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VICE documentary on LOC

I've lived in India and have relatives there so I am as Indian as anyone else.
But Sikhs have been living there for centuries so have or did assimilate into Kashmiri culture. LMAO are you trying to say that Kashmiri Pandits aren't real Kashmiris? It belonged to Dogra Hindu rulers at one point. Look up the British census taken in 1911, minorities made up 30% of Kashmir at one point until they were killed or forced to leave.
Yes, I care for for Pandits like you care for extremist "freedom fighters".

Keep telling yourself that. :)

Thank you for the nonsense.. as for a nepali being indian... lmao... well we know how own nepal dont we.
Thats 25% population of a state going extinct if it goes in the hands of Pakistan. See we are all doing everyone a favour by keeping it :)

No there can be another population exchange if necessary you guys can get rid of some pesky Muslims. :lol:
Yet you cant settle in IOK... and UN (United Nations) and other important powers.. regional n global disagree?and you Pak flags are hoisted in IOK? indian forces ..? oh well.

Yeah right... although reality is a bitch..

lol.. oh do you?
A bitch has many names ... one who finds more comforting excuse names it like it !!!
Thank you for the nonsense.. as for a nepali being indian... lmao... well we know how own nepal dont we.
How is it nonsense? You aren't refuting any of the points made. And what does me being from Nepal have to do with this?
which one you dont believe.. foreign tourist bit or UN observer bit? first one I know for sure, second one I read here on pdf, might find it if you want.

I read it here on pdf, let me seach.

What you read on PDF was the opposite... UN,International media,Human rights groups etc are not allowed into IOK.
Thank you for the nonsense.. as for a nepali being indian... lmao... well we know how own nepal dont we.
there are ethnic gurkha majority areas in India, its not a suprise. There is a long running demand from them to get separate state. (which I support btw)
Yet you cant settle in IOK... and UN (United Nations) and other important powers.. regional n global disagree?and you Pak flags are hoisted in IOK? indian forces ..? oh well.

Not that I would want to. Ok my only serious answer for this thread:

Honestly, Kashmir was about ego before, but the stakes are much higher these days. Kashmir controls the water of entire India and Pakistan. We cannot afford to have that state in the control of anybody but India. They can hoist the Pak flags, or hoist the switzerland flags, or make their own damn flag and hoist it. It is probably one of the few states we woul deven risk going nuclear for, cuz without the state, Pakistan's next craz yyIslamist military dictator would try to kill us off via droughts...
How is it nonsense? You aren't refuting any of the points made. And what does me being from Nepal have to do with this?

Refuting? first make a valid point... instead of telling us about your relatives n stuff.

there are ethnic gurkha majority areas in India, its not a suprise. There is a long running demand from them to get separate state. (which I support btw)

Yeah the mercs? :lol: this guy claims to be a nepali..
Not that I would want to. Ok my only serious answer for this thread:

Honestly, Kashmir was about ego before, but the stakes are much higher these days. Kashmir controls the water of entire India and Pakistan. We cannot afford to have that state in the control of anybody but India. They can hoist the Pak flags, or hoist the switzerland flags, or make their own damn flag and hoist it. It is probably one of the few states we woul deven risk going nuclear for, cuz without the state, Pakistan's next craz yyIslamist military dictator would try to kill us off via droughts...

Kashmirs rivers do not feed all of India lol, it does feed all of Pakistan though.
Sure it is good for you... people dying.. thts good for you guys right? irrespective of the fact if they are Kashmiris(well u dont care abt them... tht we all know)... and indian soldiers..
They didn't had to die ... but they were instigate by non state actors .... they must reap what they sow !!!
Not that I would want to. Ok my only serious answer for this thread:

Honestly, Kashmir was about ego before, but the stakes are much higher these days. Kashmir controls the water of entire India and Pakistan. We cannot afford to have that state in the control of anybody but India. They can hoist the Pak flags, or hoist the switzerland flags, or make their own damn flag and hoist it. It is probably one of the few states we woul deven risk going nuclear for, cuz without the state, Pakistan's next craz yyIslamist military dictator would try to kill us off via droughts...

So you care about water? hahaha.... great going.
Genocide lol, how many pandits were killed or were they just thrown out of their homes? Those mass graves in kashmir are of Muslims not pandits.
Nope, they are of Pandits. At least a good few thousand of the community where killed and the rest where kicked out. I could easily post some quite grisly photos of pandits that where massacred. It's funny how pandit deaths are less important than Muslim death.
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