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Pak Afg BD struggle for basic sanitation while India shines

Toilet at home goes against Hindu teachings.
That's because that would be taking the p!ss.

I think streetshitting has lead you to contract some disease which is preventing your brain from seeing the facts.

You street-shitting Pakistani!
Which one are you in the pics?

poo protest

So millions of poo protest happens in India every second around the clock? :lol:





An Indian talking about dignity is like a Congolese talking about wealth. :lol:

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Again, if your Pubnjabi-raped brain still has any funtioning neurons READ THE RESEARCH which i have published. Typial lungi accusations are jsut laughable.
Lack of fresh water is an existential problem for Pakistan. Pakistan must prepare for water wars with India.
"Blessings" of the b.a pass colonial beaurucratic system , these countries gonna remain a ------ hole even after a century -------

the price you pay for superseding gazetted clerks over MPhil/phd professionals in every department of state .
Pakistan has cheered China building new toilets in Xinjiang!! Many Pakistani members of this forum are highly in support of this.


Percentage of population using basic sanisation facilities aka a TOILET. Pakistan ranks below India and is dropping further every year.

Afganistan 50.50
Bangladesh 54.17
Pakistan 68.40
India 71.27
Bhutan 76.51
Nepal 76.61
SriLanka 93.65

Different report by WOrld Health Organisation https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/i...-using-at-least-basic-sanitation-services-(-)

India 78.39
Bangladeh 59.3
Pakistan 70.53
Afganistan 55.95
Lanka 95.09

India has made dramatic gains in use of public sanitation during 2014-2023 under the leadership of Honourable PM Narendra Modi. The Swaccha Bharat Abhiyaan(Clean India Movement) is beginning to give positive results on a macro level. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swachh_Bharat_Mission India's ranking continue to improve drastically and as more and more latest data comes into the light, India's ranking may soon start competing with Lanka's by 2030.

Afg remain the street-shitters of the subcontinent. While Afganistan might improve with time thanks to it's low population and high resources, Pakistan seems to be in deep trouble due to overpopulation. Extreme water scarcity might hamper sanitation plans and programs even further. Pakistan water distribution network has already broken down in Karachi and other cities are soon to follow as glaciers recede. https://economictimes.indiatimes.co...ater-crisis/articleshow/90897917.cms?from=mdr

Bangladesh ranks extremely low but has shown signs of improvement in recent past, partially due to it's proximity to Indian state of West Bengal which has made huge progress during the 2014-23 period. BD experts have done case studies and attended seminars in Kolkata for improving sanitation. Unlike Afg and Pak, BD has no water shortage. Judging by present trends Pakistan may soon compete with Afganistan for the title of Top Street-Shitters of Indian subcontinent.
Dont you realise you are shattering their one constant answer to EVERY question was always "Indians shit in the streets" .

You have destroyed their world and they will not believe Pakistan and Bangladesh are NOW WORSE THAN INDIA IN SHITTING IN THE STREETS even though India has been progressively outstripped them in building toilets.
They will not beleive or accept the WHO or UN researched reports, it would be impossibly embarrassing.
Almost half of BD shits in open according to WHO.
LOL, we simply dont have that landmass to do so. :lol:
india is the suppa pawwa of data fudging. ;)

India has made tremendous progress. After the Covid slowdown the pace of progress has gone up again, the impact is being seen nationwide.

If NDA retains power in 2024 Lok Sabha elections, things will improve drastically.

Dont you realise you are shattering their one constant answer to EVERY question was always "Indians shit in the streets" .

You have destroyed their world and they will not believe Pakistan and Bangladesh are NOW WORSE THAN INDIA IN SHITTING IN THE STREETS even though India has been progressively outstripped them in building toilets.
They will not beleive or accept the WHO or UN researched reports, it would be impossibly embarrassing.
Pakistanis live in delusion. This delusion is due to lack of quality education. Even Pakistan's top colleges are teaching half-fact, half-fiction regarding world-affairs, economy, history and especially military.

Pakistanis have worse sanitation (lesser toilets/drinking water access) than India.
Pakistanis (especially Punjabis and Sindhis) have smaller penis than Indians.
Pakistanis have lower IQ than Indians.

We can give them all scientific data but they'll never accept the truth. Their tiny brains can't comprehend that their whole world-view was based on a lie.

Just like their love for Pak-army got shattered last year, their delusions of granduer will soon shatter and they'll see themselves to be the poor, begging, bankrupt, street-shitter nobodies. They'll soon realise that the world has moved on and Pakistan is just a druggie lying on the roadside, nobody gives a s**t about it.

Other 75 Million are invisible to the judge!!

Of course, some uneducated and illiterate morons are going to claim that Pakistan has better sanitation than India. But like barking street dogs, we choose to ignore them.
"Blessings" of the b.a pass colonial beaurucratic system , these countries gonna remain a ------ hole even after a century -------

the price you pay for superseding gazetted clerks over MPhil/phd professionals in every department of state .
Most people on this forum were in support of them till 18 months ago and will change loyalties again if elections happen.

The disease is much deeper. The MPhils of Pakistan are lesser qualified than graduates of most other countries, the elite caputure is not just in tax-bracket but in education, business, beaureacracy, military and every other walk of life
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