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US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

go watch a television and listen to what pakistani military is saying they will do tit for tat.pakistan military says if US bomb pakistan Airforce will bomb baghram and there bases and if they put boots on the ground pakistan will do the same in afghanistan so this time its some serious stuff going on because pakistani media is saying all that stuff about US this is never seen before sort of a stuff

So PAF is gonna use the US supplied F-16s to bomb Bagram? :D All chest-thumping nothing else. The question is are the Haqqanis worth all the drama? The US is coming for the Haqqanis with or without Pakistani gov consent and they are not alone in this. Afghans have been the primary victim of these savages so expect some generosity from the Afghan military when needed.
KARACHI: Former army chief General (Retd) Pervez Musharraf has said that Pak-US relations have reached a critical stage and it’s time Pakistan took a decisive action in this regard.

Speaking exclusively to Geo News on Aaj Kamran Khan Kay Saath, Musharraf said that the time has come for the army and ISI to come down the fence and decide to take or not to take action against Haqqani network.

Otherwise, things may take a turn for worse, he said, adding indecisiveness is not going to help the situation at all.

Musharraf went on to say that Pakistan should boldly take US into confidence on what’s its (Pakistan's) take on the issue. They must tell Washington whether they want to bust Haqqani network, he said, adding, even if they don’t want to then what is stopping them form doing it must be conveyed to US.
Time to act on Haqqani menace: Musharraf
Not necessarily, abbotabad operation :D Let's hope pakistani security forces won't be foolish enough to risk confrontation with US over the Haqqanis... Pakistan has put itself in this position, clearing ops in NW and taking back control of the land there would have put an end to this mess... There are almost 20 SF every night against the terrorists in Afghanistan, that is independent of the other conventional ones. So alot is being done and has been achieved in Afghanistan, but with the sancturies in NW it's getting difficult and increasingly frustrating.

After US leaves, who is the Afghan population going to rely on? Groups like the Haqqanis will always form, but to put your faith in America is going to lead you to failure. Afghanistan needs to start forums of discussion with Pakistan, rather than the US, because we are the people that count. US will leave the region, and if Afghanistan doesn't cooperate with Pakistan, groups like the Haqqanis will keep appearing. We are neighbors, why do we need outside forces such as the American Military to try and make peace?
apart from direct loss to pakistan during conflict with USA what impact will be on pakistan's economy
1->pakistan will ave to face international economic ban just like Zimbabwe leading to devaluation of pak's Rupee shooting the inflation to sky
2->pakistan main export "contton product" is to USA around 60 % .that market will be lost immediately leading to steep decline in export and huge unemployment (for workforce in cotton industry)
3->USA will pull its all cards if pakistan response to american in FATA and i strongly believe that no gulf nation will support pakistan economically
4->China will not risk its trade against international ban on pakistan (because all china cares about is becoming the no 1 economy in world )
After US leaves, who is the Afghan population going to rely on? Groups like the Haqqanis will always form, but to put your faith in America is going to lead you to failure. Afghanistan needs to start forums of discussion with Pakistan, rather than the US, because we are the people that count. US will leave the region, and iWe are neighbors, why do we need outside forces such as the American Military to try and make peace?

With a powerful Army and effective governance these sellouts don't stand a chance. 2014 is not tomorrow, Afghan forces are growing both in numbers and quality. After US leaves our own forces are gonna take charge, the Talibans won't have any excuse to keep on fighting so they will lose any support among the people that they might have. The current afghan gov has done more than its share of reaching out to the Pakistani gov, even including them in the peace process lead by the High Council of Peace which was headed by Rabbani. The fact is that the Pakistani gov values proxies like the Haqqanis much more than the legitimate gov of the people of Afghanistan.

If Afghanistan doesn't cooperate with Pakistan, groups like the Haqqanis will keep appearing.
This is the kind of attitude which has to change on Pakistani side, threatening to use terror groups to further national interests isn't gonna help you find friends in Kabul. I don't think Afghanistan is out of options esp when Pakistan has issues such as BLA, Pashtun Vs muhajirs, Tensions with India and the swati talibans.
With a powerful Army and effective governance these sellouts don't stand a chance. 2014 is not tomorrow, Afghan forces are growing both in numbers and quality. After US leaves our own forces are gonna take charge, the Talibans won't have any excuse to keep on fighting so they will lose any support among the people that they might have. The current afghan gov has done more than its share of reaching out to the Pakistani gov, even including them in the peace process lead by the High Council of Peace which was headed by Rabbani. The fact is that the Pakistani gov values proxies like the Haqqanis much more than the legitimate gov of the people of Afghanistan.

This is the kind of attitude which has to change on Pakistani side, threatening to use terror groups to further national interests isn't gonna help you find friends in Kabul. I don't think Afghanistan is out of options esp when Pakistan has issues such as BLA, Pashtun Vs muhajirs, Tensions with India and the swati talibans.

This type of thinking is sadly going to lead to conflicts between Pakistanis and Afghans.
So I think Chinese must support the US invasion of FATA as it will get the US off their back viz-a-viz Vietnam.
Real danger is moving ahead and regional countries should think about it.It will affect all of them.No further conflict is in interest of regional countries like Pakistan, India, Afghanistan,Iran and China.
You said it and depicts only US.
- Vietnam War lost
- Iraq War lost
- Afghan War lost
- What is next after trillions of dollars gone wasted with absolutely no outcome in Iraq/Afghanistan they want to peruse a long war with Pakistan and term themselves "officially bankrupt nation".

Lost support internationally, repeated what they should not have and brought a series of economic depression upon themselves.

The Vietnam war stopped a domino like fall of the Far East to communism.

The Iraq war has been hugely successful, and the Afghan war is still not completed.

There will be no long war with Pakistan. It will be mercifully quick and effective, if needed.

The US economy will bounce back as soon as the Euro meets its demise.
Scared at that prospect ? ;)

You think any one takes Indians i mean trolls seriously? China is ally & is not stupid to risk its strong relations with Pakistan who happens to be its next door neighbour.

P.S I'm reporting your post as it is total troll post.
The Iraq war has been hugely successful
Successful in acting as a catalyst for AL Qaeda in the region and globally, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents in the subsequent violence.

Given the results of the 'Arab Spring', it is reasonable to argue that Saddam would have been toppled by a resurgent Iraqi populace, as were Bashir, Mubarak and Gaddafi, and with far fewer deaths.

and the Afghan war is still not completed.

There will be no long war with Pakistan. It will be mercifully quick and effective, if needed.

I hope you see the irony in those two statements - the Afghan war itself was also initially 'mercifully quick and effective' (a few hundred special operation troops on the ground is all it took), and we all remember the 'mission accomplished' Bush banner, also after a 'mercifully quick and effective war' - it is what comes in the aftermath of the destruction of the institutions previously holding those nations together that has been the real challenge.

Your own comment of 'the Afghan war is still not completed' contradicts the 'quick and effective' claim you make.

The US economy will bounce back as soon as the Euro meets its demise.
Not if the Gulf and Iranian oil fields and refineries are in flames post a US-Pakistan war ...

They may not be the major oil suppliers to the US, but the impact on oil prices and supplies world wide will be enormous, which means the Europeans and Chinese will have a strong interest in ensuring war does not take place, if Pakistan has a credible ability to target the Gulf and Iranian oil infrastructure.
Successful in acting as a catalyst for AL Qaeda in the region, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents in the subsequent violence.

Given the results of the 'Arab Spring', it is not at all far fetched to suggest that Saddam could have been toppled by a resurgent Iraqi populace, as was Bashir, Mubarak and Gaddafi, and with far fewer deaths.

Like I said, hugely successful. Please think about it for a moment.

I hope you see the irony in those two statements - the Afghan war itself was also initially 'mercifully quick and effective' (a few hundred special operation troops on the ground is all it took), and we all remember the 'mission accomplished' Bush banner, also after a 'mercifully quick and effective war' - it is what comes in the aftermath of the destruction of the institutions previously holding those nations together that has been the real challenge.

Your own comment of 'the Afghan war is still not completed' contradicts the 'quick and effective' claim you make.

There is no irony or contradiction in what I am saying.

The initial operations in Afghanistan have laid the groundwork for a longer term presence, as was needed. The same will apply to Pakistan if needed.

Not if the Gulf and Iranian oil fields and refineries are in flames post a US-Pakistan war ...

They may not be the major oil suppliers to the US, but the impact on oil prices and supplies world wide will be enormous, which means the Europeans and Chinese will have a strong interest in ensuring war does not take place, if Pakistan has a credible ability to target the Gulf and Iranian oil infrastructure.

That blackmail card simply will not work.
Like I said, hugely successful. Please think about it for a moment.
I have thought about it - despite the self-congratulatory spin some US commentators are trying to put on the 'Arab Spring', in terms of it being a result of the US invasion of Iraq, there is no correlation between what has happened in Iraq and the Arab uprisings, which were catalyzed by the Tunisian uprising, which itself was based on domestic grievances, and not on any desire to replicate the 'shining democracy of Iraq'.

There is no irony or contradiction in what I am saying.
Yes there is - if the Afghan war is still 'ongoing a decade later' how on earth will a war with Pakistan, a nation significantly larger and with the overwhelming majority of the populace hostile to the US and supportive of the military, be 'quick and effective'?

The initial operations in Afghanistan have laid the groundwork for a longer term presence, as was needed. The same will apply to Pakistan if needed.
Again, 'long term presence' and 'ongoing war' do not equate 'quick and effective'.
That blackmail card simply will not work.
The entire premise of a 'deterrent' (conventional or unconventional) is based on 'blackmail', and if the US can threaten to 'blackmail' Pakistan into doing its bidding by threatening war and economic sanctions, then Pakistan can do the same through whatever means it has available.
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