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US UAV shot down in Pakistan

30 minutes ago

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A pilotless U.S. drone aircraft crashed in northwest Pakistan's South Waziristan region on Tuesday, Pakistani news channels reported, but there was no official confirmation.

U.S. forces have launched a string of attacks with missiles fired by drones, and one ground assault, on militant targets in northwest Pakistan in recent weeks, infuriating the U.S. ally which says the attacks are a violation of Pakistani sovereignty.

Reports said the drone came down near the border village of Angor Adda, where U.S. commandos launched a ground assault on September 3 that Pakistani officials said killed 20 people, including women and children.

A Pakistani intelligence officer in the region said he had no information but had heard claims by a Taliban faction that a drone had been shot down on the Afghan side of the border.

A Pakistani military spokesman declined to comment and reporters were unable to reach the remote area at night.

Dawn News, one of several channels reporting the incident, said security forces had found wreckage of a drone near the village of Jalal Khel, 8 km (5 miles) from Angor Adda and 3 km (2 miles) from the border.

It said officials believed the drone had crashed, although Pashtun tribesmen claimed to have shot it down.

Earlier on Tuesday, President George W. Bush said in New York that visiting Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari had spoken strongly about protecting Pakistani sovereignty.

Bush did not speak about the strikes.

"Your words have been very strong about Pakistan's sovereign right and sovereign duty to protect your country, and the United States wants to help," Bush said before meeting Zardari.

Pakistan's support is regarded as crucial both to the success of Western forces trying to stabilize Afghanistan, and in the fight against al Qaeda.

But U.S. impatience has grown over what it sees as Pakistan's failure to eliminate the militant threat on its side of the Afghan border.

Pakistanis were outraged by the Sept 3 commando raid, the first known ground assault by U.S. troops into Pakistan, and the six-month-old civilian government issued a diplomatic protest.

General Ashfaq Kayani said foreign troops would not be allowed on Pakistani soil and Pakistan's sovereignty and territorial integrity would be defended at all costs.

Pakistani troops fired on two U.S. helicopters that crossed the border at the same village, Angor Adda, a week ago, forcing them to turn back, according to residents and security officers.

Pakistan and the United States issued denials.

Pakistani troops fired on two U.S. helicopters that intruded into Pakistani airspace on Sunday night, again forcing them to turn back to Afghanistan, a Pakistani security official said.
I m telling you because I am from that area. So I dont know why noone went there but everyone knows in that area though. Its a airbase they use.

Air base does not mean that it is being used for military operations.
Air base is a strip where aircrafts can land and every one can see from miles what type of air crafts are comming in and out.
I use to have an appartment once 3km. away from an airbase and I could easily recognise if the comming aircraft is F-15 or C-130.
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DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — Pakistani troops and tribesman shot down a suspected U.S. military drone close to the Afghan border on Tuesday, three intelligence officials said.

It is believed to be the first time that a pilotless aircraft has been shot down over Pakistan.

The incident will likely add to tensions between Washington and Pakistan over a spate of recent American cross-border incursions targeting suspected militants.

The officials said the unmanned aircraft was shot down late Tuesday in the village of Jalal Khel in South Waziristan after circling over the area for several hours. Its wreckage was strewn on the ground, they said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media.

A U.S. military spokesman in Afghanistan, Capt. Christian Patterson, said officials were looking into the report.

The U.S. is known to operate drones in neighboring Afghanistan that sometimes carry out attacks against suspected militant targets within Pakistan.( ya righttt)

Pakistan is not believed to have any of the aircraft, which can be fitted out with missiles and cameras.
new confirmed thanks to

so congrats to army tribal unity........:pakistan:
army be credited separately................................

News may be true but there is no way to ascertain the episode.
There are both type of news, one for those who want to believe it this way and one for those who don't believe it. I suppose this one served you more.
I call both victims of propaganda.
The U.S. is known to operate drones in neighboring Afghanistan that sometimes carry out attacks against suspected militant targets within Pakistan.
:blah: the pentagon still denying the news........ this is how they mislead the US people by annoucing the news on their new agencies and then denying it officially so the news will not have that impact................ part of the media game by US
Finally showing some guts and defending our boarders..

I would have gone even longer and said "Sorry, we shot it down coz we thought it was Spy plain from Israel/india".. And keep shooting em down with the same excuse, if Pak Gov is not asked permission to fly inn first.

Shoot down, Say sorry, Shoot down, Say sorry, Shoot down, say Sorry, Shoot down!
Thats how they are to us..

Answer back with the same coin!
latest from the BBC news

Bush pledges to protect Pakistan
US President George Bush has said he wants to help Pakistan protect itself.

He was speaking moments before his first meeting with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari at the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York.

Mr Bush did not refer directly to controversial US strikes in Pakistan that have caused bilateral tension.

On Tuesday night there were unconfirmed reports that an unmanned US drone had crashed in Pakistan, although it was unclear whether it had been shot down.

Deep disagreement

There is growing anger in Pakistan at US forces in Afghanistan violating Pakistani sovereignty.

President Bush said before the meeting: "Your words have been very strong about Pakistan's sovereign right and sovereign duty to protect your country, and the United States wants to help."

Details of what was said during the discussions between the two presidents has not yet been made available.

The US has launched several attacks on militant targets in Pakistan recently.

Details about Tuesday's incident involving the suspected drone are still unclear.

Pakistani intelligence sources said a drone came down in the village of Jalal Khel in South Waziristan, close to the Afghan border.

Some reports said tribesmen or Pakistani troops had shot it down but neither can be confirmed.

The incident is likely to add to the US-Pakistan tension.

The nations have been in deep disagreement since 3 September when the US conducted its first ground assault in Pakistani territory on what it said was a militant target in South Waziristan.

We'll continue to work with the Pakistanis on trying to deal with the Taleban and al-Qaeda threat
Robert Wood
US state department

The Pakistan government reacted with fury at the unauthorised incursion in which they said US troops killed 20 innocent villagers.

On two occasions since then Pakistani troops have opened fire to thwart US forces trying to cross the border.

US military officials have complained that militants operate from safe havens in Pakistan from where they attack international and Afghan troops in Afghanistan.

They say that if they brief Pakistan about where they want to attack militants, elements in Pakistan's intelligence services sympathetic to the militants tip them off to help them escape.

The BBC's Chris Morris in Islamabad says that cross border co-operation was high on the agenda when Mr Zardari and Mr Bush meet on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly meeting.

In a recent interview on American television, Mr Zardari again insisted that only Pakistani forces were authorised to operate on Pakistani soil.

Our correspondent says Mr Zardari cannot accept any military activities which will increase the mood of anti-Americanism in his country and from his perspective make the fight against militancy more difficult.


Also on the agenda was the bombing of the Islamabad Marriott hotel that left more than 50 people dead.

A little known group calling itself the Fidayeen-e-Islam said it carried out the bombing. It has called for an end to all American involvement in Pakistan if further attacks are to be avoided.

The US state department said the bomb showed the need for the US, Pakistan and Afghanistan "to work and redouble our efforts to counter extremism".

The BBC's Kim Ghattas in Washington says the US is watching closely to see how Islamabad deals with the aftermath of the Marriott attack.

Pakistan's government has promised raids in some "hotspots" near the Afghan border.

But the US would like to see Pakistan take a more aggressive military approach on the ground, and rethink its unpopular peace deals with the militants.

Story from BBC NEWS:
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Bush pledges to protect Pakistan

Published: 2008/09/23 20:29:32 GMT

Dear dr.rehan

great words and we must agree thats how US treats the world... kill and participate in the pain and say sorry it was an mistake and promise it will never happen again... do as they do thats the best policy..... 100% agreed on that
U.S. drone attacked in Angoora Adda
Updated at: 0031 PST, Wednesday, September 24, 2008
U.S. drone attacked in Angoora Adda ANGOOR ADDA: Local tribes have shot down a U.S. drone here on Tuesday, according to Geo News.

The wreckage of the devastated U.S. drone was reportedly scattered in village Jallal near Angoora Adda, eyewitnesses said.

Sources said four unmanned suspected U.S. spy aircraft came down near the frontier village of Angoor Adda in the tribal district of South Waziristan, a known haunt of Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants.

A senior official confirmed foreign news agency about the devastation of U.S. pilot-less spy plane however ISPR sources did not confirm the incident. Meanwhile the security forces have reportedly taken the wreckage under control.

PTV said that government was investigating the reports but nevertheless government sources have yet to confirm it.

US-led NATO forces killed 20 locals amid land operation here including women and children on September 3.

U.S. drone attacked in Angoora Adda - GEO.tv
reaper or predator???
well done pa and tribes :yahoo::pakistan:






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Foreign news agency confirms US drone shot down
Updated at: 0116 PST, Wednesday, September 24, 2008
PESHAWAR: A suspected US unmanned spy aircraft crashed in a restive Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan on Tuesday, a senior security official told agency.

The drone came down near the frontier village of Angoor Adda in the tribal district of South Waziristan, a known haunt of Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants, the official said.

"A pilot-less spy plane, we believe it is U.S., crashed in Pakistani territory but it did not disintegrate. Tribesmen picked it up and then Pakistani security forces retrieved it," the official added.

Foreign news agency confirms US drone shot down - GEO.tv
Foreign news agency confirms US drone shot down
Updated at: 0116 PST, Wednesday, September 24, 2008
PESHAWAR: A suspected US unmanned spy aircraft crashed in a restive Pakistani tribal area bordering Afghanistan on Tuesday, a senior security official told agency.

"A pilot-less spy plane, we believe it is U.S., crashed in Pakistani territory but it did not disintegrate. Tribesmen picked it up and then Pakistani security forces retrieved it," the official added.

Foreign news agency confirms US drone shot down - GEO.tv

The point that it did not dis-integrate shows that it was not shot but must have crash landed.

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