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US would repeat raid if necessary - Obama

"...So it could lead to more attacks by the US. Which is a pretty sadistic situation when your foreign policy gets dictated to by the whims of a generally racist population."

Racist, eh?:lol:


...white 79.96%, black 12.85%, Asian 4.43%, Amerindian and Alaska native 0.97%, native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.18%, two or more races 1.61% (July 2007 estimate)

note:a separate listing for Hispanic is not included because the US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish, and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.); about 15.1% of the total US population is Hispanic..."

C.I.A. World Factbook 2007 Census

Maybe you mean religious discrimination?


Protestant 51.3%, Roman Catholic 23.9%, Mormon 1.7%, other Christian 1.6%, Jewish 1.7%, Buddhist 0.7%, Muslim 0.6%, other or unspecified 2.5%, unaffiliated 12.1%, none 4% (2007 est.)"

Let's look at Pakistan, shall we?


"Punjabi 44.68%, Pashtun (Pathan) 15.42%, Sindhi 14.1%, Sariaki 8.38%, Muhajirs 7.57%, Balochi 3.57%, other 6.28%"


"Muslim 95% (Sunni 75%, Shia 20%), other (includes Christian and Hindu) 5%"

Where do you think it's more likely to find racial, ethnic, and/or religious discrimination, Mr. "think tank" roadrunner?

313,000,000 million Americans wake up each morning. 0.6% of them or 1,800,000 are muslim. Do you think they fear this-

Pakistan City Tense After 'Blaspheming' Christians Shot-BBC July 20, 2010

"Police reinforcements have been called in the Pakistani city of Faisalabad a day after two Christians charged with blasphemy were shot dead outside court.

Clashes broke out in the city, home to a large Christian community, after the brothers were gunned down.

Pastor Rashid Emmanuel, 32, and Sajid, 24, were accused of writing a pamphlet critical of the Prophet Muhammad; a rights activist said they were framed.

Pakistan's controversial blasphemy law carries the death penalty.

A police officer who was escorting the brothers from a district court on Monday was critically wounded when the unidentified gunmen opened fire and then escaped.

“No-one in his right mind would issue a derogatory pamphlet against the Prophet and put his name and address on it”

At least 10 people were reportedly injured as stone-throwing and rioting broke out in a Christian neighbourhood of the city afterwards.

Police reinforcements from nearby districts have been called in to restore order.

The brothers, from the Waris Pura area of Faisalabad, were arrested earlier this month.

The complainant in the case, a local trader, Khurram Shehzad, alleged that one of his employees was handed a pamphlet by someone at Faisalabad's general bus stand.

He said the paper contained disrespectful remarks about the Prophet Muhammad.

Police told the BBC the pamphlet had apparently been signed by the two brothers, whose addresses and mobile phone numbers were also given.

But Atif Jameel, spokesman for the Pakistan Minorities Democratic Foundation, told the BBC: "No-one in his right mind would issue a derogatory pamphlet against the Prophet and put his name and address on it.

'This appears to be a conspiracy against peace and religious harmony in Faisalabad.'

Earlier this month, several hundred demonstrators marched to the Waris Pura slum, which is home to nearly 100,000 Christians, and demanded the death penalty for the two accused.

Although no-one has ever been executed under Pakistan's blasphemy law, about 10 accused have been murdered before the completion of their trial, according to a BBC Urdu correspondent in Lahore.

Dozens more are living in exile to avoid punishment under the legislation."

Or this-

Assassinated Pakistani Official Supported Religious Tolerance-ABC News March 2, 2011

"Shahbaz Bhatti, the minority affairs minister and the only Christian member of the cabinet, was driving from his mother's house in Islamabad when gunmen pumped more than 20 bullets through the door and windshield of his car, according to eyewitnesses and the police. The gunmen then calmly dropped dozens of flyers at the scene that threatened the same fate to anyone who criticizes laws that are supported by Pakistan's religious political parties but widely condemned by secular Pakistanis as tools to persecute religious minorities.

'This is a lesson to the world of infidel crusaders and Jews, and their allies in the Muslim world," the pamphlet said, signed by the previously unknown group Movement of Taliban al Qaeda in Punjab. "Either you or us will live in this world.'"

Or this?

Christian Man Raped, Murdered For Refusing To Convert, Family Says-FOX News June 13, 2009

"On that farmhouse — four days there — we all, Christians and family, were searching for him," the Rev. Bhatti said. "I was with him. I was searching for him."

After police discovered the body, Ghauri's death was declared a homicide and the family filed paperwork with the Atta Shaheed police station in their small village, Adda 44SB. But Ghauri's brother said police still have not arrested the alleged killers and have refused to meet with his family.

"They don't want to meet us, and the three of them who are murderers are outside," Salman Nabil Ghauri told FOXNews.com. "They are free. Nothing is happening to them. No investigation is running."

The Pakistani Embassy in Washington, D.C., told FOXNews.com that they knew nothing of the incident but were looking into it.

But one embassy official questioned the truth of the report.

'On the face of it, this appears to be exaggerated,...' said the Pakistani official who asked not to be named. '...This does not happen over there...'

The official said that minorities are very well represented in the Pakistani Parliament, and if someone in fact were murdered for not converting to Islam, '...it would have been reported hugely...'

The embassy official added, '...if an incident of that nature happened over there, there would have to be an investigation.'"

In every above case these were your own citizens. Not migrants from another land with another skin color.

Think a white guy like me would feel AT ALL safe attending mass at the local Karachi parish? My children? Think again.

Would I be accosted for wearing the Cross Of Jesus Christ around my neck if out among the Pakistani public? Yup. You could count on it. I would.

Needless to say, I'd demure proudly displaying my religion in deference to simple and safe realism.

I've got much, much more where those came from. America is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious society. Maybe the foremost by population in the world today. Only Russia might come close.

Go turn in your THINK TANK badgie. You are undeserving.:angry:
There is, perhaps, a lot of political angle to it. Many Americans and members of Congress and Senate are still divided over Pakistan. So by being tough one side and continuing aid on the other, Mr. Obama seems to be doing a balancing act.

Anyways, we won't know the full story until our government stops issuing contradictory statements.
Great news! It should have been done years ago but better late than never.The Afghan gov strongly supports this since they have been been saying this for years now.
Great news! It should have been done years ago but better late than never.The Afghan gov strongly supports this since they have been been saying this for years now.

Look whose talkin........ Why dont u look after ur own country? i mean even ur ANA soldiers betray their own country for just 50 $ frm the talibastards.
i mean even ur ANA soldiers betray their own country for just 50 $ frm the talibastards.

Source please. Afghan National Army is paying in blood to fight these scumbags, their sacrifices is much higher than the Coalition Forces.

Look whose talkin........ Why dont u look after ur own country?
I strongly support what he said because it means that murderers and savages like Mullah Omar, Sirajuddin Haqqani the son of the old baboon spreading death and misery EVERYDAY in our steets will be dealt with right where the are hiding.Afghans are tired and sick of all this bs in how these cowards cross over attack and then run away.Afghans would prefer ANA SFs conduct operations in NW from Paktika when PA is finding excuses to do it, but if the US is willing to do it than let them lead they way!
Source please. Afghan National Army is paying in blood to fight these scumbags, their sacrifices is much higher than the Coalition Forces.
There are plenty... hell they even trade ammo for drugs... and the 50$ is a popular joke among NATO.

Afghanistan: 5 UK Soldiers Dead; Taliban Dealing DRUGS!! « Lorinov's Blog

I strongly support what he said because it means that murderers and savages like Mullah Omar, Sirajuddin Haqqani the son of the old baboon spreading death and misery EVERYDAY in our steets will be dealt with right where the are hiding.Afghans are tired and sick of all this bs in how these cowards cross over attack and then run away.Afghans would prefer ANA SFs conduct operations in NW from Paktika when PA is finding excuses to do it, but if the US is willing to do it than let them lead they way!

Do u really think afghan soldiers can do somethin like tht in a zillion years?
YouTube - ‪The Hashish Army - Afghan National Army (ANA)‬‏

My frnd US raided probably with the consent of GoP... And has now publically announced tht the next ops will be a joint effort........ Abt PA finding excuses tht BS man....... We have lost much more than anybdy in the region..... We(Pak-Afg) share the same misfortune.......

Why dont u guys secure ur own borders? why just leave it on our side?
I mean u guys dnt even man ur own border post.........Just a week ago around 600 talibastards attacked a Pakistani post frm afghanistan and resulted in the martyrdom of alot of Pakistani FC soldiers........ Where was ANA or NATO?
There are plenty... hell they even trade ammo for drugs... and the 50$ is a popular joke among NATO.

Afghanistan: 5 UK Soldiers Dead; Taliban Dealing DRUGS!! « Lorinov's Blog

:what: Since when has a blog been considered a credible source? Do you honestly believe the crap written there? Your claim relating ANA for getting bribes to betray Afghanistan is still unproven! so again CREDIBLE source please or stop spreading nonsense.
Do u really think afghan soldiers can do somethin like tht in a zillion years?
YouTube - ‪The Hashish Army - Afghan National Army (ANA)‬‏
Been there, done that!
U.S. Troops Crossed Border, Pakistan Says - washingtonpost.com) ;)
This is only tip of the iceberg, according to some of my sources lots of covert operations go unreported in the media.I would rather prefer you underestimating ANSF's capabilities giving us element of surprise.Personally i think we need complete destruction of the Haqqani Network in NW rather than limited covert ops.
My frnd US raided probably with the consent of GoP... And has now publically announced tht the next ops will be a joint effort........ Abt PA finding excuses tht BS man.......
The OBL operation was never done with the consent of GOP, US and the Afghan gov have been asking PA for years now to eliminate the terrorist safe havens in NW.How is it not an excuse when the PA with half a million soldiers can't retake NW? They have been quoted many times calling them "strategic assets" i don't think everybody is gonna get fooled by this propaganda by the PA of not having enough resources to take control of NW.
We have lost much more than anybdy in the region..... We(Pak-Afg) share the same misfortune.......
Why dont u guys secure ur own borders? why just leave it on our side?
I mean u guys dnt even man ur own border post.........Just a week ago around 600 talibastards attacked a Pakistani post frm afghanistan and resulted in the martyrdom of alot of Pakistani FC soldiers........ Where was ANA or NATO?
There is no confusion that both Afg and Pak are burning in the same fire being fueled by the terrorists, we consider them terrorists be it the Afghan taliban or the TTP while we see double standards on your side.

There is a difference of opinion here, the Afg gov believes that the solution is not constructing checkposts on the border but by destroying the area where they come from and get nurtured.The geographic reality of the border makes it clear that its impossible to completely seal it no matter how much forces you use.The terrorists will always find a way to pass through it or fight their way through as a few dozen soldiers in the checkposts are no match for a couple hundred terrorists intent on getting through.
Could you show me a single border area on our side being under complete Taliban control?We don't let them take root and establish training camps, they are always hunted and on the move.
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My post homed in and hurt you where it hurts the most ehh... You ain't fooling anyone mate... The Anti-India sentiment and the India phobia is much more in Pakistan when compared with the Anti-Pakistan sentiment in India. There can be ample proof of that. Who has stopped you from raiding India if the so-called terrorists are harbored here.

You people really are living in la la land... what do you think.. that the world doesn't take notice of all the criminal activities that Pakistan is associated with. Be it nuclear proliferation or harboring terrorists and well using terrorism as a "State" policy , there is no one like Pakistan. You are involved in a perennial struggle to prove yourselves superior then everybody else.

I can give you a thousand reasons why Pakistan can't progress as a nation in the current state and that how big a problem the PA and jihadist elements have become for the whole world. Mate just look at the fact that how army dominates your government and demolishes democracy and the rule of people on daily basis.

You guys are constantly fed the drug of patriotism and nationalism , which has blinded your logic. The sad truth is that an average Pakistani revels in conspiracy theories and lives in the past. How will you move forward if you live in the past. Today , all the leading nations (barring China) have an almost unanimous position against Pakistan. Try and understand that what are the causes of that. Try and understand why terrorists find Pakistan as a safe haven.

As far as India is concerned then I dont see any mass recruitment and Jihad funds being collected by shopkeepers. You are fooling only yourself mate. The India card is just a diversion . Even if for once I hypothetically assert that your premise of India sponsoring terrorism is correct , then don't you think its just a payback for what you guys started in 1980's ? Pakistan can never be equal to India , in terms of military or economy or diplomatic prowess. The sooner you will understand this , the sooner it will be better for you.

Live like a younger brother and take all the help from India , forget about harming her and you may see Pakistan getting back on its feet in a decade or two. Keep indulging in terrorist activities and war-mongering and Pakistan will be dead...

Always remember that.....

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:what: Since when has a blog been considered a credible source? Do you honestly believe the crap written there? Your claim relating ANA for getting bribes to betray Afghanistan is still unproven! so again CREDIBLE source please or stop spreading nonsense.

Taliban using ammunition from Afghan army - Telegraph
New Afghan army hit by 3,000 deserters - Telegraph
Is this also nonsense?

Been there, done that!
So wats wrong in protesting tht? should we allow soldiers frm 44 countries in Pakistan like afghanistan?

This is only tip of the iceberg, according to some of my sources lots of covert operations go unreported in the media.I would rather prefer you underestimating ANSF's capabilities giving us element of surprise.Personally i think we need complete destruction of the Haqqani Network in NW rather than limited covert ops.

Nice video..

Abt ur sources....I know abt a few such accident tht turned fatal for ANA boys.

The OBL operation was never done with the consent of GOP, US and the Afghan gov have been asking PA for years now to eliminate the terrorist sa
fe havens in NW
And with around 5000 casualties ... PA is still not doin enough?

How is it not an excuse when the PA with half a million soldiers can't retake NW?
Many areas of NW have been cleared..... We cant just go in there with guns blazing........ the half a million army has to look on our indian border too...... where our enemy has placed 80% of its army........... While around 200000 PA soldiers r fighting in FATA.
They have been quoted many times calling them "strategic assets" i don't think everybody is gonna get fooled by this propaganda by the PA of not having enough resources to take control of NW.
Please give a source after we joined WOT ... Of any PA representative calling them strategic assets..............As of right now we have Talibastards attacking Pak Navys Mehran Base ... Martyring 5-6 soldiers and blowing up a multi million $ AWAC PC-3 Orion Hawkeye 2000...... Which u probably dnt even know abt... Costs around 40-45 million............. And damagin others.

There is no confusion that both Afg and Pak are burning in the same fire being fueled by the terrorists, we consider them terrorists be it the Afghan taliban or the TTP while we see double standards on your side.
The thing is tht we arent tht rich... we have limited resources ........ so we as of right now cant strench our operations...............................Abt drone strikes....... Pakistan allows them.....Which also takes care of ur haqqani problem.
Kayani Wanted More Drone Attacks In Pakistan, Wikileaks | PKARTICLES

There is a difference of opinion here, the Afg gov believes that the solution is not constructing checkposts on the border but by destroying the area where they come from and get nurtured.The geographic reality of the border makes it clear that its impossible to completely seal it no matter how much forces you use.The terrorists will always find a way to pass through it or fight their way through as a few dozen soldiers in the checkposts are no match for a couple hundred terrorists intent on getting through.
Could you show me a single border area on our side being under complete Taliban control?We don't let them take root and establish training camps, they are always hunted and on the move.
U cant destroy any area.....Hell tht might work in Afghanistan where US bombs whole villages but not in Pakistan.......... I know abt the border coz im frm the area.......... U sure can deploy posts on every 2 or more miles or near the area where the operation is goin on..........I remember when NATO f..ked up and left its posts allowing taliban to escape Pakistani operation ................ Also if u cant take care of border how do u expect Pakistan to look after the whole border???? U should share the responsibility............ Tell ur soldiers to quit hashish and do something for a change.
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so we take it will be 2021 when the next raid comes in ... after all it took them 10 years , 4trillions dollars and two wars to setup the killing of some irrelevant old bogey man :lol:

and it will be even better if Imran Khan is our president lol
Might is Right. An the mighty ones reserves there right to do any thing what is in their interest.
Instead of questioning Americans and their intentions, we need to put our house in order and do what's in our interest.
unfortunately our reputation as a Nation is kissing the toes. :cry:
Hi, the US has every right to hit high value targets in Pakistan. Moreover, I hope they do, it will be in the entire world's interest and benefit. Pakistan has generally played a double game when it comes to this. I am not trying to start a flaming contest, but this is my personal opinion.

Pakistan needs to urgently crack down on its internal fundamentalists and moreover fix its economy. Those are the biggest risks to that country.

Over 30,000 Pakistanis have been killed in terrorist attacks, and countless '000s injured. Yet you see no real sense of loss or urgency from the government or armed forces. Pakistan needs to stop blaming others for its domestic problems and do some self-reflection.

That country is too weak or scared to crack down on mullahs and the internal terrorist groups. However the judicial system will glady convict some innnocent minorty under the blasphemy law at once and throw away the key for eternity. The minute some uneducated mullah says anything is un-islamic, no one has the guts to question or confront him.

Take for example the murderer of Salman Taseer, has he even been really charged and/or proscecuted? His four brothers work for the Pakistani goverment and open support him, yet still have not been fired. There are posters all over Lahore celebrating this murderer, but have they been taken down? How about the mullah who inspired him, he was released with charge.

How about the killers of Christians/Ahmadis/Hindus (church and mosque shootings), have they been caught or prosecuted? How about the lal masjid mullah, he even got bail and is "under-house arrest". This is after he and his followers killed army men. How about the organizers of the mumbai shootings, they are happily living their lives as nothing happened.

Pakistan needs to urgently take these high value targets itself, and crack down fundamentalist on a war footing. The threat to Pakistan comes from within, not outside. Hopefully this Abbotabad raid and the attack on PNS Mehran will be an eye-opener.
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