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US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

Can you please provide the link to 95%-97% statistics? I am asking that because somewhere I read the ratio of Militants to People killed in that area is somewhere around 80% to 20%. That means for every 4th terrorist killed, one innocent person dies too.

Oh, and I am talking specifically about the drone strikes. So if yours is about something other than the drone strikes, please excuse me.

That 80-20% figure is not understandable even if you are talking about drone attacks. Who verifies that people got killed were terrorists? Even sometimes the claims regarding some terrorist got killed goes into dust bin when the same terrorists claim that he is alive.
That 80-20% figure is not understandable even if you are talking about drone attacks. Who verifies that people got killed were terrorists? Even sometimes the claims regarding some terrorist got killed goes into dust bin when the same terrorists claim that he is alive.

Your countryman, Mr. Haider, is making the claim of the figure being 95-97/5-3 %.

That without an official Pakistani source/spokesperson to back it up.
The USA could Invade Pakistan but the problems are here compared to both Afghan and Iraq, Pakistani population is 10'x bigger 180 million the iraqi and afghan population combined is 44 mill, the USA had difficultly trying to to get the Insurgency in Iraq under control from a few thousand militants so an Insurgency in Pakistan would be Worse then Vietnam, I've been to Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and several other places and it's not hard to get a gun, next the Pakistani army is far better then Iraqi army and most of the middle east, invasion would unite the Whole country, it took about 250,000 US troops to hold Iraq, the Idea of Holding Pakistan would be around 3 million or more, not to mention both China and Iran would aid Pakistan, Invading Pakistan yes the USA could but it would be stupid the lives lost would make it hell on earth.

Hey dont scare them, let them come over here. The level of hatred against US is too high among people of pakistan, so every Pakistani will be a soldier of Pakistan Army. :pakistan:
I mostly agree with bilalhaider when he wrote
they cannot afford a war with Pakistan. Simple.
The United States could only perform some low scale bombing raids, but this is completely out of the question as well, because they would compromise their already faltering situation in Afghanistan.
Your countryman, Mr. Haider, is making the claim of the figure being 95-97/5-3 %.

That without an official Pakistani source/spokesperson to back it up.

95% innocents and 5% terrorists?
Hey dont scare them, let them come over here. The level of hatred against US is too high among people of pakistan, so every Pakistani will be a soldier of Pakistan Army. :pakistan:

Ahmadinejad wanted to get the Iranian Population to 150 million so it could repel any type of Invasion.
I'm sure that whatever price it might be, it would exact a far heavier toll on Pakistan, both monetary and military, than it would on the US.

Pakistanis are used to poverty and death americans are not

---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

Ahmadinejad wanted to get the Iranian Population to 150 million so it could repel any type of Invasion.

well iranian women tend to be pretty I would volunteer to help out in national cause of iran
Ahmadinejad wanted to get the Iranian Population to 150 million so it could repel any type of Invasion.

But situation in Iran cannot in anyway be compared with that of Pakistan. Like you said, it is very easy to get legal weapons in Pakistan, rather some people say that getting illegal weapons is more easy. So if said misadventure is triggered, a huge population will be welcoming them. :lol:
American people are tired of war The economy is sinking and Obama needs to get out of office, the intervention in Libya had people divided , unemployment is growing and food stamps are rising ,war with pakistan who wants that other then India and maybe afghanistan ? sure americans hate pakistan and want to cut off aid and Take their nukes however no Sane American wants war with Pakistan, war isn't a game understand that.
Pakistanis are used to poverty and death americans are not

Yes, and you forgot to mention the 'jihad' factor :D, I am sure that suited booted people will be there as well for the sake of jihad.
unemployment is growing and food stamps are rising ,war with pakistan who wants that other then India and maybe afghanistan ? sure americans hate pakistan and want to cut off aid and Take their nukes however no Sane American wants war with Pakistan, war isn't a game understand that.
Pakistanis are used to poverty and death americans are not

---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

well iranian women tend to be pretty I would volunteer to help out in national cause of iran

You truelly are a martyr to the cause. I am sure all those Iranian women are jumping for joy and ready to thank you sir for putting yourself out.
Pakistan's economy is doing fine, its growing faster than the US economy despite being involved so heavily in the WOT.

So the "growth rate" being faster is an indicator of Pakistan's economic well-being compared to the US is it?
The fact that US is a developed economy and also the largest does not play into this equation at all eh?

I dunno whether to laugh or to pity you...bless your heart...

No one's over or underestimating anyone, I've only laid out the geopolitical facts; if you can't dispute them, too bad.

I dunno what's there to dispute....you're overtly optimistic while I wear jaded glasses....

What we can be sure of is America's ability to hurt Pakistan...the reciprocal is your optimistic view

Sue me coz I look at the worst case scenario

Not really, the IMF & WB function independently, & I've given you factual evidence about how the US imposed sanctions on the Pakistan in the 90s, but Pakistan was working with the IMF & the WB during the same period. The IMF not 'bailing out' Pakistan is purely Pakistan's decision, & is not influenced by the US or anyone else. No connection between the two things.

Pakistan has asked US to use its influence on International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the release of next tranche in the month of March so that the government could make its budget for next financial year 2011-12.

Pakistan seeks US help for next IMF tranche

Read up....

When the US can't even control most of Afghanistan, especially the Eastern provinces of Afghanistan; or stop attacks on their embassy or have their Chinook shot down in broad daylight, or prevent the President's brother, the governor & the ex-President of Afghanistan from getting assassinated: it doesn't take Nostradamus to predict the outcome of a direct confrontation with Pakistan.

Casualties are a part and participle of war...but
If we are to look at the intelligence failure of Pakistan or PA's ability to prevent attack on its army HQ, its main naval base, its premier naval reconnaisance aircraft, its minority leaders, its ex-PM, its people....list goes on...Pakistan's profile doesnt look much better than Somalia's...LOL!!
PAKISTAN CANT CONTROL ITS OWN LAND....let alone talk about going head on with the Americans....'

At least the Americans are fighting in foreign lands...with very few overall casualties in a matter of a decade...same cant be said about Pakistan

Again...lame attempt at being Nostradamus..

My tone is absolutely fine, you're the one who's wreaking with desperation & frustration because you continue to engaged in this thread, which even you have admitted has nothing do with your country or your people.

I am free to argue my POV on this issue as are you...rest assured my lack of vested interest in this situation allows me to think from a non-emotional standpoint...
Same cant be said about you...
Its too much for you to accept that Pakistan cannot head on face the US....

How will the US cause a naval blockage against Pakistan?

Using one of their many CBGs...heard of Diego Garcia?

The US has nothing to do with Pakistani oil, so I don't know where you're getting this.

Your oil comes via sea lanes.....draw the connection already

And the IPI pipeline will become operational soon, so all of Pakistan's energy requirements will be fulfilled from that independent of the US.

IPI is a natural gas pipeline...NOT oil....unless cars and planes run on natural gas...you have another thing coming...

Besides...the IPI is at least 3-5 years from being operational....best of luck keeping Americans at bay till then...LOL!!

The US economy almost defaulted, so they are cutting back expenditures in the war. Hence, I don't think they'd be using lesser resources against a country almost 5 times the population of Pakistan. The economy is going down the pit, the external & state debts are skyrocketing, they cannot afford a war with Pakistan. Simple.

and yet better than Pakistan is every aspect.....

Why dont you realize the writing on the wall that you're trying to punch well above your weight class...
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