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Vietnam Defence Forum

Latest pic of land reclamation in Big Spratly Island (Truong Sa):

View attachment 259173
nice, the runway seems will be enlarged. will be long to enough for our SU30 bombers to land and take off. what we need is bunkers for hosting the bombers, the 3 r´s: resting, refuelling, and rearment. but what are the 2 long shadows, above and below the island?
nice, the runway seems will be enlarged. will be long to enough for our SU30 bombers to land and take off. what we need is bunkers for hosting the bombers, the 3 r´s: resting, refuelling, and rearment. but what are the 2 long shadows, above and below the island?

Unlikely that there will ever be SU-30 (or any other plane based there) in that island, its way too small and the marine weather is really bad for any plane stationed there. The runway extension is probably for the C-295 (it needs 700 meters for take off fully loaded).

Don't know about the shadow areas.
I was referring to this thread, a couple weeks ago.
Vietnam-US relations: What the Vietnamese say | Page 6

If you're going to dig out older thread, you can always find something on just about everyone. Yes, that was dumb trolling, but I've never called him dumb. Compared to most Vietnamese here, he looked like a mild-manner gentleman.

No, it was your comrades that drew the first blood. The reason you don't seen it now is because most of them are banned. You have to go back years to see how it all started. The content posted were almost all on China, Vietnamese came here not looking for discussion, but to troll, plain dumb trolling. Chinese of course retaliated. Nothing has changed today. Even if Viet stop posting, they'll still continue their act.
Good und bad. Nobody is perfect. Everybody trolls. Me included. Though, if I troll a poster I try to make it that he doesn't notice. general racism against a person or a country is not acceptable. From your response here you certainly know for sure, seeing the differences. The tones matter. Banana eating monkey should not be the common phrase being used in personal communication. Some chinese posters drive me crazy. Thank for the flowers. That is not what I expected. I'd like to take back my bad words that had fallen against you.

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Unlikely that there will ever be SU-30 (or any other plane based there) in that island, its way too small and the marine weather is really bad for any plane stationed there. The runway extension is probably for the C-295 (it needs 700 meters for take off fully loaded).

Don't know about the shadow areas.
We needn't station a squadron on truong sa lon. Two Su-30s are enough as interceptors. Quick response to any chinese provocation. Sure, first, the island must become bigger. Second, more infrastructures, including hardened hangar for the jets. the chinese rapidly build up many runways nearby. how to respond?
I was referring to this thread, a couple weeks ago.
Vietnam-US relations: What the Vietnamese say | Page 6

If you're going to dig out older thread, you can always find something on just about everyone. Yes, that was dumb trolling, but I've never called him dumb. Compared to most Vietnamese here, he looked like a mild-manner gentleman.

That thread I linked was not old, its from this year. I didnt said you called him dumb either, I said you called his “counter replies” as dumb. And your quotes that I’ve linked proves it, you once called his replies “dumb and low IQ” trolling. Now you have changed your words and called him more mild-manner (and more educated & rational) than the other Vietnamese here, but in the thread I linked you were generalising all Vietnamese “trolls” as trolling with low IQ/dumb remarks, which you included @Viet. So you have changed your rhetorics now.

But congrats, you have managed to make @Viet feel happy by turning around and saying a few nice words to him (we call this bơm đểu). It just proves my point that he is naive and easy to manipulate by Chinese members. If you are trying to say that the thread I brought up was old and I should not look at it, then OK lets forget that.

No, it was your comrades that drew the first blood. The reason you don't seen it now is because most of them are banned. You have to go back years to see how it all started. The content posted were almost all on China, Vietnamese came here not looking for discussion, but to troll, plain dumb trolling. Chinese of course retaliated.

So I previously brought up a Jan 2015 thread to make my point and you suggest its old...but now you are asking me to look back at threads that are years back?

Anyway, so maybe what you’ve described really was true years back, but what about now? I now hardly see any Vietnamese flaming on China without first being provoked. And that is what is important, the state of things as it is now. You suggest the reason why I don’t see it now is because most of Vietnamese trolls are banned...ok, that maybe the reason, but what is important is that we don’t see it now. And if you look at the threads I linked, it is usually some ethnic Chinese who, without any provocation from any Vietnamese, trolled on the Vietnamese first. Here are some active threads for example:

Premier Li urges China, Vietnam to maintain maritime stability

pinoys admire Vietnam education

Taiwanese bank comes to Vietnam

See who is provoking/trolling on who now. Its usually some ethnic Chinese who provoke first. The first thread was created by a Chinese with no bad intentions, the 2nd and 3rd are about VN-Philippines and VN-Taiwan. But other Chinese members still jumped in to start trolling away.

And my point still stands, most of the Vietnamese threads created by @Viet gives the Chinese troll the opportunity to jump in and troll on VN. And @Viet, as an oversea non-citizen, is not knowledgeable enough to defend his viet thread, he just usually abandon it and starts a new thread (look at the Taiwan-VN bank thread where he was clueless about domestic Viet banks and so cant argue against a false accusation)...and this cycle just continue.

Nothing has changed today. Even if Viet stop posting, they'll still continue their act.

Here you said “nothing has changed today...they’ll still continue their act” but just a few sentence back you said I “don’t see it anymore because the Vietnamese trolls are banned”. Your words are not consistent here. I dont “see it anymore” is the key here, not what happened years back or how you are predicting it to be in the future. Right now, most of the VN-CN flaming happened in most of @Viet’s thread and its usually some ethnic Chinese who first instigated it.

Admit it, some Chinese members are backing @Viet now because they want him to stay so that they have opportunities to manipulate and troll on. Like someone else said, I hardly see any other Chinese members creating Vietnamese related thread anymore, just only a few, while the majority are created by @Viet.
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Admit it, some Chinese members are backing @Viet now because they want him to stay so that they have opportunities to manipulate and troll on. Like someone else said, I hardly see any other Chinese members creating Vietnamese related thread anymore, just only a few, while the majority are created by @Viet.
They can keep talking trash here, but No thing change in real life, so just skip it, bro :)
To be cool bros.

we joined here just for that: don't let Chinese freely insult on us without reasonable responds. :-)
you are a ex non com? Cool. Can you tell me a bit what you had done. the forum you mentioned earlier I will stop by later. My colleague major? I graduated in Telecommunications at a German University, having a Master (Diplom). special subject: internet technology and infrastructure. I once worked for the German Stock Exchange, travelling many times to Chicago, where the oldest futures and options exchange sits: the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). they had established a joint company there.

I passed by every morning the CBOT buiding below when walking from my rental appartment to office.

the city is wonderful in summer, free public concerts included.

has a Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, where 2,900 US soldiers from the State Illinois who died in the Vietnam War are engraved in a wall, and

...little Saigon in Argyle. Not so nice buidings and surroundings, but pho is ok.
You said you have a master degree in diplomat? I am hearing you wrong? I thought you were a kid on the block, because the way you speak and arguring more
That thread I linked was not old, its from this year. I didnt said you called him dumb either, I said you called his “counter replies” as dumb. And your quotes that I’ve linked proves it, you once called his replies “dumb and low IQ” trolling. Now you have changed your words and called him more mild-manner (and more educated & rational) than the other Vietnamese here, but in the thread I linked you were generalising all Vietnamese “trolls” as trolling with low IQ/dumb remarks, which you included @Viet. So you have changed your rhetorics now.

But congrats, you have managed to make @Viet feel happy by turning around and saying a few nice words to him (we call this bơm đểu). It just proves my point that he is naive and easy to manipulate by Chinese members. If you are trying to say that the thread I brought up was old and I should not look at it, then OK lets forget that.

For anyone who doesn't live his life in PDF, an 9 months old thread is vintage.

I stand by what I said. Anyone can be susceptible in making stupid remark, but you're a low IQ troll when you repeat and recycle the shit again and again.

So I previously brought up a Jan 2015 thread to make my point and you suggest its old...but now you are asking me to look back at threads that are years back?

Anyway, so maybe what you’ve described really was true years back, but what about now? I now hardly see any Vietnamese flaming on China without first being provoked. And that is what is important, the state of things as it is now. You suggest the reason why I don’t see it now is because most of Vietnamese trolls are banned...ok, that maybe the reason, but what is important is that we don’t see it now. And if you look at the threads I linked, it is usually some ethnic Chinese who, without any provocation from any Vietnamese, trolled on the Vietnamese first. Here are some active threads for example:

Premier Li urges China, Vietnam to maintain maritime stability

pinoys admire Vietnam education

Taiwanese bank comes to Vietnam
See who is provoking/trolling on who now. Its usually some ethnic Chinese who provoke first. The first thread was created by a Chinese with no bad intentions, the 2nd and 3rd are about VN-Philippines and VN-Taiwan. But other Chinese members still jumped in to start trolling away.

I said you have to go back years to see how the feud started. Having sex is not the same as making love. You dug out an old thread to find dirt over a new spat that happened a week ago.

In a nationalistic military forum, taking a swipe at one another is inevitable, it's whether you argue and troll intelligently, or make dumb remark one after another, smear and troll retardedly.

I looked through the three thread, they are a speck of dust compared to the rotten filth your comrades are capable of.

Here you said “nothing has changed today...they’ll still continue their act” but just a few sentence back you said I “don’t see it anymore because the Vietnamese trolls are banned”. Your words are not consistent here. I dont “see it anymore” is the key here, not what happened years back or how you are predicting it to be in the future. Right now, most of the VN-CN flaming happened in most of @Viet’s thread and its usually some ethnic Chinese who first instigated it.

Admit it, some Chinese members are backing @Viet now because they want him to stay so that they have opportunities to manipulate and troll on. Like someone else said, I hardly see any other Chinese members creating Vietnamese related thread anymore, just only a few, while the majority are created by @Viet.

Nothing can be consistent when you put two of my sentences together out of context. Once again, having sex is not making love.

Make your judgement when PDF moderation revert back to sleep mode and when your comrades are all released.

If you truly care about VN's reputation, go take on the low life Vietnamese trolls instead. Chinese want no part in your personal vendetta. I'm here only because you tagged me.
You said you have a master degree in diplomat? I am hearing you wrong? I thought you were a kid on the block, because the way you speak and arguring more
Diplom, not Diplomat! the first title is what you receive if you graduate in engineering subject a german university, comparable to master in english.

yes, I was a dirty poor but happy kid on the block when I was young, back then VN.

To be cool bros.

we joined here just for that: don't let Chinese freely insult on us without reasonable responds. :-)
I stay cool. and it is a fact as everybody here can´t deny: the number of chinese dummies on this forum exceeds far the of from VN. I just don´t understand what yoro has in mind. he was reasonable, but now he goes full on attacking mode. on me. citing lie, wrong allegation and worse: bullshit.
That thread I linked was not old, its from this year. I didnt said you called him dumb either, I said you called his “counter replies” as dumb. And your quotes that I’ve linked proves it, you once called his replies “dumb and low IQ” trolling. Now you have changed your words and called him more mild-manner (and more educated & rational) than the other Vietnamese here, but in the thread I linked you were generalising all Vietnamese “trolls” as trolling with low IQ/dumb remarks, which you included @Viet. So you have changed your rhetorics now.

But congrats, you have managed to make @Viet feel happy by turning around and saying a few nice words to him (we call this bơm đểu). It just proves my point that he is naive and easy to manipulate by Chinese members. If you are trying to say that the thread I brought up was old and I should not look at it, then OK lets forget that.

So I previously brought up a Jan 2015 thread to make my point and you suggest its old...but now you are asking me to look back at threads that are years back?

Anyway, so maybe what you’ve described really was true years back, but what about now? I now hardly see any Vietnamese flaming on China without first being provoked. And that is what is important, the state of things as it is now. You suggest the reason why I don’t see it now is because most of Vietnamese trolls are banned...ok, that maybe the reason, but what is important is that we don’t see it now. And if you look at the threads I linked, it is usually some ethnic Chinese who, without any provocation from any Vietnamese, trolled on the Vietnamese first. Here are some active threads for example:

Premier Li urges China, Vietnam to maintain maritime stability

pinoys admire Vietnam education

Taiwanese bank comes to Vietnam

See who is provoking/trolling on who now. Its usually some ethnic Chinese who provoke first. The first thread was created by a Chinese with no bad intentions, the 2nd and 3rd are about VN-Philippines and VN-Taiwan. But other Chinese members still jumped in to start trolling away.

And my point still stands, most of the Vietnamese threads created by @Viet gives the Chinese troll the opportunity to jump in and troll on VN. And @Viet, as an oversea non-citizen, is not knowledgeable enough to defend his viet thread, he just usually abandon it and starts a new thread (look at the Taiwan-VN bank thread where he was clueless about domestic Viet banks and so cant argue against a false accusation)...and this cycle just continue.

Here you said “nothing has changed today...they’ll still continue their act” but just a few sentence back you said I “don’t see it anymore because the Vietnamese trolls are banned”. Your words are not consistent here. I dont “see it anymore” is the key here, not what happened years back or how you are predicting it to be in the future. Right now, most of the VN-CN flaming happened in most of @Viet’s thread and its usually some ethnic Chinese who first instigated it.

Admit it, some Chinese members are backing @Viet now because they want him to stay so that they have opportunities to manipulate and troll on. Like someone else said, I hardly see any other Chinese members creating Vietnamese related thread anymore, just only a few, while the majority are created by @Viet.
yoro, you are dumb.

you construct a story to defame me. if I want, I can construct a story to prove you are a duck. I don´t know the reason, but I guess you are acting out of low instinct.

first, the number of threads I created all the years, combined, are probably lower of those of TaiShang creates in a single day. You forget to mention the threads being created by other Viet members, and of course by yourself. don´t these threads matter at all? Nothing? Just my thread is dirty, while yours and other are clean?

because I live oversea hence no credibility? it that your logic?
you say stuying and living oversea, too. but is it ok, you have all credibility?

if chinese troll in my thread, then it is dirty. if the same chinese troll in your threads and in other vietnamese member created threads, then it is clean?

because somebody trolls, it is my fault by your definition?

there are a huge number of threads running active right now, with all the lies and insults about VN and our people. why don´t you jump in and defend VN and our people? why do you keep silent?

I am not here to lick chinese azz as you try to prove. if anything it is YOU!

last, I don´t care of what you think about me. It is not important. yoro, FCK OFF!
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so I hope the dumb duck yoro never appears here again, and we all can continue to post military news of Vietnam here in this thread. I don´t know much about him, who he is, from where he comes, but just hope he knows it is time to piss off.
Diplom, not Diplomat! the first title is what you receive if you graduate in engineering subject a german university, comparable to master in english.

yes, I was a dirty poor but happy kid on the block when I was young, back then VN.

I think that equivalents to Bachelor degree. While youre an engineer why you spend so much time in these forum? Obviously it wont help advance your career, not only that it may destroy your career.
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