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USA and Israel out of UNESCO: Al-Aqsa must come down

Evil has to be stopped at all costs else it will spread into our homes.

Thats what crusaders used to say and thats what united states acted upon after 9-11 . evil must be stopped before it reaches our home...

Had they talked all the bloodshed and 17 years of war and that much money and lives would nkt be lost.

You see we have been given brains.. We use them for war and killing. We should use them for betterment of ourselves each other.

But i guess we want wraith of Allah Upon us. We will be fighting among eachother when Allah will send a loud noise and a flash... End of life.

Thats how human beings end... War violence in state of war against eachother.

Humanity best of creation wasting away its potential for resources . a building, Ego , power , arrogance!

Mate no scholar of Quran could be this stupid, after what u actually wrote i will not waste my words on u. U have a lot to learn, i suggest u get right on it, Scholar!!!, lol. What a prat

I am in it every day and night im a scholar . each time i open quran i learn new things. We all have alot to learn... No one knows all except the creator himself. We only know what we are given to know.

I think u and i both will watch these people kill eachother for a building ... A temple a mosque...
I see this move as a clear declaration of war and a clear declaration of their intentions to destroy Al-Aqsa...
It's the Zionists who are protecting Muslims' freedom to worship at Al-Aqsa. That has been the case for decades and decades and should be obvious to anyone who considers what would happen if Zionists didn't do so: a single Muslim faction would gain control and shut out the others. Most likely an Iranian-supported Shia faction.

-- all this Zion sh!t would come to an end.
And then hatred would reign untrammeled, yes?

Evil has to be stopped at all costs else it will spread into our homes.
Is evil something defined by the powerful or a something that can be recognized independent of authority?
Stop talking in riddles be brave to voice your opinion clearly-"And then hatred would reign untrammeled, yes?","is evil something defined by the powerful or a something that can be recognized independent of authority?"
Stop talking in riddles be brave to voice your opinion clearly-"And then hatred would reign untrammeled, yes?","is evil something defined by the powerful or a something that can be recognized independent of authority?"
I did voice my opinion. Then I asked questions that you choose not to answer.

P.S.: If you're talking to me it'll help to use the "@" tag.
I see this move as a clear declaration of war and a clear declaration of their intentions to destroy Al-Aqsa. Soon we will observe big changes around the globe, and big wars are expected in near future, as this is impossible that Jews destroy Al-Aqsa and muslims keep silent.
Secondly, USA has an equal share in all this circus.
Muslims around the globe, get ready, for another "protest". Make beautiful play cards and banners. They will construct their temple, while you will be protesting.

@MastanKhan @BHarwana @Mentee @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Slav Defence @Dubious

During Iran-Iraq War, (1980-88), Jewish Rabbis were praying that a misguided missile from either side strike Al-Aqsa and destroy it. But that never happened.
There are a series of Tunnels dug underneath Al Aqsa Mosque to collapse the mosque.
Creation of Third Temple at the site of Al Aqsa Mosque is the very essence of Creation of IsraHELL: Third Temple will bring forward Last Messiah of Jews (The DAJJAL) and a Temple Institute has been working for decades on this. In fact, every rite & ritual to be performed in Third Temple is accurately practiced and is finalized!
View media item 17749
During Iran-Iraq War, (1980-88), Jewish Rabbis were praying -
You're new here so you may have missed that you cannot rely on anything you've been taught in Pakistan regarding Jews and Israel, since countering a slanderous falsehood against Jews and Israelis is punishable by death (real or academic) to Pakistani teachers: link

Typically Pakistanis seek to confirm and expand the lies rather than admit they've been had by the authorities. It'll take brave people to break out of the cesspit of jew-hatred.
I see this move as a clear declaration of war and a clear declaration of their intentions to destroy Al-Aqsa. Soon we will observe big changes around the globe, and big wars are expected in near future, as this is impossible that Jews destroy Al-Aqsa and muslims keep silent.
Secondly, USA has an equal share in all this circus.
Muslims around the globe, get ready, for another "protest". Make beautiful play cards and banners. They will construct their temple, while you will be protesting.

@MastanKhan @BHarwana @Mentee @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Slav Defence @Dubious

They can do so with impunity. Muslim nations are corrupt and impotent. We lost long time ago.

Just go back to your Bollywood movies on DVD and dance that bhangra dance.
You're new here so you may have missed that you cannot rely on anything you've been taught in Pakistan regarding Jews and Israel, since countering a slanderous falsehood against Jews and Israelis is punishable by death (real or academic) to Pakistani teachers: link

Typically Pakistanis seek to confirm and expand the lies rather than admit they've been had by the authorities. It'll take brave people to break out of the cesspit of jew-hatred.

Lol! I might be NEW here on this forum but I KNOW YOU very Well right from Ocean Tower 2, IsraHELLI Embassy Bangkok Thailand!
View media item 17750
All it needs is for Pakistan to send 3 divisions, Iran sen 3 divisions and a few other Muslim states a division each and all this Zion sh!t would come to an end.
And Saudi Arabia will send 3 divisions to defend Israel :lol:
They have found their red heiffer. Already dedicated the sacrificial alter(which is like setting the corner stone for the new temple). The sanhedrin has all the religious instruments, clothing, priests ready to go.
A gofundme raised several 100 thousands to fund the composition of blue prints for the third temple.

All their rabbis(their ulema) are saying that their meshich is very near.

The Beit Hamikdash is coming people. Whether arab nationalism wants it or not.

All that remains in their path is Al-Aqsa.

I created multiple threads on the topic but it fell on deaf ears.
No Way! Though Yuds are in less number than the overall Muslim Population, they have a lot of running dogs to protect vital Zionist Interests! Bikay huay loog har jagaa hein. Tabhi to Puri Dunyaa ko nachaa rhay hein!
bhai sar phirey bhi har jaga hain .

muslim countries should massively suport hizbullah . with wealth and weapons .
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