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US to delegate Iran’s IRGC as terrorist organization

Well, this "chatter" is by Pakistan's Army Chiefs.

Army chiefs are not learned in sensitive political things like nuclear weapon technology transfers to other countries. That is what politicians know about. Not army chiefs.

On top of that Iran wouldn't have been punished the way it was punished for its Nuclear Program through the UN Sanctions had it not been true.

As @JEskandari said, it was a manufactured crisis. The Americans just wanted an excuse to sanctions us.
Nope Mr Raptor.

According to an article written by Pakistan Army Chief General Aslam Baig (1989-1991), Iranians approached him and asked for nuclear weapons. The General responded by saying that Pakistan cannot give the nuclear weapons as no one gave it to Pakistan but Pakistab can show Iran how to make their own.

That was between 1989-1991. The General believes Iran has had enough time to build them.

Also, according to the Tyrant General Pervez Musharraf in one of his interviews, the Iranians handed over Pakistan's nuclear centrifuge designs to the US (which the US then returned to Pakistan) as the Iranians and the Libyans could not withstand American pressure.

So, yes the Iranians had an active nuclear weapons program which it would now appear they have totally surrendered (maybe due to some security guarantees from Russia). As a result the Pentagon feels confident enough to totally demolish Iran like Iraq and Syria now that the US is winding down in those two countries.

Have you heard of the "operation Marlin"? it happened back in 1996~2000 by American central intelligence agency aka CIA which was a plan to give Iran a flawed design of key part in a nuclear explosive device and they did it while they know that :
The CIA did not claim that Iran had a nuclear weapons programme when the planning of the operation began in 1996, and continued to offer no firm conclusion about Iran’s nuclear intentions through 1998.
It's the USA intelligence service that clearly saying Iran didn't have a nuclear weapons program in 90s.It continued by 17 American intelligence services reports in 2007/2011 which confirmed that Iran wasn't after nuclear weapon again.Put all these beside IAEA reports which again all of them confirmed Iran stance regarding this issue.

And regarding Pakistan centrifuges design, you know most of the Pakistani centrifuges components and devices given to Iran actually had been used before and were polluted by traces of uranium ... for years Iran was accused by western countries of making weapon 'cause presence of 36 and 56 percent enriched uranium in those centrifuges.

Buddy the entire Iran nuclear program was controlled and monitored by the IAEA and nothing has been found. If we wanted to make nuclear weapon no one would have been able to prevent Iran.

Iran can build a Nuke within 6 months if it wanted too! Nukes are only good as a deterrent against Nukes! They have no other use! And within 6 months Iran can make Iran's pre JCPOA enrichment capabilities look like child's play!

So Iran's nuclear program is far from dismantled! The centrifuges Iran dismantled were by the most part outdated anyways 50,000 IR-1 are equivalent to 5,000 IR-8's and that's indigenes Iranian technology with every component being produce in Iran & no sanction or blockade could ever effect that!
So in a manner of months Iran can install 6,000 IR-8's at Fordo alone which will more than triple it's enrichment capabilities to pre JCPOA levels at it's Fordu facility alone!

So you see the IR-1 & IR-2's Iran had were nothing more than a waist of space compared to where Iran is today!

Actually IR-8 has capacity of 24 SUE which means 2000 of them are equivalent to 50,000 IR-1. it means if we install them in Fordow we could have the same capacity of enrichment as we had by 50,000 IR-1 in Natanz. the JCPOA has given Iran time and resources to have R&D and test its newest designs without facing sanction... once the deal either is over or scraped we could start our nuclear program by faster and more secure centrifuges,
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Well if you read this book by Gareth porter "Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare"

You see in it he have an interview with Mohsen Rafiq-Doost Iran then minister of IRGC and he says in 1984 how Mr. Khomeini ban him on any research on biologic ,chemical and nuclear weapons and order him instead of working on such weapons use those specialist to find ways to protect people and soldiers against such attacks .
Also in that book very well explain the reason for such decision.
Now its a link against a link . who tell the truth we or you and won't forget IAEA never accused Iran on working on nukes .and also the ban come 5 year before General Aslam Baigs cone to office.

You stick with your Khomenei and I'll stick with the Generals who built Pakistan's nuclear weapons.

However, do realise this that the US and North Korea also signed deals in the 1990s to freeze the North Korean nuclear program. Great, thought the Americans.

Once the US was convinced North Korea had totally mothballed their program, they declared North Korea an "Axis of Evil" and started beating the war drums.

What the Americans didn't realise though that North Korea never froze its nuclear weapons program but instead had continued it secretly in Pakistan.

Unfortunately for the Iranians, they had a stupid and shortsighted Government in power that thought handing over Pakistan's nuclear centrifuge designs to the US would mean they'll be spared and Pakistan will be attacked instead.

Both Pakistan and North Korea are nuclear powers today while Libya and Iran are not just because they couldn't keep their gobs shut. Libya destroyed, Iran left.
You stick with your Khomenei and I'll stick with the Generals who built Pakistan's nuclear weapons.

However, do realise this that the US and North Korea also signed deals in the 1990s to freeze the North Korean nuclear program. Great, thought the Americans.

Once the US was convinced North Korea had totally mothballed their program, they declared North Korea an "Axis of Evil" and started beating the war drums.

What the Americans didn't realise though that North Korea never froze its nuclear weapons program but instead had continued it secretly in Pakistan.

Unfortunately for the Iranians, they had a stupid and shortsighted Government in power that thought handing over Pakistan's nuclear centrifuge designs to the US would mean they'll be spared and Pakistan will be attacked instead.

Both Pakistan and North Korea are nuclear powers today while Libya and Iran are not just because they couldn't keep their gobs shut. Libya destroyed, Iran left.
yeah sure north Korea continued its program in Pakistan, it seems somebody is too full of itself .the only evidence is that in 90 north Korea get some centrifuge design from Pakistan.
and north Korea and USA had a deal that called Agreed Framework that broke apart after USA failed its obligation under Republican senate and finally George W. Bush .

by the way if you are sure of Iran nuke program please show us its evidence .even evidence of it's past existence .
Unfortunately for the Iranians, they had a stupid and shortsighted Government in power that thought handing over Pakistan's nuclear centrifuge designs to the US would mean they'll be spared and Pakistan will be attacked instead.

Both Pakistan and North Korea are nuclear powers today while Libya and Iran are not just because they couldn't keep their gobs shut. Libya destroyed, Iran left.
Iran didnt hand over jack sh!t,why would it?,what would it gain?.The west made it very clear that its ultimate goal was nothing less than the destruction of irans entire nuclear program,the type of centrifuges involved would`ve mattered little,not to mention that the pakistani p1 centrifuge that iran was using as the ir1 was basically a copy of stolen western early 70s uranco designs that were very well known in the west,if you want to blame anyone for leaking pakistans centrifuge design blame a q khan and his greed thats what got pakistan into all that trouble in the first place.
I also really have to laugh at this idea that the dprk would continue its nuclear program inside a western vassal state that allows us drones to operate in its airspace murdering pakistani citizens at will,I mean thats as silly as iran asking pakistan for nukes.
The deal between the dprk and pakistan was a simple one,pretty much a straight swap in fact,pakistan received the rodong/shahab 3 medium range missile,called ghauri in pakistan,and the dprk received the p1/p2 centrifuge designs plus some cash.
yeah sure north Korea continued its program in Pakistan, it seems somebody is too full of itself .the only evidence is that in 90 north Korea get some centrifuge design from Pakistan.
and north Korea and USA had a deal that called Agreed Framework that broke apart after USA failed its obligation under Republican senate and finally George W. Bush .

by the way if you are sure of Iran nuke program please show us its evidence .even evidence of it's past existence .

Are you aware of Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's official state visit to North Korea in December 1993 amidst international uproar?

Maybe the Iranian people should look at the world without the IRGC propaganda glasses every now and then. You might figure out why it was placed under such severe international sanctions as if the world was trying to contain a dangerous animal.
Are you aware of Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's official state visit to North Korea in December 1993 amidst international uproar?

Maybe the Iranian people should look at the world without the IRGC propaganda glasses every now and then. You might figure out why it was placed under such severe international sanctions as if the world was trying to contain a dangerous animal.
and are you aware that Agreed Framework negotiated in October 21, 1994 and didn't even implemented till 1995 .(effectively 1999)

now tell me why they needed to conduct nuclear research in Pakistan in 1993 ?
and are you aware that Agreed Framework negotiated in October 21, 1994 and didn't even implemented till 1995 .(effectively 1999)

now tell me why they needed to conduct nuclear research in Pakistan in 1993 ?

December 1993 is when the Pakistani Prime Minister visited North Korea.

From the point NK-US had a nuclear freeze agreement, North Korea shifted its nuclear research to Pakistan. They continued this research up until the US backstabbed them by labelling their nation as an "Axis of Evil".

North Koreans were smart and never trusted the US so they had a backup plan. Can't be said the same for Libya and Iran.
Well, this "chatter" is by Pakistan's Army Chiefs. Also, you may have forgotten Father of Pakistan's Nuclear Program (AQ Khan) was put under house arrest for many years for this very reason.

On top of that Iran wouldn't have been punished the way it was punished for its Nuclear Program through the UN Sanctions had it not been true.

There is NO question that Iran on top of it's civilian nuclear program was after gaining the capability to produce nukes!
Iran has repeatedly & publically stated that it's eventual goal is to follow Japans path in terms of it's Nuclear Program!

That means what exactly? That means having the capability to build multiple nukes in a week without actually doing it! That means you get the deterrence factor without spending the cost of storage and upkeep & facing the political pressure Iran would have faced had they actually tested a nuke!

The outdated centrifuge tech Iran may or may not have gotten from AK khan in the 90's are like child's play compared to where Iran is today in terms of enrichment capability!

In the mid 80's Iran was sending people to Syria so they can learn how to launch a scud missile where as today Iran is doing technology transfers for missile production to Syria!

For the past 30 years Iran has been the FASTEST Growing country in Science and Technology & that is an absolute FACT! In a manner of weeks & by installing only 3000 IR-8's Iran can easily go well beyond pre JCPOA levels!

And Pakistani Generals don't know crap! Most of them are stooges of Saudi Arabia & just like the **** media they do nothing but spout Saudi propaganda & they do it ONLY because they are paid to do so by the Saudi's!
December 1993 is when the Pakistani Prime Minister visited North Korea.

From the point NK-US had a nuclear freeze agreement, North Korea shifted its nuclear research to Pakistan. They continued this research up until the US backstabbed them by labelling their nation as an "Axis of Evil".

North Koreans were smart and never trusted the US so they had a backup plan. Can't be said the same for Libya and Iran.

You want a backup plan! LOL!

Iran within the confines of the JCPOA in about 10 years will have a nuclear program that will make N.Korea look like nothing!

And Iran is NOT North Korea! Iran has $150 Billion USD saved up in foreign reserves! That's over 6 times North Korea's yearly GDP (Nominal) in foreign reserves alone

prior to the JCPOA Iran had 19,000 by the most part outdated centrifuges today if the US withdraws and new sanctions start effecting Iranian economy Iran can simply install 3000 IR-8's in a matter of weeks to go well beyond pre JCPOA levels & clearly Iran is not going to stop there!

You talk about Iran not having a backup plan as if the JCPOA has been dismantled and new sanctions have started to effect Iran! Iran is clearly NOT going to react before the U.S. does

The following is the net result of a good foreign policy and smart politics:






Iran & Italy to invest & cooperate in Quantum technology


Iran IS NOT North Korea! North Korea's GDP(Nominal) is ~$25 billion USD vs Iran's GDP that is about $480Billion USD so Iran's GDP (nominal) is about 20 times larger than North Korea!

And countries capable of producing most of their own products using their own mines and raw minerals like Iran it's the countries GDP (PPP) that really matters and North Korea's GDP(ppp) is $40 Billion USD vs Iran's GDP(PPP) $1.5 "Trillion" USD and that's Purchasing Power almost 40 times larger than N.Korea that has a population of ~1/3 the size of Iran but an economy 40 times smaller so you wanna talk about SMARTS then take a good look at the numbers and then tell me which way is smarter!!!!!

And Iran only exported ~$40 Billion USD worth of Oil in 2016 so oil money may be a good security blanket for the government but it sure as hell not something Iran can bank it's entire economy on!

Fact is Iran can wait out the next 3 years of this administration before taking action against desertification as long as sanction don't effect business being done with any of it's major trading partners China, Russia, Turkey, Japan, S.Korea, India, France, Germany, Italy,....

And Iran's backup plan is a continued advancement of it's centrifuge technology which will allow Iran to enrich at a faster pace using less equipment at smaller deeply fortified facilities installing 3000 new IR-8's can be done in a matter of weeks
You want a backup plan! LOL!

Iran within the confines of the JCPOA in about 10 years will have a nuclear program that will make N.Korea look like nothing!

And Iran is NOT North Korea! Iran has $150 Billion USD saved up in foreign reserves! That's over 6 times North Korea's yearly GDP (Nominal) in foreign reserves alone

prior to the JCPOA Iran had 19,000 by the most part outdated centrifuges today if the US withdraws and new sanctions start effecting Iranian economy Iran can simply install 3000 IR-8's in a matter of weeks to go well beyond pre JCPOA levels & clearly Iran is not going to stop there!

You talk about Iran not having a backup plan as if the JCPOA has been dismantled and new sanctions have started to effect Iran! Iran is clearly NOT going to react before the U.S. does

The following is the net result of a good foreign policy and smart politics:






Iran & Italy to invest & cooperate in Quantum technology


Iran IS NOT North Korea! North Korea's GDP(Nominal) is ~$25 billion USD vs Iran's GDP that is about $480Billion USD so Iran's GDP (nominal) is about 20 times larger than North Korea!

And countries capable of producing most of their own products using their own mines and raw minerals like Iran it's the countries GDP (PPP) that really matters and North Korea's GDP(ppp) is $40 Billion USD vs Iran's GDP(PPP) $1.5 "Trillion" USD and that's Purchasing Power almost 40 times larger than N.Korea that has a population of ~1/3 the size of Iran but an economy 40 times smaller so you wanna talk about SMARTS then take a good look at the numbers and then tell me which way is smarter!!!!!

And Iran only exported ~$40 Billion USD worth of Oil in 2016 so oil money may be a good security blanket for the government but it sure as hell not something Iran can bank it's entire economy on!

Fact is Iran can wait out the next 3 years of this administration before taking action against desertification as long as sanction don't effect business being done with any of it's major trading partners China, Russia, Turkey, Japan, S.Korea, India, France, Germany, Italy,....

And Iran's backup plan is a continued advancement of it's centrifuge technology which will allow Iran to enrich at a faster pace using less equipment at smaller deeply fortified facilities installing 3000 new IR-8's can be done in a matter of weeks

Mr Vevak, North Korea (a much smaller nation than Iran in population, economy and area) has carried out 6 nuclear tests so far defying all threats and sanctions against the Republic. How many has Iran carried out to date? Last I checked, Iran buckled under UN sanctions.

But hey, keep counting your chickens. Good luck.
Mr Vevak, North Korea (a much smaller nation than Iran in population, economy and area) has carried out 6 nuclear tests so far defying all threats and sanctions against the Republic. How many has Iran carried out to date? Last I checked, Iran buckled under UN sanctions.

But hey, keep counting your chickens. Good luck.
You buckle when you had a program to begin it . I knew its hard to believe for you but Iran didn't he he a nuke program to begin with. Now instead of repeating baseless claim show us evidence of that nuke program you so eager to claim .and for Gods sake don't change history north Korea before 1994 had an agreement with south Korea not USA . they ratified not in 1992 and because of disagreement with iaea threatened to pull out in 1993 but just 1 day before completion of the process they freeze it and reached an agreement with USA in 1994 but the agreement implementation get delayed because then republica us senate put a builder in front of it .
And so no North Korea didnt need Pakistan for enriching uranium in 1993. They were only interested in some centrifuge design that Pakistan stole from european several years earlier and they give you missile technology instead of that.
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Today is Thursday
I think we shouldn't stay in nuclear deal if American pull out from deal
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