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US Troops Hurt In Iran Attack To Get Purple Hearts

Well truth be told I don't follow many normal Iranian customs or cultural mannerisms, I was born in Ohio and have lived in the states my entire life. Granted my parents are Iranian immigrants, fair enough, but my chief culture and what I personally identify with is America, specifically Ohio and our local Buckeye culture.

Yeah idk about your first paragraph Falcon, I do get what it is you're getting at but idk how that pertains to me exactly. I'm not in anyway whatsoever looking for acceptance from some third-party. I've been living my own life for quite some time now.

Yes I know you're American born to Iranian immigrants, I am like you American born to Palestinian parents. I do not mean you but society in general, just to make clear.
Yes I know you're American born to Iranian immigrants, I am like you American born to Palestinian parents. I do not mean you but society in general, just to make clear.

You do deserve an answer though, as to why I responded so emotionally (and it was emotional) to your comment earlier today.

Iranians have a tough time here on PDF and other places on the internet. Suffice to say I've taken an overt stance in showing sympathy towards them (that being Iranians) and Iran in general so I often find myself defending or getting into arguments on Iran's behalf quite often.

Heart on my sleeve, it has gotten the better of me on more than one occasion, can't really say it's a healthy thing to be doing but I can't help it sometimes. The disrespect and derogatory comments toward Iranians makes me go on the 'hunt' so to say.

In case I did mistake you from someone else, I do apologize and I will remove my original comment for now. You didn't do me any wrong so I really shouldn't have posted that in the first place.

I need to just get off PDF for awhile....this place isn't healthy for me at all.
You do deserve an answer though, as to why I responded so emotionally (and it was emotional) to your comment earlier today.

Iranians have a tough time here on PDF and other places on the internet. Suffice to say I've taken an overt stance in showing sympathy towards them (that being Iranians) and Iran in general so I often find myself defending or getting into arguments on Iran's behalf quite often.

Heart on my sleeve, it has gotten the better of me on more than one occasion, can't really say it's a healthy thing to be doing but I can't help it sometimes. The disrespect and derogatory comments toward Iranians makes me go on the 'hunt' so to say.

In case I did mistake you from someone else, I do apologize and I will remove my original comment for now. You didn't do me any wrong so I really shouldn't have posted that in the first place.

I need to just get off PDF for awhile....this place isn't healthy for me at all.

No worries, I understand your sentiments towards your countrymen probably much of it due to media coverage you see in the US on Iran. I read international and national media outlets but I don't take them seriously anymore and am not affected by what they write since they each represent a country and it's interests. They can away public opinion in some ways but not as much as before and even if they do you can't fix people. Just know if one does good they'll receive good back. We have a God who overlooks us and will correct things when he deems fit.

Yes it can feel toxic and unhealthy nowadays and it would take an collective effort by individuals and societies to change our ways of discourse. I take breaks when necessary forsure. Just like you though I care about our region because it's so up and down and things change fast there unlike other continents when there is no significant worry. Ultimately I'm sure we would like to see the region flourishing and stable so we can vacation there or even live there one day without worrying about troubles. Or even know our families are surviving fine.
Give it up dude, bottom line your sissy cowards are afraid of real war and want to secure their Persian business empire and interests. They are motivated by greed and nationalism and not Islamic revolution like they tried to call it.

1) I am so disappointed that your best effort on this forum is at being a troll
2) The only bigger coward than Iranians in fighting US and ISrael are the Arabs. As we speak now, the land YOU WALK ON is about to become part of Israel....all thanks to your Arab brothers in the GCC. Btw where is that other delusional Arab ethno-supremacist when Palestine is about to get swallowed up by Israel. You are not in a position to criticize Iran. You only do so because you have a mouth, and talk is cheap. dollar for dollar,soldier for soldier, you are the hypocrite. The only parts of Palestine that aren't vulnerable to Israel today are those that Iran helps. What did Palestinians in the West Bank under Mahmoud Abbas get from being "civil" and "nonviolent" with Israel? YUP- ANNEXATION! that's what they got. Iran gave Gaza resistance and Israel can say it will annex Gaza but that's only hot air.
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