #4860 for some cheap and fake praise. And this ChineseTiger1986 is a well known anti-VN racist who called Vietnamese “monkey”.

The point is this, you can stay here and do whatever you want. But change your name from “Viet” into something else, if you label yourself Viet, then other Vietnamese have the right to comment on your actions here. And stop spamming this forum with your Vietnamese threads. The majority of Vietnamese threads were created by you. Someone already explained to you that this section is biased towards the Chinese, so why do you keep creating Vietnamese threads when it will inevitably become a playground for the Chinese to trolls, especially when you cant defend your thread properly? Yes, I and other Viets something create threads, only a small portion, but atleast we can defend ourselves. So if you stop creating troll infested threads here, then you can do whatever else you want, its not my business.

I think this is all that needs to be said. This discussion can end here. Stop responding to me and I will stop responding to you.
yoro, you make accusations, personal attack and ask me to stop responding to you?

no. you are not only a stalker, but a dumb duck.
dumb, because you assume others are dumb while you are the only one who is smart.
duck, because you quack the some story, same shit over and over again. you probably don´t even notice it.

why should I change my nickname "Viet" to what you like?
what don´t you change to silly name "yoro" to a "silly duck"?
why don´t you ask daiViet and Viva_Viet to change their names?

why not?

there is a troll thread right now:
pinoys admire Vietnam education
why don´t you jump in and defend VN?

why don´t other Viet members complain about me, but just you?

the majority of VN threads were created by me?
I bet you even bother to count, how many I created, how many by yourself and other posters. yoro, you are a lying duck.

beneath my “pro-Vietnam” facade, all I want is acceptance and approvals from the Chinese here?
I believe you begin to sound like a psychopath. a psychopath duck. didn´t you once create a VN-CN friendship thread? maybe you should lick harder then you will get what you want: acceptance and approval from the chinese.

is a well known anti-VN racist who called Vietnamese “monkey”?
there are a lot of chinese posters here who spew racism and insults, however, I don´t remember he is. can you post here some of his citations? I bet you are a typical liar. as usual.

it is so funny to see you cited my thread about TW bank to make up your story. the thread was about my message to Martian2. if the message is delivered, I´m done. you seem to dig deep in the dirt, don´t you? TaiShang and other chinese posters open in a single day more threads than me in all the years. but you make your hands dirty searching for my posts and threads.

yes, at least one thing I can agree to you at the end. I think this is all that needs to be said. This discussion can end here. Stop responding to me and I will stop responding to you. your words.

Dear valued Mods, can you pls intervene here. Thank you! Much appreciated.
@Hu Songshan
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I think that equivalents to Bachelor degree. While youre an engineer why you spend so much time in these forum? Obviously it wont help advance your career, not only that it may destroy your career.
yes, obviously I waste my time here.

I say diplom or diploma as Carlosa says, while you understand diplomat.
I say graduated at university, while you understand college.
I hope you know the difference: receiving diploma if graduated at the first, bachelor if graduated at the latter.
is a well known anti-VN racist who called Vietnamese “monkey”?
there are a lot of chinese posters here who spew racism and insults, however, I don´t remember he is. can you post here some of his citations? I bet you are a typical liar. as usual.

I’m not going to reply to the other part because its just weird, like that duck part. I’ve already backed up what I said with links and post reference, etc.

I dont know why you are telling me to get in that DaiViet thread when I’ve already said I am leaving this forum. I don’t post outside anymore. The only reason Im posting in this thread is because you still keep replying to me, and make false accusations. When you stop replying, then I will leave the forum altogether.

And you still cant prove your accusations that I’m a liar. You say Im a liar when I said ChineseTiger1986 is racist and called VN monkey? Well here is the links:

History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam? | Page 71
You have to know that it is unfortunate for China being surrounded by a bunch of greedy monkeys.

PM Dung: Vietnam will stake claim to East Sea islands peacefully | Page 6
And the tiger's first little snack will be a that tiny little monkey AKA Vietnam. :lol:

Owned!!! :lol:

See you still cant prove Im a liar. So can we stop now? Some of your Chinese friends are actually waiting for me to leave here permanently.

@Yorozuya @Viet

Enough of this if you want to discuss this issue I suggest PM each other, it's derailing the thread.

You need to thank me, ever since I’ve told @Viet to stop spamming this Far East section with his Vietnamese threads, the VN-CN trolling has decreased substantially. The proofs is out there.

Anyway, I am now leaving this forum permanently. :wave:

Last post. Hopefully Viet dont reply back.
yes, obviously I waste my time here.

I say diplom or diploma as Carlosa says, while you understand diplomat.
I say graduated at university, while you understand college.
I hope you know the difference: receiving diploma if graduated at the first, bachelor if graduated at the latter.
Cool down, you two fight like some women. One guy resorts from those Chinese bias mods to help ban another Viet fellow. Another guy gives himself the auhority to force someone do as he said because he thinks has better right to speak for majority Viet. If there is Civil war, you two best to represent each side northern vs southern.

About diplom thing, I am sure Youre confused. Here where I live in US, college and university use interchanbeably even though it is wrong. When you said master, this mean the person holds higher degree than a bachelor, called graduated degree while bachelor called under graduate degree.

Also in US diploma refers to high school diploma while degree refers to anything higher than high school diploma? Often you will hear " I have master degree in ..." Or " I have master in ..."
I’m not going to reply to the other part because its just weird, like that duck part. I’ve already backed up what I said with links and post reference, etc.

I dont know why you are telling me to get in that DaiViet thread when I’ve already said I am leaving this forum. I don’t post outside anymore. The only reason Im posting in this thread is because you still keep replying to me, and make false accusations. When you stop replying, then I will leave the forum altogether.

And you still cant prove your accusations that I’m a liar. You say Im a liar when I said ChineseTiger1986 is racist and called VN monkey? Well here is the links:

History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam? | Page 71

PM Dung: Vietnam will stake claim to East Sea islands peacefully | Page 6

See you still cant prove Im a liar. So can we stop now? Some of your Chinese friends are actually waiting for me to leave here permanently.

You need to thank me, ever since I’ve told @Viet to stop spamming this Far East section with his Vietnamese threads, the VN-CN trolling has decreased substantially. The proofs is out there.

Anyway, I am now leaving this forum permanently. :wave:

Last post. Hopefully Viet dont reply back.

Well, I already got warned by using these remarks, so I don't use those derogatory remarks anymore.
About diplom thing, I am sure Youre confused. Here where I live in US, college and university use interchanbeably even though it is wrong. When you said master, this mean the person holds higher degree than a bachelor, called graduated degree while bachelor called under graduate degree.
I say: diploma, university, germany.
you understand: diplomat, college, america.

bro, there are only 3 words. read these. and is it so difficult to understand: education system of germany is not identical to america?

let me go back and delete my original post. the more I reply, the more confused you seem to become.

though let stop here. we are derailing the thread.
Flag rising ceremony for two new warship local made in Vietnam.


wow..........things got escalated quick in such a short time.............well anyway this is a exercise


  • BTR-60 with naval marine.jpg
    BTR-60 with naval marine.jpg
    29.5 KB · Views: 52
September 24, 2015
more pictures of the domestic made Molniya warships, coded HQ379 and HQ380, officially coming into service of the Navy.

  • built by the Ba Son shipyard, the vessels can operate at sea for 10 straight days, withstand winds as strong as 74kph, designed to attack targets both air and sea.
  • two AK-630 naval guns, one AK-176M automatic gun
  • 16 guided antiship missiles (Uran-E), range 130 kilometers






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some military events

the pioneer group are set to receive 5 russia made tractors B14. good for supporting reclamation and construction works on the spratly islands group.

domestic made acquisition Radar RV-02, capable to detect enemy stealth aircraft.

New training jet for fighter pilots: L-39NG (Czech Republic)

Hanoi on September 21
Receiving the Commander of the US Coast Guard, Admiral Paul Zukunft. it is highnoon, urgent to learn, cooperate, acquire modern vessels to strengthen the Coast Guard from a Superpower.
well.......that ring back some good old memories :)


  • old Naval Infantry with T-34.jpg
    old Naval Infantry with T-34.jpg
    30.9 KB · Views: 703
Two vietnam made weapons

SPG-9T2: anti-tank gun, manufactured in factory Z12







a Molniya attack warship test firing a guided antiship missile (Uran-E). Each vessel carries 16 missiles, with firing rate of less than 5 seconds a missile. a salvo of 16 missiles will take as little as some 80 seconds. the missile is build using russia license and technology.


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