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Usage of "Indian Subcontinent" should be banned, Say "Asian Subcontinent"

And the Indian Ocean? 🙃

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Or south asian sub continent.
This is like US ,a western nation ,unilaterally removing asia from asia pacific and including indo (indo- pacific) instead, to prime the perceptions for western meddling, since,western nation talking of asia pacific sounds ridiculous, even if they are doing exactly that. And many brainless asian nations playing along with western imperialism designs..
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Or south asian sub continant.
This is like US ,a western nation ,unilaterally removing asia from asia pacific and including indo (indo- pacific) instead, to prime the perceptions for western meddling, since,western nation talking of asia pacific sounds ridiculous, even if they are doing exactly that. And many brainless asia nations playing along with western imperialism designs..
Not quite right.

The origin of the term ‘Indo-Pacific’ is traced to German geopolitical scholar Karl Haushofer who used it in the 1920s in his work, ‘Indopazifischen Raum”.

Japan was the first to use the term in its official discourse. Then the US, then ASEAN then everyone else. But you’re not wrong. Institutionalisation of the term (and associated regional constructs) are relatively recent phenomenon.
Correct vocabulary
Words like Indian subcontinent instead of South Asia, Desi instead of Pakistani, founder instead of leader for Mr.Jinnah are wrong

Desi covers everything originally from pre-1947 social and socio-economic system from what is now Bangladesh in the East to what is now Pakistan in the West.

I always say South Asia

South Asia is the correct term

Or south asian sub continant.
This is like US ,a western nation ,unilaterally removing asia from asia pacific and including indo (indo- pacific) instead, to prime the perceptions for western meddling, since,western nation talking of asia pacific sounds ridiculous, even if they are doing exactly that. And many brainless asia nations playing along with western imperialism designs..

1. I agree that South Asia is enough.

2. I too find "Asia Pacific" to be Western corporate and patronizing sillyness.

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