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US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

Star√ation;2134654 said:
This times we gonna see how well the American could learn from the Vietnam War.
Everyone knows that one of the main reasons why the US had lost the war was they did devastatingly bomb the North Vietnam but could do nothing to its main supply sources come from China and USSR (for weapon, ammunition, medical equipment, transportation clothes,... all kinds of things).
The same situation the US has in Afghanistan for now, the main supply sources for terrorist and insurgent groups come from outside Afghanistan.

The affair of attacking inside Pakistan territory but without be considered "an act of war" should be the responsibility of American diplomats.

Wrong , my dear, look at North Korea , USA still doesn't have to withdraw from S.Korea even N.Korea got lots of CHina-USSR support also bcz CHina-USSR could not defeat US air forces.

If you wanna win USA, you must resist her Jammer and shoot down her air craft well also, and F-22 is a tough nut to crack now.
Wrong , my dear, look at North Korea , USA still doesn't have to withdraw from S.Korea even N.Korea got lots of CHina-USSR support also bcz CHina-USSR could not defeat US air forces.

If you wanna win USA, you must resist her Jammer and shoot down her air craft well also, and F-22 is a tough nut to crack now.

If Vietnamese shot down hundreds of the USA best planes I'm sure others can do it :whistle:
Wrong , my dear, look at North Korea , USA still doesn't have to withdraw from S.Korea even N.Korea got lots of CHina-USSR support also bcz CHina-USSR could not defeat US air forces.

If you wanna win USA, you must resist her Jammer and shoot down her air craft well also, and F-22 is a tough nut to crack now.

If the Afghani Taliban had as much support and weapons as the Vietcong did then it would be far more interesting. should Vietnam support the Taliban ?????
SyrianChristianPatriot said:
If Vietnamese shot down hundreds of the USA best planes I'm sure others can do it
It's not easy to resist US jammer, look at Iraq and Kosovo , their Radar totaly got jammed , they jet fighter can not fly to engage US fighter , they air port totaly was destroyed.

Look at China, she also got heavy jammed in 80s, and can not take back Taiwan now

I don't think another countries axcept Russia-VN can resist US jammer and defeat US air force if she wage a war now.
It's not easy to resist US jammer, look at Iraq and Kosovo , their Radar totaly got jammed , they jet fighter can not fly to engage US fighter , they air port totaly was destroyed.

I don't think another countries axcept Russia-VN can resist US jammer and defeat US air force if she wage a war now.

Not China ?? If the Afghani Taliban had as much support and weapons as the Vietcong did then it would be far more interesting. should Vietnam support the Taliban ?????
SyrianChristianPatriot said:
Not China ?? If the Afghani Taliban had as much support and weapons as the Vietcong did then it would be far more interesting. should Vietnam support the Taliban ?????
Yep, not CHina also, that why Taiwan is very near CHina, but she can not take it back due to her inferior Air forces and she may Not able to resist US jammer yet.

If Taliban got full support, she still can not win, you can look at North Korea, she got full support from USSR-China also, but still can not defeat USA.

pls listen to us, US Air foces is very strong , almos impossible to defeat.

We're too small, we cna not make trouble again with US now, but another coutries may ask for Russia support. :)
China is ally & is not stupid to risk its strong relations with Pakistan who happens to be its next door neighbour.

China is also a master of self survival. It shall at no cost harm its self by nurturing Pakistan if things take a turn for worse. With an increase in radicalisation (not necessarily islamic) of masses in western hinterlands of Pakistan and it becoming as a major training ground for expat terror organisations, inclusive of groups based in Xinjiang, Pakistan is becoming a major terror breeding ground. China may not continue to simply request a check on training of anti-China cadres on its soil, it may simply cut off Pakistan's lines through other means.
Yep, not CHina also, that why Taiwan is very near CHina, but she can not take it back due to her inferior Air forces and she may Not able to resist US jammer yet.

If Taliban got full support, she still can not win, you can look at North Korea, she got full support from USSR-China also, but still can not defeat USA.

pls listen to us, US Air foces is very strong , almos impossible to defeat.

We're too small, we cna not make trouble again with US now, but another coutries may ask for Russia support. :)

I'm sure Vietnam can help in away I mean Vietnam drove the USA out, Maybe the former Vietcong should train Taliban ?
Star√ation;2134654 said:
This times we gonna see how well the American could learn from the Vietnam War.
Everyone knows that one of the main reasons why the US had lost the war was they did devastatingly bomb the North Vietnam but could do nothing to its main supply sources come from China and USSR (for weapon, ammunition, medical equipment, transportation clothes,... all kinds of things).
The same situation the US has in Afghanistan for now, the main supply sources for terrorist and insurgent groups come from outside Afghanistan.

The affair of attacking inside Pakistan territory but without be considered "an act of war" should be the responsibility of American diplomats.

bombing a country to pieces or spraying chemicals like Agent Orange never wins wars.What ever they do,they cannot obliterate a whole country from the face of the Earth.It is peoples' support that wins wars.The Americans lacked it grossly in Vietnam.
They should not do the same mistake in Afghanistan.From what can be observed,I think they have taken a lesson from Vietnam.There are many welfare projects run by the Americans in Vietnam.
SyrianChristianPatriot said:
I'm sure Vietnam can help in away I mean Vietnam drove the USA out, Maybe the former Vietcong should train Taliban ?
As I knew, Mr. Saddam Hussein request VN to train his army after Gulf war also, but we had to refuse bcz USA will embargo VN again , we will be very poor and can not fight against CHina in SCS(east sea), we have to seek for US's support now, so we can not support another coutries untill China stop bullying us T__T.

But we handed over all sercret tech of USA will knew during VN War to USSR already, and Russia may help you bcz she's big .
Yep, not CHina also, that why Taiwan is very near CHina, but she can not take it back due to her inferior Air forces and she may Not able to resist US jammer yet.

If Taliban got full support, she still can not win, you can look at North Korea, she got full support from USSR-China also, but still can not defeat USA.

pls listen to us, US Air foces is very strong , almos impossible to defeat.

We're too small, we cna not make trouble again with US now, but another coutries may ask for Russia support. :)

Vietnam should promote the Afghan-Vietnamese friend Both countries have repelled foreign invading superpowers, I'm sure Vietnamese can supply weapons to taliban.
China is also a master of self survival. It shall at no cost harm its self by nurturing Pakistan if things take a turn for worse. With an increase in radicalisation (not necessarily islamic) of masses in western hinterlands of Pakistan and it becoming as a major training ground for expat terror organisations, inclusive of groups based in Xinjiang, Pakistan is becoming a major terror breeding ground. China may not continue to simply request a check on training of anti-China cadres on its soil, it may simply cut off Pakistan's lines through other means.
history has proven otherwise.
As I knew, Mr. Saddam Hussein request VN to train his army after Gulf war also, but we had to refuse bcz USA will embargo VN again , we will be very poor and can not fight against CHina in SCS(east sea), we have to seek for US's support now, so we cna not support another coutries untill China stop bullying us T__T.

Vietnam is a strong country, they defeated pot pols, after they drove the USA out and beat south Vietnam, Vietnam and china fight ?? Didn't china support Vietnam against USA ?

Vietnam should promote the Afghan-Vietnamese friend Both countries have repelled foreign invading superpowers, I'm sure Vietnamese can supply weapons to taliban.
Successful in acting as a catalyst for AL Qaeda in the region and globally, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents in the subsequent violence.

Acting as a catalyst? Or maybe the two processes were independent of each other as AQ spread may have been on the cards, only now they have the garb of US actions to hide in and intellects all over just credited US actions for the same.

Given the results of the 'Arab Spring', it is reasonable to argue that Saddam would have been toppled by a resurgent Iraqi populace, as were Bashir, Mubarak and Gaddafi, and with far fewer deaths.

Just a reasonable argument. Anti-Saddam efforts were nothing new and we all knew how far they went or how successful they were.

I hope you see the irony in those two statements - the Afghan war itself was also initially 'mercifully quick and effective' (a few hundred special operation troops on the ground is all it took), and we all remember the 'mission accomplished' Bush banner, also after a 'mercifully quick and effective war' - it is what comes in the aftermath of the destruction of the institutions previously holding those nations together that has been the real challenge

The mercifully quick was a delusion which the US polity suffered from, not US Armed Forces. And the objectives have always been what I have said repetitively: fight in others home, not your own. The fact remains that the US was a natural target for radicalised Islamists. That no one can deny. Had US refrained from invading Iraq and Afghanistan, it would have had to fight a war in its own soil, a prospect which would have proved more costly to them. The costs of war in these two regions has undoubtedly been high, but lesser than what a fight on american soil would have meant.

Not if the Gulf and Iranian oil fields and refineries are in flames post a US-Pakistan war ...

Redundant. US is self sufficient in terms of energy sources. Only one who suffers is Pakistan.

They may not be the major oil suppliers to the US, but the impact on oil prices and supplies world wide will be enormous, which means the Europeans and Chinese will have a strong interest in ensuring war does not take place, if Pakistan has a credible ability to target the Gulf and Iranian oil infrastructure.

By that logic, even the Saudis will have some interest as you may target them. Now that does add to the spice. They do give a lot of financial aid to Pakistan. And on the other hand, if you dont target them, it serves their purpose in your targetting other oil sources. The windfall costs will benefit them tremendously, so they may instigate one too. AM you have given a different insight truly .......
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