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vehicle prices .. simply unaffordable by middle class now ,,

Well under the current fiscal situation our priority should be to facilitating the poor and the lower middle class. Rest I damn care if someone cannot buy a car with certain features or accessories when the lowest strata cannot afford to eat two meals a day.
Inflation has hit the poor 2 meal a day guy much more than upper middle class.

None of you have any idea how much those ppl curse IK.
I don't think it is Pakistani innovation ...

Plus common sense would tell you make something stable considering 6-8 children jammwd in that can topple it
I hate it... It is in total violation of all engineering design and basic safety standards. I saw it in Multan and some other cities during my last visit to Pakistan. But I did not see it in Isb and Lhr (I'm not 100% about Lhr)... good God.

Inflation has hit the poor 2 meal a day guy much more than upper middle class.

None of you have any idea how much those ppl curse IK.
Well, they should be cursing NS and Zardari for their plight.
Their cursing IK is invalid and Allah knows everything so such curses have not acceptability in His court.
as i had anticipated, the dollar hike and IMF economic 'shock therapy' is showing its first tell tale signs

vehicle prices have gone off the roof and are now simply un-affordable for the middle class ( except ofcourse the PTI fanboys who live in their mom's basement , like mr ghazi and mr azad pakistan )

but no , there are no comparisons to post soviet Russia ,, its all #fakenews !

Indus motor, Honda ,suzuki have all jacked up car prices

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I've reported your personal attack on me. Its completely uncalled for. I haven't forced you to pay tax, nor will I see a single rupee of it.

As for car prices, I've never had the wealth to buy a brand new car. Those who do can probably afford the 3-4 lakh extra they'll have to pay. If they can't they should buy second hand like I do.
There are realistic solutions like buying older model cars but the cycle advise is downright stupid
The temperature even at 6:00 pm is like 39C

I used this type of Sohrab cycle for good 4 or 5 years during scorching heats of summers to commute between my home and my high school in early 90s, and I wasn't the only one as there were hundreds of other boys in my government school in Gujranwala city who used to drive this type of cycle as personal conveyance. It was part of culture in those days, there was no shame in going to school or work on a cycle. This luxury loving culture is pretty recent phenomenon in case of Pakistan mostly post 90s.

People have just become too much softy these days like Nawaz Sharif :lol: who needs all kinds of facilities even in the jail.


Sohrab Zindaabad, Pakistan's local brand :tup: and our favorite from 80s and 90s.
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None of you have any idea how much those ppl curse IK.
O I do....I have one cursing day in and day out @Retired Troll

I used this type of Sohrab cycle for good 4 or 5 years during scorching heats of summers to commute to commute from my high school in early 90s, and I wasn't the only one there were hundreds of other boys in my government school in Gujranwala city who used to drive this cycle as personal conveyance.
People have just become too much softy these days like Nawaz Sharif :lol: who needs all kinds of facilities even in the jail.


Sohrab Zindaabad, Pakistan's local brand :tup: and our favorite from 80s and 90s.
Looks like German design
Again I see Pakistanis whining instead of pushing for domestic production...

Even in African nations when they don't have something they innovate. ..in Pakistan they whine....

Yes indeed many are whining on this thread like children when their toys (in this case cars) are taken away from them :lol:

I used this type of Sohrab cycle for good 4 or 5 years during scorching heats of summers to commute to commute from my high school in early 90s, and I wasn't the only one there were hundreds of other boys in my government school in Gujranwala city who used to drive this cycle as personal conveyance.
People have just become too much softy these days like Nawaz Sharif :lol: who needs all kinds of facilities even in the jail.


Sohrab Zindaabad, Pakistan's local brand :tup: and our favorite from 80s and 90s.
I still ride bicycle almost everyday.. I had a knee injury while skiing so I had to use car for almost 6 months but just before the start of the summer I resumed cycling..and I love it
I still ride bicycle almost everyday.. I had a knee injury while skiing so I had to use car for almost 6 months but just before the start of the summer I resumed cycling..and I love it

But haven't you frozen to death in Sweden by cycling? :woot:
Poor Pakistanis lost the sympathy of one of the greatest generous soul in the universe, now pakistanis are doomed :lol:.

What a worthless comment.

How true is this

In India it's only for high class..
Not many Corollas on road
That's not even the end of it.
Shahbaz Sharif also rejected building a sewage system in Lahore because "it's underground and no one will see it"
I used this type of Sohrab cycle for good 4 or 5 years during scorching heats of summers to commute between my home and my high school in early 90s, and I wasn't the only one as there were hundreds of other boys in my government school in Gujranwala city who used to drive this type of cycle as personal conveyance. It was part of culture in those days, there was no shame in going to school or work on a cycle. This luxury loving culture is pretty recent phenomenon in case of Pakistan mostly post 90s.
Well global warming has pushed the max temperature a bit couple that with the heat island affect of our cities and you have a deadly combo
But haven't you frozen to death in Sweden by cycling? :woot:
No, in fact riding bicycle makes me quite warm because I'm wearing wind blocker and safety gear as well and Stockholm has a lot of undulations which makes it quite difficult to ride the bicycle in winter specially in deep snow and slippery ice. Rest, you need to cover your face especially sinuses when temperature is below -11 C and it is windy.
Well global warming has pushed the max temperature a bit couple that with the heat island affect of our cities and you have a deadly combo

Yes there is more cement and less greenery in our cities these days which is causing more heat trapped in the building walls, streets, roads and off course the air. The answer is more and more greenery and green mobility and green energy generation (solar and wind).
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