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US will forget Vietnam if it attacks 'FATA'

There is no warlike situation between US and Pakistan as I mentioned many times but setting that aside what is the reason behind such thought? What will happen? As far as Pakistan's capability is concerned US will remain unharmed from all aspects. Isn't it? US fought Iraq, they destroyed Saddam and his army, what happened to them. nothing.

The likelihood of an American invasion of Pakistan are negligible. With respect to the rest of your post, I would like to remind you that Pakistan is neither Afghanistan nor Iraq in which they can exploit differences between rival factions fighting for power and play off one against another to obtain absolute control. Should America attack, the opposition they receive will be overwhelming, every man a belligerent, every household a fortress.
What US should understand
Posted on September 29, 2011

Successful diplomacy requires tact, which was sorely missing in Admiral Mike Mullen’s statement before a US Senate panel where he claimed that Pakistan was exporting terror into Afghanistan through the ISI backed Haqqani network. Such accusations are a guaranteed way of losing an important ally, a habit Washington cannot forget.

President Obama thinks he has a successful face saving strategy to cover up his mistakes in Afghanistan, as his election was based on his promise to end the war. Now at the end of his term the war is still on and America is losing it. Patience with allies like Pakistan, who have to look after their own interests, thus runs thin the longer the war drags out.

What America fails to realise is that this is Pakistan’s war too. We have lost 30,000 and we are still counting. Alliances are formed for the mutual benefit of the allies and not because one partner has the power and might to force the other partner to do its bidding, as is the case with Pakistan and America.

An attack on North Waziristan with the intention of wiping out the Haqqani network is unacceptable. America would lose a valuable ally and it will be a disaster story. Losing Pakistan’s cooperation at this point will mean a regeneration of terror on a massive scale.

Pakistan guards a 2250 km long border with Afghanistan but the question is why can’t the Nato/US security forces stop infiltration from their side? The answer to this is obvious – the Haqqani group does not exist in North Waziristan and it operates only inside Afghanistan. However, to cover this failure, the US is blaming Pakistan.

America constantly accuses Pakistan but when hundreds of militants attacked Pakistan entering Chitral from the Afghan province of Kunar, where was the American security and how did these terrorists manage to return without being apprehended by the US/Nato forces? Is not Nato then harbouring terrorists against Pakistan?

The contradictions in the US position are glaring. Former Afghan president, Burhanuddin Rabbani was assigned to negotiate with the Taliban but Admiral Mullen is urging Pakistan to eliminate the Haqqani group, which is the back bone of the Taliban. This is confusion at its best.

The US propaganda machinery is working overtime to portray its ally Pakistan as the bad guy but the US talking to the enemy, the Taliban, is okay. On the other hand, if Pakistan has normal information gathering links with any group, including the Haqqani network, even this is objectionable to the US. This is hypocrisy at its best.

It is time that Pakistan told the US that like them, Pakistan also wants to contain enemies in the region thus curtailing the growing Indian influence in Afghanistan. The US promotes Pakistan’s enemies but we are not allowed to secure our interests. After the US departure in 2014, India will stay there and sandwich Pakistan from the east and the western borders. It will be suicidal if we allow this.

America needs to understand that the war of words between the two states is damaging their chances of successfully working out a solution to the problem of terrorism in the region. Strong-arming Pakistan into subservience is not a workable solution. America cannot afford another war on its hands and it cannot afford to lose Pakistan’s assistance. Threatening Pakistan in this situation is not helping its cause. It is time to honour the alliance with Pakistan rather then turning it into an adversary.

The writer teaches International Relations at the University of Peshawar.
-The News
What kind of evidence mate.

I think maybe the way things are in Pakistan, only a clear cut admission from GoP of hiding OBL can be called any evidence. Rest all Pakistan simply donwplays as inconclusive!!!

1- How the heck can 4000 ragtags Haqqanis trouble 100,000+ ISAF forces in Afghanistan?

Very easily. By attacking the soft targets ie the support and logistics of ISAF. There 4000 are in addition to all the other outfits operating there in Afghanistan so a substantial number comes to mind.

2- Why would Pakistan send in these guys or ISI for attacking the US embassy? What is the motive?

To try and inflict american casualties in order to further strengthen the calls for withdrawl and maybe to speed up the process while killing a few kafirs at it. A great motive from my POV. In addition to remind everyone in area who is the boss!! The clash of the super egos.

3- It is only 5 miles from NW to ****** border, but 250 miles from there to Kabul, the US and all the other agencies did not catch them going through 250 miles of Afghan territory?

Answer is apparently not. You see they dont put display boards on top of their heads proclaiming who they are when they operate. So obviously one would not be much mistaken for taking these people as civillians since they are dresses as any other civillian and are clearly not advertising themselves. So its pretty easy. What? You have never been in a CI environment that you ask such a question sir?

The US has repeatedly said that it will do this and that, bomb Pakistan and blah blah blah. But hey, nothing happened. As for the sanctions, nothing is going to happen until the US pulls out of Afghanistan. It cannot afford to have it's supply lines cut. So, no war is going to happen. No sanctions, all diplomatic talk, intended to see if the Pakistani leadership faulters, and I must say, it has not.

Yeah? They are moving away from reliance on Pakistan for supplies. Your holding them hostage to that line is over used now. As for war, they wont invade, I agree with you on that. But they shall definitely make Pakistan pay. In other ways.
I think maybe the way things are in Pakistan, only a clear cut admission from GoP of hiding OBL can be called any evidence. Rest all Pakistan simply donwplays as inconclusive!!!

This happens when you jump in between the discussion without reading the previous posts. He asked what kind of evidence US has against ISI, and you came up with what 'could be' the evidences.

Very easily. By attacking the soft targets ie the support and logistics of ISAF. There 4000 are in addition to all the other outfits operating there in Afghanistan so a substantial number comes to mind.
Therefore it represents US / Nato's total failure in Afghanistan despite of spending more than 10 years time there.

To try and inflict american casualties in order to further strengthen the calls for withdrawl and maybe to speed up the process while killing a few kafirs at it. A great motive from my POV. In addition to remind everyone in area who is the boss!! The clash of the super egos.
Conspiracy theory against ISI.

Answer is apparently not. You see they dont put display boards on top of their heads proclaiming who they are when they operate. So obviously one would not be much mistaken for taking these people as civillians since they are dresses as any other civillian and are clearly not advertising themselves. So its pretty easy. What? You have never been in a CI environment that you ask such a question sir?
Yes, and in the absence of those display boards, the US afterwards comes to Know... ooooh they were haqqani. It seems that Haqqani's name always comes out of draw conducted by US after every incident. :lol: Grow up mate, stop being spokesman of uncle sam.

Yeah? They are moving away from reliance on Pakistan for supplies. Your holding them hostage to that line is over used now. As for war, they wont invade, I agree with you on that. But they shall definitely make Pakistan pay. In other ways.

Yes, they will definitely do this, but in the very last moments, so the financial burden should remain smaller. Have you ever compared the cost of moving their supplies from Pakistan with any other medium? But US have, and thats why they are still using Pakistani routes.
OfYour comments about perceived behavior notwithstanding, it is good to see that the situation is settling down....

"Settling-down" or coward-super power showing her real-face...!!!

You might wanna go thru my post again... I told u they were cowards WHEN CONFRONTED/Challenged...

I told u they were "best:tdown:" ONLY against sitting-ducks...
You might wanna go thru my post again... I told u they were cowards WHEN CONFRONTED/Challenged...

I told u they were "brave" ONLY against sitting-ducks...

Like I said, you are entitled to your opinion, however erroneous and deluded it might be.

My opinion is that any army is equally brave given the correct set of circumstances.
Turns out, USA doesn't want to forget Vietnam, that is why USA has decided to back off.....
This happens when you jump in between the discussion without reading the previous posts. He asked what kind of evidence US has against ISI, and you came up with what 'could be' the evidences.

Only the posting is in between. You would want to think that no one reads every post since start wouldnt you? I read what has been posted sir, only you are quick to denounce without taking the trouble to understand what is being said! I stress that US may have any kind of evidence, it is merely 'inconclusive' even if is presented to GoP. What use asking for evidence? Its a systematic policy followed by Pakistani Establishment to simply deny existence of something and even with evidence to contrary being presented to them, merely to proclaim them to be inconclusive. So when you ask for evidence, its just a farce that is being palyed out. In Kargil you refuted proof of your complicity presented in the form of recovered identity cards and bodies of dead soldiers which was the most comprehensive proof, yet you denied and continued to maintain your stance that it was a local insurrection!!! So what kind of proof will satisfy you? The only one which can is when some official of GoP or PA admits they did it!!!

Therefore it represents US / Nato's total failure in Afghanistan despite of spending more than 10 years time there.

I am yet to find a country which has been able to fight insurgency and assymetrical war in a matter of days successfully. Do you know anyone?

Conspiracy theory against ISI

Really? Conspiracy theory against ISI? Strange for an organisation to feel that ways when it is a master at that craft for decades now.

Yes, and in the absence of those display boards, the US afterwards comes to Know... ooooh they were haqqani. It seems that Haqqani's name always comes out of draw conducted by US after every incident. :lol: Grow up mate, stop being spokesman of uncle sam.

Easy enough to know who did it, because who does always claims credit for it somehow or somewhere ...... simple mathematics here buddy! You brag enough about your achievements .. someone will hear it who may be a paid informer ....

Yes, they will definitely do this, but in the very last moments, so the financial burden should remain smaller. Have you ever compared the cost of moving their supplies from Pakistan with any other medium? But US have, and thats why they are still using Pakistani routes

Not in as many quantities. And there is a limit to what one is willing to take.
The likelihood of an American invasion of Pakistan are negligible.

With respect to the rest of your post, I would like to remind you that Pakistan is neither Afghanistan nor Iraq in which they can exploit differences between rival factions fighting for power and play off one against another to obtain absolute control.
You are in for a rude surprise then. Pakistan is not devoid of problems of separatists, secretarian voilence, shia-sunni tensions, acts of terrorism, and weak/unpopular leadership structure. In addition, we also have Kashmir cause to protect.

For the time being, these internal issues take a back seat during the initial phase of the war. However, with passage of time they make a comeback and a hard one. This is what happened in Iraq too after the invasion.

Should America attack, the opposition they receive will be overwhelming, every man a belligerent, every household a fortress.
Spare us this propaganda. People are so scared of media reports in this regard that business activities have took a hit in the entire country.

Also, not every person is a skilled fighter in Pakistan. We could not handle TTP; how would we handle the most powerful military force on earth?

Turns out, USA doesn't want to forget Vietnam, that is why USA has decided to back off.....
Again, a misconception. There was never a threat of invasion in the first place. Pakistani media overhyped the whole affair.
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