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vehicle prices .. simply unaffordable by middle class now ,,

I aint saying she is a gold diggah
But she aint messing with no broke nibbah :-//

Well, to be fair, all of the above choices need a certain level of moolah to finance and enjoy. A luxury indeed.

Any opinion polls done recently on I.K govt approval?

Highly unreliable generally in Pakistan, and quite probably irrelevant as well.
I used this type of Sohrab cycle for good 4 or 5 years during scorching heats of summers to commute between my home and my high school in early 90s, and I wasn't the only one as there were hundreds of other boys in my government school in Gujranwala city who used to drive this type of cycle as personal conveyance. It was part of culture in those days, there was no shame in going to school or work on a cycle. This luxury loving culture is pretty recent phenomenon in case of Pakistan mostly post 90s.

People have just become too much softy these days like Nawaz Sharif :lol: who needs all kinds of facilities even in the jail.


Sohrab Zindaabad, Pakistan's local brand :tup: and our favorite from 80s and 90s.
Environment was also bearable back in those days.

Now one has to cope with higher levels of pollution, dust, and scorching heat, particularly in cities. Many people fall ill in the process. Many more will, and productivity will drop.

Put me in a clean environment and bearable conditions, and I would love to cycle again.
Environment was also bearable back in those days.

Now one has to cope with higher levels of pollution, dust, and scorching heat, particularly in cities. Many people fall ill in the process. Many more will, and productivity will drop.

Put me in a clean environment and bearable conditions, and I would love to cycle again.
come to california :enjoy:
so has anyone asked this question yet that if cars are that expensive now, will it not effect the sales and in turn the tax collection by the govt ? then whats the point
Less cars = less petroleum imports.

Govt should pressure auto industry even more, double the taxes on every car if they don't manufacture in Pakistan.
$86k for a fortuner????
Dear God above
I could easily get used lamborghini/ferrari or a Audi R8 for that kinda money.

Not to mention hundreds of used $60k Porsches lying around.

Any opinion polls done recently on I.K govt approval?
Around 50-55% (68% among the under 30 crowd)

Well, to be fair, all of the above choices need a certain level of moolah to finance and enjoy. A luxury indeed.
Some require less moolah but the same problem not the daleem I wanted ah well I am engaged anyway so might as well give up
Imran khan has one medicine for all types of issues tax tax tax burden over burden passed on citizen which is unlawfull

There is still trillions been wasted on un necesary items used by govt

1 MBAMOA should not take any salaried as they are here to work for peoples

2 nocars to govt officials to take use them after duty hours

Imran khan bring looted money which he prmised people of pak have enough of this taxation

I agree peopke must pay taxes but there should be balance

Follow US taxation system the pay tax at once but we pay tax on sane thing three to five times
The goal here to reduce the import bill, not only for items such as cars and their components, but also imported energy to run them, while also raising revenue for the government.

Kill the car industry and greater economy to reduce the import bill. Akin to committing suicide to reduce debt burden
Kill the car industry and greater economy to reduce the import bill. Akin to committing suicide to reduce debt burden

Well, the dead don't have to worry about repaying their debts. :D

Some require less moolah but the same problem not the daleem I wanted ah well I am engaged anyway so might as well give up

Happy and Safe Riding and Motoring!
Less cars = less petroleum imports.

Govt should pressure auto industry even more, double the taxes on every car if they don't manufacture in Pakistan.

Perhaps the Government should rather focus on EV cars and encourage local assemblers to introduce EV cars with Solar charging stations. This will have to be a 20-30 year plan but the dividends will be enormous. Government needs to try and fix the mobility and lower the cost of commute in a reasonable, dignified manner.
as i had anticipated, the dollar hike and IMF economic 'shock therapy' is showing its first tell tale signs

vehicle prices have gone off the roof and are now simply un-affordable for the middle class ( except ofcourse the PTI fanboys who live in their mom's basement , like mr ghazi and mr azad pakistan )

but no , there are no comparisons to post soviet Russia ,, its all #fakenews !

Indus motor, Honda ,suzuki have all jacked up car prices

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If someone can't afford something then just don't buy it millions of Pakistanis are traveling without cars if they can survive without cars then why can't others

@mods, title correction

' unaffordable '
If someone can't afford something then just don't buy it millions of Pakistanis are traveling without cars if they can survive without cars then why can't others


solution to all the above

close industry

brilliant !

what ground realities ? can you explain ?

i would like your detailed response !
If someone can't afford something then just don't buy it millions of Pakistanis are traveling without cars if they can survive without cars then why can't others

if this happens, id do that

if that happens, ill gladly do this

typical PTI fan boy conjectures
If someone can't afford something then just don't buy it millions of Pakistanis are traveling without cars if they can survive without cars then why can't others

If someone can't afford something then just don't buy it millions of Pakistanis are traveling without cars if they can survive without cars then why can't others
I am borrowing your words !!!
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