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US to delegate Iran’s IRGC as terrorist organization

No if your going to designate one of their departments then it has to be a logical choice like the CIA which has overthrown over 20 democratic governments in history and interfered in many more. Actually that is what Iran should do once the United States designates the IRGC as terrorists.
nope . **** the logic . they are gonna label our military force as terrorist organization , we should do the same ...
Regardless of whether IRI "gives a sh*t" or a "flying a f*ck", this does not bode well for IRIGC. But it was about time for this to happen. People may not like my position but since the end of IRN-IRQ war this organization has been nothing more than an economic mafia and an internal suppression force.

No worries. IRAN will rebound as a super power. It is IRGC that will make it. IRGC clout is deeper than oceans and higher than the skies and even white house and pentagon too are covered by the IRGC clout. :omghaha:
Surrender has confirmed that Iran does not posses nuclear weapons, so, it's safe for US to take out Iran now. They just need an excuse.

The US indeed did know and was well aware of this fact that Iran didn't have nuke from the very beginning, as they knew very well about Iraq. Iran has been a signatory of NPT since 1968-70 and its program has been always under control of IAEA , the fact that back in 2003 and before Iran NP turning to a made-up crisis by American the head of IAEA Mr Albradei visited Iran nuclear facilities in Esfehan province while they were being constructed ... Iran never hid anything. even in 2007 and also in 2011, 17 American intelligence services released their reports and confirmed that Iran wasn't after nuclear weapon.
A country that is after nuclear weapons wouldn't try to have all enrichment cycle.
Therefore it is not nuclear weapon that prevented them from attacking Iran 'cause they knew we didn't posses.
The US indeed did know and was well aware of this fact that Iran didn't have nuke from the very beginning, as they knew very well about Iraq. Iran has been a signatory of NPT since 1968-70 and its program has been always under control of IAEA , the fact that back in 2003 and before Iran NP turning to a made-up crisis by American the head of IAEA Mr Albradei visited Iran nuclear facilities in Esfehan province while they were being constructed ... Iran never hid anything. even in 2007 and also in 2011, 17 American intelligence services released their reports and confirmed that Iran wasn't after nuclear weapon.
A country that is after nuclear weapons wouldn't try to have all enrichment cycle.
Therefore it is not nuclear weapon that prevented them from attacking Iran 'cause they knew we didn't posses.

Nope Mr Raptor.

According to an article written by Pakistan Army Chief General Aslam Baig (1989-1991), Iranians approached him and asked for nuclear weapons. The General responded by saying that Pakistan cannot give the nuclear weapons as no one gave it to Pakistan but Pakistab can show Iran how to make their own.

That was between 1989-1991. The General believes Iran has had enough time to build them.

Also, according to the Tyrant General Pervez Musharraf in one of his interviews, the Iranians handed over Pakistan's nuclear centrifuge designs to the US (which the US then returned to Pakistan) as the Iranians and the Libyans could not withstand American pressure.

So, yes the Iranians had an active nuclear weapons program which it would now appear they have totally surrendered (maybe due to some security guarantees from Russia). As a result the Pentagon feels confident enough to totally demolish Iran like Iraq and Syria now that the US is winding down in those two countries.
General Jafari, chief commander of IRGC:
If U.S designate IRGC as a terrorist group, then we will designate U.S army in the whole world and specially in the middle east as a terrorist group in the same level as ISIS.

The Islamic Republic considers the implementation of the CAATSA Act as an unilateral exit of the US from the nuclear agreement and as we have stated previously, if they implement this new act, then they should consider moving their military bases to a distance of 2000 kilometers from our borders.


Unfortunately, that is only kind of language US understands. That being said US and ISIS relation are fully visible and easy to take punitive action if US follow through.
Nope Mr Raptor.

According to an article written by Pakistan Army Chief General Aslam Baig (1989-1991), Iranians approached him and asked for nuclear weapons. The General responded by saying that Pakistan cannot give the nuclear weapons as no one gave it to Pakistan but Pakistab can show Iran how to make their own.

That was between 1989-1991. The General believes Iran has had enough time to build them.

Also, according to the Tyrant General Pervez Musharraf in one of his interviews, the Iranians handed over Pakistan's nuclear centrifuge designs to the US (which the US then returned to Pakistan) as the Iranians and the Libyans could not withstand American pressure.

So, yes the Iranians had an active nuclear weapons program which it would now appear they have totally surrendered (maybe due to some security guarantees from Russia). As a result the Pentagon feels confident enough to totally demolish Iran like Iraq and Syria now that the US is winding down in those two countries.

Iran can build a Nuke within 6 months if it wanted too! Nukes are only good as a deterrent against Nukes! They have no other use! And within 6 months Iran can make Iran's pre JCPOA enrichment capabilities look like child's play!

So Iran's nuclear program is far from dismantled! The centrifuges Iran dismantled were by the most part outdated anyways 50,000 IR-1 are equivalent to 5,000 IR-8's and that's indigenes Iranian technology with every component being produce in Iran & no sanction or blockade could ever effect that!
So in a manner of months Iran can install 6,000 IR-8's at Fordo alone which will more than triple it's enrichment capabilities to pre JCPOA levels at it's Fordu facility alone!

So you see the IR-1 & IR-2's Iran had were nothing more than a waist of space compared to where Iran is today!

the word "terrorist" used to be a very powerful label post 9-11..... People actually took the word very seriously...

now most people see it as a cheap American smear/propaganda... When you flirt with salafi/wahabi terrorists all over the globe to achieve regime change/geoplolitical objectives... You start to lose legitimacy..

This is beyond laughable to start labeling armed forces of rival states as "terrorists" America is turning into the most pathetic country in the world. A laughing stock.. we can all thank trump for that..

trump is a godsend for anyone whos sick and tired of the American empire/ American exceptionalism, American aggression, American hypocrisy lies and vomit inducing propaganda.....

he will do more to damage American reputation then any enemy could ever hope to dream... long live the p****Y grabbing orange supremacist!!!
Nope Mr Raptor.

According to an article written by Pakistan Army Chief General Aslam Baig (1989-1991), Iranians approached him and asked for nuclear weapons. The General responded by saying that Pakistan cannot give the nuclear weapons as no one gave it to Pakistan but Pakistab can show Iran how to make their own.

That was between 1989-1991. The General believes Iran has had enough time to build them.

Also, according to the Tyrant General Pervez Musharraf in one of his interviews, the Iranians handed over Pakistan's nuclear centrifuge designs to the US (which the US then returned to Pakistan) as the Iranians and the Libyans could not withstand American pressure.

So, yes the Iranians had an active nuclear weapons program which it would now appear they have totally surrendered (maybe due to some security guarantees from Russia). As a result the Pentagon feels confident enough to totally demolish Iran like Iraq and Syria now that the US is winding down in those two countries.

So your whole argument is based on some unproven chatter from various generals decades ago. In other words, you have no argument.

Nope Mr Raptor.

According to an article written by Pakistan Army Chief General Aslam Baig (1989-1991), Iranians approached him and asked for nuclear weapons. The General responded by saying that Pakistan cannot give the nuclear weapons as no one gave it to Pakistan but Pakistab can show Iran how to make their own.

That was between 1989-1991. The General believes Iran has had enough time to build them.

Also, according to the Tyrant General Pervez Musharraf in one of his interviews, the Iranians handed over Pakistan's nuclear centrifuge designs to the US (which the US then returned to Pakistan) as the Iranians and the Libyans could not withstand American pressure.

So, yes the Iranians had an active nuclear weapons program which it would now appear they have totally surrendered (maybe due to some security guarantees from Russia). As a result the Pentagon feels confident enough to totally demolish Iran like Iraq and Syria now that the US is winding down in those two countries.
So your whole argument is based on some unproven chatter from various generals decades ago. In other words, you have no argument.

Well, this "chatter" is by Pakistan's Army Chiefs. Also, you may have forgotten Father of Pakistan's Nuclear Program (AQ Khan) was put under house arrest for many years for this very reason.

On top of that Iran wouldn't have been punished the way it was punished for its Nuclear Program through the UN Sanctions had it not been true.
Well if you read this book by Gareth porter "Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare"

You see in it he have an interview with Mohsen Rafiq-Doost Iran then minister of IRGC and he says in 1984 how Mr. Khomeini ban him on any research on biologic ,chemical and nuclear weapons and order him instead of working on such weapons use those specialist to find ways to protect people and soldiers against such attacks .
Also in that book very well explain the reason for such decision.
Now its a link against a link . who tell the truth we or you and won't forget IAEA never accused Iran on working on nukes .and also the ban come 5 year before General Aslam Baigs cone to office.

Well, I do have links to General Aslam Baig's article and the Tyrant General Pervez Musharraf's interview.

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