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US UAV shot down in Pakistan

Wow you are leaking some top secret here. What is your source of information?
In that case control station got to be in vicinity of 100-200 km.
Do we know any US base within this radius?
I suppose returning drones can lead the terrorist to the base station?
If US forces are already present in this area than what the hell were they planning to achieve by flying around with choppers?
Why US bases in Pakistan were never targeted? whereas Pakistan army bases are targeted on daily bases!
Theres one 3 hours away from Peshawer and 1 and half hour away from ISB means in the middle. I will leave you to guess the area that I am talking about. And its quite amazing that no attacker went there.
that secret is happening past 7 yrs. is their any air defence system in that area to prevent intrusion of US

So than it should not be a secret and if it is not a secret and then US don't have any real threats from any one in this region.
And both Zardari and Malik are just selling fear to US when they say US has a terror threat from Pakistanis.

Why do we need air defence on the first place if they are flying from Pakistan :crazy:
If need to hold them from flying, shouldn't simple artillery be enough!
it that was shot down by the army than that great..... ofcourse the army cannot say any thing even if it was done by them. it might have just to say to the US that we are not sleeping you can fly them or down them as we want in our country.
if the tribes done it its great to.... so the pressure will be built from both sides. no pakistani will be ok with the US status in pakistan and you can see the US is loosing it badly every where they are only inventing new weapons and testing them around the world to pump there military forces with most updated weapons they dont care for any thing else:taz:
Did they actually show the weckage or referred to soem Pakistani channel?
Its not on CNN and FOX, two of mosed biased us channels.

ANGOOR ADDA: A pilotless U.S drone aircraft crashed in the northwestern Pakistani region of South Waziristan on Tuesday but it was not clear why it came down, Pakistani news channels reported.

U.S. forces have launched a string of attacks with missiles fired by drones, and one ground assault, on militant targets in northwestern Pakistan in recent weeks infuriating the U.S. ally which says the attacks are a violation of Pakistani sovereignty.

The drone came down near the border village of Angor Adda, where U.S. commandos launched a ground assault on Sept. 3 that Pakistani officials said killed 20 people, including women and children. A Pakistani intelligence official in the region said he had no information but he had heard claims from a Taliban faction a drone had been shot down on the Afghan side of the border.

ARY OneWorld Leading News Portal of Pakistan (Urdu - English), Watch Live ARY News,9/24/2008 2:13:41 AM
So than it should not be a secret and if it is not a secret and then US don't have any real threats from any one in this region.
And both Zardari and Malik are just selling fear to US when they say US has a terror threat from Pakistanis.

Why do we need air defence on the first place if they are flying from Pakistan :crazy:
If need to hold them from flying, shouldn't simple artillery be enough!
they would be flying from afghan but coordinating from here,
so if they are coming from cross border so they must be stopped by some kind of air defence otherwise they will increase more raids:tsk:, army should coordinate with tribals for total defense of all
Officials: Drone shot down over Pakistan - Pakistan - MSNBC.com

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan - Pakistani troops and tribesman shot down a suspected U.S. military drone close to the Afghan border on Tuesday, three intelligence officials said.

It is believed to be the first time that a pilotless aircraft has been shot down over Pakistan.

The incident will likely add to tensions between Washington and Pakistan over a spate of recent American cross-border incursions targeting suspected militants.
Theres one 3 hours away from Peshawer and 1 and half hour away from ISB means in the middle. I will leave you to guess the area that I am talking about. And its quite amazing that no attacker went there.
In the middle! than I hope every day lot of media people would be shooting (movie) returning drones! and I also wonder why there was no long march in 2007 over this issue?

There can be only two reasons as to why no attacker went there.
1- There has been a peace deal with US and AQ/TTP
2- Both AQ and TTP ran out of explosives.
:hitwall: FOX & CNN the will not show it unless if is in the intrest of the feelings of the people. even if they show it it will not be a breaking news. since they are part of the game of the US army assult around the world.
In the middle! than I hope every day lot of media people would be shooting (movie) returning drones! and I also wonder why there was no long march in 2007 over this issue?
I m telling you because I am from that area. So I dont know why noone went there but everyone knows in that area though. Its a airbase they use.
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