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Vietnam-China: Better ties hold key to South China Sea disputes

If they choose US help to counter you then you will go in request mode ..

sure they will kiss usa assss like they used to kiss chinese and russian assss before , but armerica aint that stupid to risk everything for ungarteful backstab country like vietnam
By Cheng Guangjin (China Economic Net)
08:52, February 14, 2012
BEIJING - China is ready to explore solutions to South China Sea disputes under reasonable conditions, while stressing that the most important immediate task is to advance practical cooperation with Southeast Asian countries to create an atmosphere in which to solve these disputes, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Monday.

"On the South China Sea issue, China's stance is clear, which is known by the Vietnamese side," ministry spokesman Liu Weimin said at a regular news conference, when asked about Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh's ongoing visit to China.

Minh began a four-day visit to China on Sunday, his first since becoming the country's foreign minister in August.

The two countries are in a dispute over some islands in the South China Sea.

Liu said the two sides have agreed that, considering the overall nature of bilateral ties, the dispute should be resolved through friendly negotiations.

"China is ready to consider exploring solutions to the South China Sea disputes with all relevant parties under reasonable conditions," said Liu.

Of the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations members, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei have claims to territories in the South China Sea.

China and ASEAN adopted guidelines on the implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in July, which is a non-binding agreement.

Liu said China is open-minded and willing to actively promote the final conclusion of a "code of conduct of parties in the South China Sea" when the conditions are right.

"The pressing task for now is that all parties take opportunities to implement the DOC, and promote practical cooperation in the South China Sea to safeguard regional peace and stability," Liu said.

According to Reuters, Vietnam is opening up to Western defense firms amid tensions in the South China Sea.

Minh met with his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi on Sunday. Yang said China was ready to work with Vietnam to implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, and enhance political mutual trust, deepen cooperation and properly handle sensitive issues, in order to promote the sustained, sound and stable development of bilateral ties.

Minh said Vietnam cherishes its traditional friendship and cooperation with China.

Zhou Yongkang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, also met with Minh on Monday.

Minh will also go to the southwest province of Yunnan on Tuesday, which borders Vietnam.

Xinhua contributed to this story.

Better ties hold key to South China Sea disputes - People's Daily Online
This is very clever. We know that Vietnam wants to tie up with india to invade our South China Sea, so we pretend to be nice and friendly and want to talk. Then when Vietnam go ahead and invades, we have moral upper hand to launch our attack.
This is very clever. We know that Vietnam wants to tie up with india to invade our South China Sea, so we pretend to be nice and friendly and want to talk. Then when Vietnam go ahead and invades, we have moral upper hand to launch our attack.
The problem is: your combat tactic suck, can't compare to VN's amry and war will destroy your economy too, so taking back those islands from you is just the matter of time :coffee:
This is very clever. We know that Vietnam wants to tie up with india to invade our South China Sea, so we pretend to be nice and friendly and want to talk. Then when Vietnam go ahead and invades, we have moral upper hand to launch our attack.

China would never risk a war with Vietnam knowing fully well that its a lose-lose situation for them for the sake for few tiny islands , Everyone knows that Viets would never buckle down without a fight nor would China wish to lose their economic progress that they have achieved in the last 2-3 decades
The problem is: your combat tactic suck, can't compare to VN's amry and war will destroy your economy too, so taking back those islands from you is just the matter of time :coffee:
LOL..... did you forget how we killed 130,000 Vietnamese people in just 28 days? :)


This time, we we'll fight Vietnam for much longer. Years and years. And we'll do the napalm and agent orange spraying like USA did. I wonder how many Vietnamese will be left after that.
LOL..... did you forget how we killed 130,000 Vietnamese people in just 28 days? :)

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This time, we we'll fight Vietnam for much longer. Years and years. And we'll do the napalm and agent orange spraying like USA did. I wonder how many Vietnamese will be left after that.
Hehhe, bcz you have US-NATO-Thailand support that time, now you're alone, and No one will give a helping hand to your economy like in 1979 too. War with VN will destroy China's economy and turn 1,3 billion Chinese back to slavery time again :coffee:
Hehhe, bcz you have US-NATO-Thailand support that time, now you're alone, and No one will give a helping hand to your economy like in 1979 too. War with VN will destroy China's economy and turn 1,3 billion Chinese back to slavery time again :coffee:
LOL....... it was Vietnam that was China's vassal state for 1000 years :) Wave hello to your masters again.

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LOL..... did you forget how we killed 130,000 Vietnamese people in just 28 days? :)

Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This time, we we'll fight Vietnam for much longer. Years and years. And we'll do the napalm and agent orange spraying like USA did. I wonder how many Vietnamese will be left after that.

Do you even realise the consequences of fighting vietnam "years and years" your economy will be set back by a couple of decades apart from loss of lives and property ... the leadership of China sure would be more wise than you . Peace is the only option !
Do you even realise the consequences of fighting vietnam "years and years" your economy will be set back by a couple of decades apart from loss of lives and property ... the leadership of China sure would be more wise than you . Peace is the only option !
Conquest of territory and resources pays for itself. Peace is for cowards. Victory and glory are for winners.
^ LOL...... we already took back Hong Kong and Macau in 1997 and 1999. Last month, we conquered Taiwan too by intimidating them into reelecting the pro-China party. Now we are moving on to our next target. Guess which one this is?
Conquest of territory and resources pays for itself. Peace is for cowards. Victory and glory are for winners.
And China's leaders are coward, they're so rich, they're scare of death if fighting with VN now, so, they'd better to kill dumb and unarmed Chinese peasant like in Tienanmen square than fighting with strong and brave VN's army :lol:
LOL...... we already took back Hong Kong and Macau in 1997 and 1999. Last month, we conquered Taiwan too by intimidating them into reelecting the pro-China party. Now we are moving on to our next target. Guess which one this is?
Next one is Chinese peasant in Tienanmen square again of course :lol:
The problem is: your combat tactic suck, can't compare to VN's amry and war will destroy your economy too, so taking back those islands from you is just the matter of time :coffee:

Lol you silly fool your army killed ratio during the vietnam war is 100 vietnamese to 1 american i would nt boost about your army if i were you.
And China's leaders are coward, they're so rich, they're scare of death if fighting with VN now, so, they'd better to kill dumb and unarmed Chinese peasant like in Tienanmen square than fighting with strong and brave VN's army :lol:

Next one is Chinese peasant in Tienanmen square again of course :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

You can talk that way about Hu Jintao. But you don't know about Xi Jinping. He was a red guard. He said it was a pity the cultural revolution didn't achieve its ideals :rofl:

The guy is a chip off the old Mao-block. You Vietnamese and indians are so screwed. PLA is going to be unleashed very very soon.
Lol you silly fool your army killed ratio during the vietnam war is 100 vietnamese to 1 american i would nt boost about your army if i were you.

When you start personal attacks it shows your depression.may be your pay is based on how much personal attacks you have done.but the fact is you were beaten badly in 1967 and in future you dare to something like that you will meet with same result.
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