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Video of Indians and Pakistani's not shooting at each other

There you go. You just prove my point. Pakistan and india are never gonna have peace without resolving the Kashmir crisis.
That's the point. The main cause of hostility between the two nations is Kashmir and neither of us are going to give up. To resolve the dispute based on current or past scenarios is to wage a full fledged war which may turn into nuclear resulting in the destruction of both nations. My opinion would be, if there comes a time when both countries have govts who are actually willing to resolve the Kashmir dispute peacefully, it would be to stay put at the current locations the armies are holding and to sign an agreement to make it the official Indo-Pak border.
Na.. we only gave him the second highest award for the heck of it.. so that some sanghi chadi from across the border pops up on day and gets owned due to his stupidity.

Nope. We gave him a second highest gallantry medal just for fun.

Just like Abdus Salam was honored for being the first ...... nobel prize winner?
had he been alive you would have forced him to sign this wouldn't you?

Tell that to ASJW chief who is fighting election in Punjab? what was the popular slogan of his jamaat?

Ironic.. ive yet to see this or sign on it... now why dont you fuk off and rape or lynch minorities.. chutiye.

First ask All Indian Muslim Personal Law Board to make Ahmadi member of their board. Just saying. :)

Hes just another Bhosde ka rss chadi... moaning about "sickulars" and whatnot in indian threads...
Tell that to ASJW chief who is fighting election in Punjab? what was the popular slogan of his jamaat?

He would be soon disqualified like before.


And even if somehow allowed and wins. He would again be disqualified.


This is not India where BJP can win elections because of its "performance" in communal riots.

First ask All Indian Muslim Personal Law Board to make Ahmadi member of their board. Just saying. :)
Ouch from hilal e jurat to indian muslim personal law board ... quite a jump.
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