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US UAV shot down in Pakistan

I cant imagine how the tribes can possibly shoot it down. BBC is saying that it crashed.

It is confirmed that it has crashed. But it could crash of two reasons 'technical fault' or after being 'hit' and I think it is most important part of this story.
This wont go down as simple as we may want it too. Obviously the drone were flying long before statements like these were made and did not crashed, what a coincidence that as soon as statements like shooting it down started coming from the Pakistani side, it actually did come down, reason may what ever be.:angel:
I dont mean to burst your bubbles and all, in fact bust my own bubble as well buuut ... my logical mind is telling me that it was a technical fault.... But if they shot it down it would have been soooo cooooool!

A pilotless United States drone aircraft has crashed in the north-western Pakistani region of South Waziristan overnight, but it is not clear why it came down, Pakistani news channels report.

US forces have launched a string of attacks with missiles fired by drones and one ground assault on militant targets in north-western Pakistan in recent weeks, infuriating the US ally which says the attacks are a violation of Pakistani sovereignty.

The drone came down near the border village of Angor Adda, where US commandos launched a ground assault on September 3 that Pakistani officials say killed 20 people, including women and children.

A Pakistani intelligence official in the region says he has no information but he had heard claims from a Taliban faction a drone had been shot down on the Afghan side of the border.

Earlier on Tuesday (local time), US President George W Bush said visiting Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari had spoken strongly about protecting Pakistani sovereignty.

But Mr Bush did not address the strikes.

"Your words have been very strong about Pakistan's sovereign right and sovereign duty to protect your country, and the United States wants to help," he said before meeting Mr Zardari in New York. (Bush-Cut the crap)

Pakistan's support is regarded as crucial to the success of Western forces trying to stabilise Afghanistan and in the fight against Al Qaeda.


Hope this is not "green" journalism. ;)
I dont mean to burst your bubbles and all, in fact bust my own bubble as well buuut ... my logical mind is telling me that it was a technical fault.... But if they shot it down it would have been soooo cooooool!

Arite since you are assuming, I can assume that Pak Army have shot it down and then said Tribals did it.

Maybe its like that NO? Maybe China wants the wreckage but maybe we can sell it now to USSR too.
If they could shot down USSR Choppers with American Stingers I think they can do that too. But I am just assuming.
Why are the Americans so interested in Angoor Adda?

Nobody's rooting for it to have been shot down or crashed. No one in Pakistan is glad that it has come to this. But they have it coming.
I think Asim we have to face more damage in few days as i think something big is being planned against us.

US has moved two more aircraft carrier ships from Gulf and placed neare to our border. One was already moved few months back.

Kiyani is out of the country as well as president.

Its realy worrisome.

Look, Bush is saying only good things!

Bush says he expects to deepen ties with Pakistan

Perhaps those carrier movements may be a step in direction towards any forth coming development over Iran!
Perhaps any following india maneuvers may give us better clue!
Arite since you are assuming, I can assume that Pak Army have shot it down and then said Tribals did it.

Maybe its like that NO? Maybe China wants the wreckage we can sell it now to USSR too. If they could shot down USSR Choppers with American Stingers I think they can do that too. But I am just assuming.

While one can understand the frustration that many Pakistani feel about these intrusions but by all accounts the flights of the drones are supervised by CIA from Pakistan itself and since the drones are in constant touch with their controllers its highly unlikely such an action would go un-noticed by the US.

Secondly while it may give some satisfaction to egos of enemies of the US it would put Pakistan at a disadvantage as it will prove the point that the Taliban has become even more powerful thus further justifying more US intervention.

Why are the Americans so interested in Angoor Adda?

Nobody's rooting for it to have been shot down or crashed. No one in Pakistan is glad that it has come to this. But they have it coming.

That is interesting observation!
Did any one have any familiarity with area? can any one mark the location on google earth!
It is confirmed that it has crashed. But it could crash of two reasons 'technical fault' or after being 'hit' and I think it is most important part of this story.
west will always say that it crashed:whistle:
If they could shot down USSR Choppers with American Stingers I think they can do that too. But I am just assuming.

Actually you will find that they cant. The 80s was a different story and if you read about it do you really think we gave Singers to everyone? Any rebel commander or group that wanted to fight? Only the best were given access and those too who were loyal. Also singers are extremely complex, and all ordiance detoriates over time and as it is the Taliban never had the expertise for this sort of weapon. Point is that if the militants were using Singer or singer based technology in any substainal way than many many Americans copper and jets would have been down already. Not to mention our own.
And I honestly dont think we need the technology, since the AMericans already gave us the preditors for borrowing and we made use of them in Lal Masjid. There are even pictures of these UAVs parked in Pakistani bases on this site.
That is interesting observation!
Did any one have any familiarity with area? can any one mark the location on google earth!
IT may be possible that they want to start their campaign from there,or they find some loophole in security there,
is there andy air defence system near that area?
While one can understand the frustration that many Pakistani feel about these intrusions but by all accounts the flights of the drones are supervised by CIA from Pakistan itself and since the drones are in constant touch with their controllers its highly unlikely such an action would go un-noticed by the US.

Wow you are leaking some top secret here. What is your source of information?
In that case control station got to be in vicinity of 100-200 km.
Do we know any US base within this radius?
I suppose returning drones can lead the terrorist to the base station?
If US forces are already present in this area than what the hell were they planning to achieve by flying around with choppers?
Why US bases in Pakistan were never targeted? whereas Pakistan army bases are targeted on daily bases!
Wow you are leaking some top secret here. What is your source of information?
In that case control station got to be in vicinity of 100-200 km.
Do we know any US base within this radius?
I suppose returning drones can lead the terrorist to the base station?
If US forces are already present in this area than what the hell were they planning to achieve by flying around with choppers?
Why US bases in Pakistan were never targeted? whereas Pakistan army bases are targeted on daily bases!

The Problem With the Predator

The U.S. Air Force has used Predator drones flying out of its bases in Uzbekistan [near the Afghan border] and Pakistan [Jacobabad and Shamsi]. Clear weather and the lack of Taliban anti-aircraft defenses allowed the drones to collect real-time imagery which was relayed to hovering strike aircraft. In the summer of 2001 some Predators were equipped with two of Lockheed's Hellfire AGM-114 laser-guided anti-tank missiles [$45,000 apiece].
Wow you are leaking some top secret here. What is your source of information?
In that case control station got to be in vicinity of 100-200 km.
Do we know any US base within this radius?
I suppose returning drones can lead the terrorist to the base station?
If US forces are already present in this area than what the hell were they planning to achieve by flying around with choppers?
Why US bases in Pakistan were never targeted? whereas Pakistan army bases are targeted on daily bases!
that secret is happening past 7 yrs. is their any air defence system in that area to prevent intrusion of US
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