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US would repeat raid if necessary - Obama

It may not happen in near future as they don't have a second osama to kill
This is just some bull$H!T and aint gonna happen......

This gona happen , again and again and again.
To stop USA for doing so, you got to have guts, and we as a nation are beggars. We seriously lack political, economic and military guts.

USA and every country has the right to do what ever is in their interest. If USA is doing what's in their interest what is pulling us back to give worthy to our interests.
There isn't a second osama but there are, about half a dozen more high value targets

But osama's case was unique.... even if they have to get other targets, US may do a joint venture with pakistan forces or at least with prior permission...i guess
This gona happen , again and again and again.
To stop USA for doing so, you got to have guts, and we as a nation are beggars. We seriously lack political, economic and military guts.

USA and every country has the right to do what ever is in their interest. If USA is doing what's in their interest what is pulling us back to give worthy to our interests.

No, to stop them you have to have the guts to stop sheltering terrorists who kill in other countries and come and hide in Pakistan. You have to stop your intelligence services and your Army from supporting terrorism in other countries. Do you have the guts to do that? The same terrorists your military supports comes back to attack your military bases. This strategy has failed. When will you have the guts to realise this and take corrective actions?
There isn't a second osama but there are, about half a dozen more high value targets

Let's forget the past and all the allegations against Pakistan and the demands to its establishment to engage with the USA in the WOT. What is the way forward? What should be the future policies and engagements of Pakistan to rid itself of being a punching bag for every current and future western leader who needs to boost his domestic ratings when he is failing at home ?
talking about GUTS, i admire Iran for that part.

the US is doomed, we will see.
It should be noted that when former president George W. Bush was asked for his reaction to the Abbottabad raid, including the fact that Obama did not inform Pakistan, his response was, "Good call." President Obama now has virtually unquestioned bipartisan support in dealing with Pakistan - and he was the most anti-Pakistani candidate when he was running for President.

P.S.: Don't even think of assassinating him. We Americans have developed an excellent response to such attempts, successful or not: we unite to implement the targeted president's policies. Thus assassination is rendered quite useless.
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