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  • It's B.E.Z.E.R.K

    Please, post the screen-name properly in your post with the zardari picture.

    And you're welcome.
    AIDS is a growing problem in Pakistan although there is $ 120 million in the pipe line for prevention activities in AIDS in Pakistan but most of the money is likely to be pilfered by corrupt NGO's and their patrons in the government programs if strong systems are not installed to monitor the outcome. Corruption has been a serious and incompetence make a potent combination and control measures may be misdirected. Drivers of the epidemic in Pakistan include quacks who use dirty needles and infect normal decent people of a poor background who spread to others by sexual contact including innocent children and spouses. The disease has come to Pakistan from the middle east through migrant workers.

    AIDS is a serious national security problem and which has been discussed and you can google on it. I think the security agencies should take an interest in this as Pakistani armed forces members are also getting infected which is a fact and i know two discharged from the navy and air force for that reason.

    The internal security apparatus should review the situation and get after the AIDs mafia which stands to loot a lot of money that could ruin lives in Pakistan which is serious that recent outbreaks indicate the rise of a generalised epidemic. You can do a favor to the People of Pakistan to draw the attention of the powers that be to the serious problem at hand. It will at least get the rascals in line and act and deter the looters. The number of people already infected are estimated to range from 85,000 to 240,0000 which may be lower than the actual. The government agencies are trying to suppress the news that there is a serious outbreak in Gujrat.
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