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US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

i told earlier,america dont have intention to invade pakistan,they want partition.
they want encirclement of iran ,for this baluchistan is important and there are a lot who are fighting for the freedom.
other is ,china factor with gwadar.

so wats the purpose of invading the whole pakistan.

So you think that China and Iran will let that happen? I agree with you that US will not dare to invade Pakistan, afterall we are not Afghanistan and /or Iraq and / or India etc.
The US sends Pakistan $500 million per year, whereas the Pakistani diaspora sends Pakistan $12 billion every year. The IMF & World Bank do not fall under the jurisdiction of the US: when Pakistan had sanctions imposed on it by the US in the 90s, Pakistan was still engaged with those two. So there goes your talk about the economic blockade.

I've already explained to you the ramifications the US will have to face if it engages in a direct confrontation with Pakistan: it will be a disaster for the US Forces in Afghanistan. Instead of getting emotional, it would be better if you resorted to facts & looked at things objectively. The US cannot open a new war front now, especially against one of the biggest & most professional Army in the world, as well as the 7th populous country in the world that won't be afraid to fight. The economy is in dire straits, the people want the troops to come home, & there is excessive pressure on the civilian government to pull out. The best option the US has is to pressurize Pakistan or act covertly, but if Pakistan does not give into US pressure, the US will be left frustrated in Afghanistan & won't be able to do anything about it.

What would pakistan buy with the 12billion when US blockades karachi and gwadar and proceeds to bomb out ur industries and transport
Nations who forget their history are bound to repeat it, so the USA will never forget Vietnam. Saddam promised the "Mother of all Battles" in the case US attacked, did he not? Perhaps Senator Saifullah should remember that.

Nice one VCheng good to see sane men are still around. US will never land troops. The next war with Pakistan if it ever happens it will be an air and sea war and it will last exactly 16 - 24 hours to take out all strategic assets. I know many strategic think tanks in US who are ready to call Pakistans nuclear bluff which they feel is a myth propogated by Pakistanis living safely overseas. regds

---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

Dont add insult to the injury..vietnam was forgetten after invasion of Afghanistan, now its time to forget Korean War!

The actual interesting story is this:

Simple translation:

John A: SOS, SOS, Beep Beep..SOS!
Kayani: Looks into the air, take a deep cigg shot and sighs..will look into it!

People in severe denial. Can someone send me photos of the lines in front of US Consulates standing for Visa?
It would be very foolish for the US to engage in full on, overt confrontation with Pakistan. Almost all of the US bases are in Eastern Afghanistan close to the Pakistan border region, Pakistan can easily destroy them in missile strikes, & then cut off the supply route from Pakistan.

Once you do that (not that you have a chance of success), how many days of sea blockade can you survive? No fuel no money means self destruction.

Iran, India and Afghanistan are not going to break the blockade. China is still 20 years away from helping you against the US atleast.

Tanks, ships and Cities need fuel and food.

the point most people forget is that while the US lost 58 k people in Vietnam they ended up killing over a million . , more recently look at what has happened to Iraq .
now tell me can you accept that many casualties of innocent people , that too just to protect a "national pride " and militants who have brought a beautiful country to its knees.?

true, but many of the killed were South Vietnamese who were slaughtered by "American allies". Agent Orange was not used to gas North Vietnam. It was a chemical attack on South Vietnam, the ally of the US, because the US knew it was going to lose and thus, to cripple the development of Vietnam for 20 years, it permanently polluted the land and killed thousands with chemical weapons.

Funny too that the US lost 3000 planes in Vietnam, more fighters than the entire US air force today.
true, but many of the killed were South Vietnamese who were slaughtered by "American allies". Agent Orange was not used to gas North Vietnam. It was a chemical attack on South Vietnam, the ally of the US, because the US knew it was going to lose and thus, to cripple the development of Vietnam for 20 years, it permanently polluted the land and killed thousands with chemical weapons.

Funny too that the US lost 3000 planes in Vietnam, more fighters than the entire US air force today.

American forces were even destroying their own helicopters in Vietnam.
Whatever left over animo in agfhan during withdrawal, they may just dump over pakistan.

That itself enough to flatten entire pakistan.
Interesting times ahead, I don't think US will do another Iraq on Pakistan. Most likely extensive bombings of Haqqani/AQ sancturies in FATA, possibly in Quetta. Some SF operations deep inside Pakistan to take down HVT in the cities where they might be hiding. I believe these operations would be slow but constant to keep the enemy off balance like the ones being carried out in Kunar and Nuristan. The key is not controlling the area but making sure the enemy doesn't control it. Anyways better late than never, would love to see the Haqqanis get bombed.
Nations who forget their history are bound to repeat it

You said it and depicts only US.
- Vietnam War lost
- Iraq War lost
- Afghan War lost
- What is next after trillions of dollars gone wasted with absolutely no outcome in Iraq/Afghanistan they want to peruse a long war with Pakistan and term themselves "officially bankrupt nation".

Lost support internationally, repeated what they should not have and brought a series of economic depression upon themselves.
You said it and depicts only US.
- Vietnam War lost
- Iraq War lost
- Afghan War lost
- What is next after trillions of dollars gone wasted with absolutely no outcome in Iraq/Afghanistan they want to peruse a long war with Pakistan and term themselves "officially bankrupt nation".

Lost support internationally, repeated what they should not have and brought a series of economic depression upon themselves.

Compare that with how many wars Pakistan has won? Ur as bad as USA! 60+years after freedom SWAT, FATA and NW are alien lands to your country.
Interesting times ahead, I don't think US will do another Iraq on Pakistan. Most likely extensive bombings of Haqqani/AQ sancturies in FATA, possibly in Quetta. Some SF operations deep inside Pakistan to take down HVT in the cities where they might be hiding. I believe these operations would be slow but constant to keep the enemy off balance like the ones being carried out in Kunar and Nuristan. The key is not controlling the area but making sure the enemy doesn't control it. Anyways better late than never, would love to see the Haqqanis get bombed.

Sir, the term for your imaginative Deep Ops is called "War".

I believe US bombed Canadian Post calling it an enemy post remember? US has the habit of non precision strikes with precision munition, why don't US try this out on AQ/Taliban in Afghanistan then come back to Pakistan, after 10 Years what have they accomplished please list them briefly because we have yet to see the long list of accomplishments so far Zero Nada Nil.
Interesting times ahead, I don't think US will do another Iraq on Pakistan. Most likely extensive bombings of Haqqani/AQ sancturies in FATA, possibly in Quetta. Some SF operations deep inside Pakistan to take down HVT in the cities where they might be hiding. I believe these operations would be slow but constant to keep the enemy off balance like the ones being carried out in Kunar and Nuristan. The key is not controlling the area but making sure the enemy doesn't control it. Anyways better late than never, would love to see the Haqqanis get bombed.
go watch a television and listen to what pakistani military is saying they will do tit for tat.pakistan military says if US bomb pakistan Airforce will bomb baghram and there bases and if they put boots on the ground pakistan will do the same in afghanistan so this time its some serious stuff going on because pakistani media is saying all that stuff about US this is never seen before sort of a stuff
So you think that China and Iran will let that happen? I agree with you that US will not dare to invade Pakistan, afterall we are not Afghanistan and /or Iraq and / or India etc.

ask ur self why they will come for you.
second,your generals know who are you.india is in different league.
Sir, the term for your imaginative Deep Ops is called "War".

I believe US bombed Canadian Post calling it an enemy post remember? US has the habit of non precision strikes with precision munition, why don't US try this out on AQ/Taliban in Afghanistan then come back to Pakistan, after 10 Years what have they accomplished please list them briefly because we have yet to see the long list of accomplishments so far Zero Nada Nil.
Not necessarily, abbotabad operation :D Let's hope pakistani security forces won't be foolish enough to risk confrontation with US over the Haqqanis... Pakistan has put itself in this position, clearing ops in NW and taking back control of the land there would have put an end to this mess... There are almost 20 SF every night against the terrorists in Afghanistan, that is independent of the other conventional ones. So alot is being done and has been achieved in Afghanistan, but with the sancturies in NW it's getting difficult and increasingly frustrating.
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