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US Troops Hurt In Iran Attack To Get Purple Hearts


Jan 5, 2020
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United Kingdom
Troops who suffered traumatic brain injuries dismissed by Trump expected to receive Purple Hearts

Updated 1847 GMT (0247 HKT) April 28, 2020


(CNN)Dozens of US military personnel are expected to receive Purple Hearts in recognition of traumatic brain injuries they suffered in a January Iranian missile attack in Iraq, according to three US defense officials.

The officials describe the decision as extremely sensitive because of the attention the issue received after President Donald Trump dismissed the injuries as "not very serious," when they were first reported.
The Pentagon and Trump initially said no service members were injured or killed in the attack on al Asad air base but it subsequently became clear that many sustained traumatic brain injuries after blast waves from the Iranian explosions hit the bunkers they were sheltering in.
The number of TBI cases rose steadily in the weeks after the attack to 110, according to the Defense Department.

It's not clear how many of those service members will receive the award because the review of the proposed Purple Heart cases has not been completed.
"The Purple Heart submissions remain under review and are being processed in accordance with Defense Department and Military Service regulations. Upon completion, service members entitled to receive the Purple Heart will be notified by their leadership," Jessica Maxwell, a Defense Department spokeswoman told CNN.
The awards are in a "final stage" of review by the US led coalition in Iraq that commands all US forces there. Once they pass that stage a final decision will be made at the Pentagon.
Behind the scenes the three defense officials described the situation as extremely sensitive because of the attention the issue received after Trump downplayed the significance of the injuries. With the Purple Hearts pending, the awards are getting internal attention from senior Pentagon personnel, according to the defense officials. It is not clear how much the Defense Department will publicize the awards when they are made, officials say.
When the first reports about the injuries emerged, Trump said he didn't not consider potential brain injuries to be as serious as physical combat wounds.

During the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Trump was asked to explain the discrepancy between his previous comments that no US service member was harmed and reports of US troops being treated for injuries suffered in the attack.
"No, I heard that they had headaches, and a couple of other things, but I would say, and I can report, it's not very serious," Trump replied during a news conference.
Asked about the President's comments, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said Trump "understands the nature of these injuries."
Since 2011 the Defense Department has had a policy of awarding Purple Hearts for service members who suffer from traumatic brain injuries which are often called the silent wound of war.
To qualify for the award the injury must be severe enough to require treatment by a medical officer which may limit the number awarded following the January attack because the Pentagon indicated many troops suffered from mild cases.
The Purple Heart dates back to George Washington and is given to those wounded or killed in combat.

So the same person that used bone spurs as an excuse to avoid being enlisted to war considered Traumatic Brain Injury as just "a headache". If anyone ever wanted proof as to why democracy may not a good form of governance then Donald Trump is the perfect exemplar of that.
The standard for getting these purple hearts in the US is very low. Would an anal fissure during active service qualify you for one? lol

What do you expect?! Shooting down a civilian airplane is a priseworthy deed that deserves promotions in the US army. Now imagine when an actual enemy is shooting at you. I expect that these standards get lower as the time progresses where US soldiers will get promoted for taking online insults from some nerdy geek in the basement.
Do the soilders who crapped their pants get a Brown Hearts medal??
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@Beny Karachun didnt you join your brother @Falcon29 in saying those US troops werent hurt at all? here is the confirmation that Iranian weapons are not fake.
I clearly said no US troops were killed, me and @Falcon29 aren't the same people.


Don't make us the liars, Iran are the ones claiming to kill 80 Americans which is clearly a lie, I never doubted anyone was suffering from trauma.
I clearly said no US troops were killed, me and @Falcon29 aren't the same people.
Ok, true, no US troops died. I know you both arent the same people, i just said you both said no troops were injured, which you first disagreed with...but your comment below confirms you still hjold that view, which means i was right in labeling both of you as US_troop health-damage deniers.

Don't make us the liars, Iran are the ones claiming to kill 80 Americans which is clearly a lie, I never doubted anyone was suffering from trauma.
LMAO. are you really that ignorant? i mean the "TBI" acronym's first word is "TRAUMATIC". how many humans recover from TRAUMA caused by ballistic missiles? once again, you surprise me a bit..you are usually sharp but your ignorance these days is very interesting.
Ok, true, no US troops died. I know you both arent the same people, i just said you both said no troops were injured, which you first disagreed with...but your comment below confirms you still hjold that view, which means i was right in labeling both of you as US_troop health-damage deniers.
Your friend @Philosopher. begs to differ, he asks me for proof that no Americans were killed.
I even said "No American is physically hurt", emphasis on physically.

You don't know the severetity of the damage. It's not like they're pissing themselves every night in terror. Most of them, if not all of them bu now, are back on duty.
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@Falcon29 - Your lie has been BUUUUUUSSTTTEEEEEDDD!

Are you retarded ... That is culture in America they baby their soldiers around and lots of organizations in the US, including pro-Israeli ones want these troops rewarded just to let everyone in the country know they faced an attack by Iran. In order to narrative build against Iran. It would cause a political controversy if anyone pointed that out so they go ahead with these awards or whatever they are.

They had mild concussions and will get disability checks from now on. Some of them had nothing but will report symptoms anyway to try getting disability checks.

And you guys are trying to brag about getting some US troops some mild concussions. Only on PDF. In all your 40 year revolution full of anti US and Israeli rhetoric this all you lametards manage to do. It's embarrassing to even try to brag about it. You guys are not tough people nor up to task to fight real wars. No matter how hard you try to present yourself as warriors against America /Israel. No one takes you guys seriously except confused Westerners.

All you good for is shooting Iraqi demonstrators and bombing poor Syrians.
Are you retarded ... That is culture in America they baby their soldiers around and lots of organizations in the US, including pro-Israeli ones want these troops rewarded just to let everyone in the country know they faced an attack by Iran. In order to narrative build against Iran. It would cause a political controversy if anyone pointed that out so they go ahead with these awards or whatever they are.

They had mild concussions and will get disability checks from now on. Some of them had nothing but will report symptoms anyway to try getting disability checks.

And you guys are trying to brag about getting some US troops some mild concussions. Only on PDF. In all your 40 year revolution full of anti US and Israeli rhetoric this all you lametards manage to do. It's embarrassing to even try to brag about it. You guys are not tough people nor up to task to fight real wars. No matter how hard you try to present yourself as warriors against America /Israel. No one takes you guys seriously except confused Westerners.

All you good for is shooting Iraqi demonstrators and bombing poor Syrians.

Hmmmmm.....I seem to remember certain someone on Twitter with a similar handle to yours here on PDF, a shame though, I believe he got his account banned due to particular radical views he expressed. He did post them in Arabic so it was somewhat difficult to discern what he was saying, you know with all that crazy Jihadi like Anti-Iranian talk those lunatics tend to rant on about, but he did get banned/reprimanded in the end I believe :)

Hey!!! You don't happen to know this guy or what happened to him?

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