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US to delegate Iran’s IRGC as terrorist organization

You buckle when you had a program to begin it . I knew its hard to believe for you but Iran didn't he he a nuke program to begin with. Now instead of repeating baseless claim show us evidence of that nuke program you so eager to claim .and for Gods sake don't change history north Korea before 1994 had an agreement with south Korea not USA . they ratified not in 1992 and because of disagreement with iaea threatened to pull out in 1993 but just 1 day before completion of the process they freeze it and reached an agreement with USA in 1994 but the agreement implementation get delayed because then republica us senate put a builder in front of it .
And so no North Korea didnt need Pakistan for enriching uranium in 1993. They were only interested in some centrifuge design that Pakistan stole from european several years earlier and they give you missile technology instead of that.

we should have nukes ... then if we wanted to negotiate , we could negotiate to " not expand our nuclear arsenal " instead of " fill our reactor with cement to ensure you " ....
we should have nukes ... then if we wanted to negotiate , we could negotiate to " not expand our nuclear arsenal " instead of " fill our reactor with cement to ensure you " ....
Whatever . but we don't have nuke and I yet to see any evidence of such program
Mr Vevak, North Korea (a much smaller nation than Iran in population, economy and area) has carried out 6 nuclear tests so far defying all threats and sanctions against the Republic. How many has Iran carried out to date? Last I checked, Iran buckled under UN sanctions.

But hey, keep counting your chickens. Good luck.
Well,for a start iran didnt have any weapons to test in the first place because its nuclear program unlike the dprks was not a military weapons program but a civilian nuclear power program.But speaking of buckling I do find it rather ironic that nuclear late comer the dprk has tested 6 times regardless of sanctions and condemnation,but pakistan only ever tested twice,in a 2 day period,and never again after it was sanctioned and internationally condemned as a result.Iran by comparison stood firm and resisted all the wests demands and threats to completely dismantle its nuclear program and in the end it was the west who backed down.If iran had decided that it wanted the bomb then today it would be an actual nuclear armed state rather than just a threshold state as it currently is,but all it would take to change that status is a political decision,thats it.
You buckle when you had a program to begin it . I knew its hard to believe for you but Iran didn't he he a nuke program to begin with. Now instead of repeating baseless claim show us evidence of that nuke program you so eager to claim .and for Gods sake don't change history north Korea before 1994 had an agreement with south Korea not USA . they ratified not in 1992 and because of disagreement with iaea threatened to pull out in 1993 but just 1 day before completion of the process they freeze it and reached an agreement with USA in 1994 but the agreement implementation get delayed because then republica us senate put a builder in front of it .
And so no North Korea didnt need Pakistan for enriching uranium in 1993. They were only interested in some centrifuge design that Pakistan stole from european several years earlier and they give you missile technology instead of that.

Did I say Pakistan gave nukes or uranium to North Korea? No, I said North Korea continued it's nuclear weapons program secretly in Pakistan in the 1990s while freezing it in their own country. This is the reason why the Americans who were involved in the NK-US negotiations now say they believe North Korea "cheated".

Pakistan carried out its first of many "Cold Tests" on 11 March 1984 inside a sealed mountain and the US did not find out about it until around 1989 when AQ Khan bragged about it openly to the media.

Try using couple of brain cells first before responding to me again.
What else NK has next to those nukes?

For the US, only nukes and missiles. Best of luck.

I'm sure Pentagon is now in the process of establishing hotline between North Korea and the US now that they've started "directly talking .to North Korea".

It's quite impressive don't you think that a tiny nation defied a Global Super Power for 60 years and managed to acquire "equilibrium" in military with its adversary.

What happened to all that Hollywood propaganda where the US warplanes always stop North Korea from acquiring nuclear weapons?
Did I say Pakistan gave nukes or uranium to North Korea? No, I said North Korea continued it's nuclear weapons program secretly in Pakistan in the 1990s while freezing it in their own country. This is the reason why the Americans who were involved in the NK-US negotiations now say they believe North Korea "cheated".

Pakistan carried out its first of many "Cold Tests" on 11 March 1984 inside a sealed mountain and the US did not find out about it until around 1989 when AQ Khan bragged about it openly to the media.

Try using couple of brain cells first before responding to me again.
Well as far as I'm aware American said North Korea cheated because they said north Korea didn't halt its enrichment program and still continue it against their agreement . and it had nothing to do with pakistan

And no you are wrong
Finally, on 28 May 1998, a few weeks after India's second nuclear test (Operation Shakti), Pakistan detonated five nuclear devices in the Ras Koh Hills in the Chagai district, Balochistan. This operation was named Chagai-I by Pakistan, the underground iron-steel tunnel having been long-constructed by provincial martial law administrator General Rahimuddin Khan during the 1980s. The last test of Pakistan was conducted at the sandy Kharan Desert under the codename Chagai-II, also in Balochistan, on 30 May 1998. Pakistan's fissile material production takes place at Nilore, Kahuta, and Khushab Nuclear Complex, where weapons-grade plutonium is refined. Pakistan thus became the seventh country in the world to successfully develop and test nuclear weapons.[26] Although, according to a letter sent by A.Q. Khan to General Zia, the capability to detonate a nuclear bomb using highly enriched uranium as fissile material produced at KRL had been achieved by KRL in 1984.[17][18]
Pakistan first test was 1989 but later A.Q. Khan wrote to General Zia that they could do it in 1984 . he newer said that to media and he never said that they detonated a device in 1984.
Mr Vevak, North Korea (a much smaller nation than Iran in population, economy and area) has carried out 6 nuclear tests so far defying all threats and sanctions against the Republic. How many has Iran carried out to date? Last I checked, Iran buckled under UN sanctions.

But hey, keep counting your chickens. Good luck.

Clearly your incapable of doing simple math!

North Korea has a population 1/3 the size of Iran yet it's economy in terms of Purchasing Power is 40 times smaller than Iran's!!!!!

The trade being done between Iran & China alone is larger than North Korea's yearly GDP!

Why the hell would Iran sacrifice it's economy just to test a Nuke! It's absurd!
Why would Iran sacrifice $150 Billion USD in foreign reserves (That's 6 year's of North Korea's GDP) just to test a NUKE!

That is retarded!

Add to the fact that Nukes are ONLY good for a deterrent against other Nukes! And Iran has both the capability and the knowhow to build a nuke within 6 months any time it chooses to do so!

Plus if U.S. is Iran's adversary Iran would have to match them Nuke for Nuke for it to be effective! Dropping 10 Nukes on the U.S. is not going to wipe the U.S. off the map but it will result in the U.S. dropping 100's of nukes and wiping Iran off the map!
Dropping a nuke on Israel may wipe them off the map but as a result the U.S. will respond by dropping 100's of nukes on Iran!

Iran just need the "capability" to build nukes to act as a deterrent against Israeli nukes which we already have because if Israel ever uses a nuke against Iran as a response Iran will nuke Israel & 2 nukes on Israel will be more than enough to wipe them off the map It may take Iran 6 months to respond BUT Iran has the capability to do so! And that's deterrence enough!
No need to sacrifice our economy just for a few bombs!
Plus any U.S. or Israeli attack on Iran will result in Iran testing a nuke so again the capability is there & there is absolutely no reason to sacrifice out economy for a BOMB! That's just retarded!
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Well as far as I'm aware American said North Korea cheated because they said north Korea didn't halt its enrichment program and still continue it against their agreement . and it had nothing to do with pakistan

And no you are wrong

Pakistan first test was 1989 but later A.Q. Khan wrote to General Zia that they could do it in 1984 . he newer said that to media and he never said that they detonated a device in 1984.

My honourable brother JEskandari, I stand corrected. Pakistan's first of many "Cold Tests" were carried out on 11 March 1983 (not 1984).

Yes, Pakistan carried its first "Cold Test" in 1983. Do you even know what a "Cold Test" is?

Here, for your inspiration my brother, I highly recommend you read the following article, especially the paragraph under 'Kirana Hills: The Cold Test'. It will give you a much better understanding of how Pakistan got where it is today.


I think you're also mistaken what was tested in 1989. Those were Pakistan's first battlefield range ballistic missiles, tested in February 1989 known as Hatf-1 and Hatf-1B.

These were tested in response to the Soviet Union handing over 2,000 Scud-B ballistic missiles to the pro-Soviet Afghan Government they left behind. Unfortunately, 17 of these Scud-B missiles landed in Pakistan. The nation protested at the UN, nothing happened (due to everyone busy with Gulf War) so Pakistani Prime Minister visited North Korea to acquire a more robust missile tech to deter the Afghans.

In regards to Dr AQ Khan, he invited an Indian journalist to his for an interview in 1989 (I think) in which he declared that the Americans know we have the nukes.

This infuriated the tyrant General Zia-ul-Haq because he had assured the Americans throughout the 1980s that Pakistan had frozen its nuclear program.

General Sahib was then assassinated, huge stockpiles of Stingers missiles were blown up in Pakistan killing hundreds of people, purchase of Abraham tanks from US cancelled and the Pressler Amendment was brought in, Pakistan sanctioned and economically crippled until 2002.

But Alhamdu'lillah our beautiful Pakistan struggled on and never surrendered its nuclear program like the weak Iraqis, Libyans and the Iranians did.

Database of Afghan ballistic missile attacks on Pakistan (1989-1990)
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So... what's the update until today?
Was it walk the talk or just talk?
Clearly your incapable of doing simple math!

North Korea has a population 1/3 the size of Iran yet it's economy in terms of Purchasing Power is 40 times smaller than Iran's!!!!!

The trade being done between Iran & China alone is larger than North Korea's yearly GDP!

Why the hell would Iran sacrifice it's economy just to test a Nuke! It's absurd!
Why would Iran sacrifice $150 Billion USD in foreign reserves (That's 6 year's of North Korea's GDP) just to test a NUKE!

That is retarded!

Add to the fact that Nukes are ONLY good for a deterrent against other Nukes! And Iran has both the capability and the knowhow to build a nuke within 6 months any time it chooses to do so!

Plus if U.S. is Iran's adversary Iran would have to match them Nuke for Nuke for it to be effective! Dropping 10 Nukes on the U.S. is not going to wipe the U.S. off the map but it will result in the U.S. dropping 100's of nukes and wiping Iran off the map!
Dropping a nuke on Israel may wipe them off the map but as a result the U.S. will respond by dropping 100's of nukes on Iran!

Iran just need the "capability" to build nukes to act as a deterrent against Israeli nukes which we already have because if Israel ever uses a nuke against Iran as a response Iran will nuke Israel & 2 nukes on Israel will be more than enough to wipe them off the map It may take Iran 6 months to respond BUT Iran has the capability to do so! And that's deterrence enough!
No need to sacrifice our economy just for a few bombs!
Plus any U.S. or Israeli attack on Iran will result in Iran testing a nuke so again the capability is there & there is absolutely no reason to sacrifice out economy for a BOMB! That's just retarded!

Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine probably all had bigger economies, more natural resources and much more development than North Korea.

Good luck. I think Iranians are very very clever. No one will figure out their secret plans.
My honourable brother JEskandari, I stand corrected. Pakistan's first of many "Cold Tests" were carried out on 11 March 1983 (not 1984).

Yes, Pakistan carried its first "Cold Test" in 1983. Do you even know what a "Cold Test" is?

Here, for your inspiration my brother, I highly recommend you read the following article, especially the paragraph under 'Kirana Hills: The Cold Test'. It will give you a much better understanding of how Pakistan got where it is today.


I think you're also mistaken what was tested in 1989. Those were Pakistan's first battlefield range ballistic missiles, tested in February 1989 known as Hatf-1 and Hatf-1B.

These were tested in response to the Soviet Union handing over 2,000 Scud-B ballistic missiles to the pro-Soviet Afghan Government they left behind. Unfortunately, 17 of these Scud-B missiles landed in Pakistan. The nation protested at the UN, nothing happened (due to everyone busy with Gulf War) so Pakistani Prime Minister visited North Korea to acquire a more robust missile tech to deter the Afghans.

In regards to Dr AQ Khan, he invited an Indian journalist to his for an interview in 1989 (I think) in which he declared that the Americans know we have the nukes.

This infuriated the tyrant General Zia-ul-Haq because he had assured the Americans throughout the 1980s that Pakistan had frozen its nuclear program.

General Sahib was then assassinated, huge stockpiles of Stingers missiles were blown up in Pakistan killing hundreds of people, purchase of Abraham tanks from US cancelled and the Pressler Amendment was brought in, Pakistan sanctioned and economically crippled until 2002.

But Alhamdu'lillah our beautiful Pakistan struggled on and never surrendered its nuclear program like the weak Iraqis, Libyans and the Iranians did.

Database of Afghan ballistic missile attacks on Pakistan (1989-1990)
Whatever, seems you don't accept reason . and repeat what you like without evidence yes we surrounded something which was nonexistent.

And 1989 was about these
Not testing some ballistic test and cold test is not nuke test and never considered one .

So... what's the update until today?
Was it walk the talk or just talk?
The update is that trump talked with senate and told them he recertify the deal but it seems he reached a deal with senate that they don't reinstate any of nuclear sanction and it seems senate want to change the law so president don't need to make a report every 60 day but USA intelligence services make a report on Iran actions each 3 month
Long live President Trump. The previous administration made a bad deal. Its time to scrap it.
Long live President Trump. The previous administration made a bad deal. Its time to scrap it.
And then we have no deal . the Republican administrative did the same mistake with north Korea and we saw how it benefit USA and co.
For the US, only nukes and missiles. Best of luck.

I'm sure Pentagon is now in the process of establishing hotline between North Korea and the US now that they've started "directly talking .to North Korea".

It's quite impressive don't you think that a tiny nation defied a Global Super Power for 60 years and managed to acquire "equilibrium" in military with its adversary.

What happened to all that Hollywood propaganda where the US warplanes always stop North Korea from acquiring nuclear weapons?

We'll see. Iran has survived for thousands of years not 'cause we've always had a powerful army because we have more to offer to world than nuke.

Long live President Trump. The previous administration made a bad deal. Its time to scrap it.
His FM calls him moron.
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