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Video of Indians and Pakistani's not shooting at each other

Ironic.. ive yet to see this or sign on it... now why dont you fuk off and rape or lynch minorities.. chutiye.

Hes just another Bhosde ka rss chadi... moaning about "sickulars" and whatnot in indian threads...
Ahmadis are out of the vast fold of Islam. They themselves do not claim to be apart of the wider Muslim Ummah. As far as I'm concerned they are a seperate faith from Islam just like the Nation of Islam in America.
Ironic.. ive yet to see this or sign on it... now why dont you fuk off and rape or lynch minorities.. chutiye.

Hes just another Bhosde ka rss chadi... moaning about "sickulars" and whatnot in indian threads...
why don't you go and whine against LHC who allowed people who shout kaafir kaafir shia kaafir from fighting elections in Pakistan?
Ahmadis are out of the vast fold of Islam. They themselves do not claim to be apart of the wider Muslim Ummah. As far as I'm concerned they are a seperate faith from Islam just like the Nation of Islam in America.
Let's not get started about the Hindu militants groups in India.
why don't you go and whine against LHC who allowed people who shout kaafir kaafir shia kaafir from fighting elections in Pakistan?

you don't worry. Someone will do the same and would win. Stop BJP from winning elections after every riots.

Hes just another Bhosde ka rss chadi... moaning about "sickulars" and whatnot in indian threads...

Lol I know. In next anti muslim riot I can imagine him running in dhoti with a sword in his hand.
They are not going to parliament.
It's not about that if they are going or not .. it about allowing a party to fight elections which thinks shia's are kaffir and openly propagate that. It's all about how many percentage of votes they receive in that particular constituency.
It's not about that if they are going or not .. it about allowing a party to fight elections which thinks shia's are kaffir and openly propagate that. It's all about how many percentage of votes they receive in that particular constituency.

They are not going to parliament. You can keep whining while being an as$ licker of RSS and BJP.
They are not going to parliament. You can keep whining while being an as$ licker of RSS and BJP.
I already said it's not about if they win or not but it's about how many percent of people in that constituency believes in their ideology. Lets' wait for the elections and results.
I am Indian from Kerala I have nothing in common with Pakistan culturally ... Those Indias who think they have things common with Pakistan can cross border and be with them ...

Kerala has no land borders with Pak, No cross border terrorism issue with Pak , no territorial dispute with Pak... But we will fight on boarders to defend every inch of India...

I am from a very small ancient tiny minority tribe in Kerala... and when u hear a soldier from Kerala has died on border then there are 90% chances that the soldier is from my tribe... peace loving North Indians can go live with their culturally close brothers or if u stay in India singing about your similar chai , samosas and jaleebis, we from this tribe those men who dont fight on the Indian border will make sure our bullets will tear your hearts first and then the enemies...

Blood of my brothers and integrity of my nation matters ...
There is a group of people called BcJP who never accept Pakistan and their dreams are destruction of Pakistan you might be one of them:coffee: majority of Indians don't care much as DNA of a Hindu doesn't know how to fight and want live in peace.
Bring the Kashmir issue on table and talk don't run like a scared b..ch.
to all Pakistanis who want peace with India should migrate to India and live with them WE need a peaceful solution of Kashmir without that we do not need that Aman Ka Tamasha.

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