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US to delegate Iran’s IRGC as terrorist organization

We'll see. Iran has survived for thousands of years not 'cause we've always had a powerful army because we have more to offer to world than nuke.

Iran will most likely make it through this unecessary political circus Trump is making but it will hurt the US credibility as a whole.

Also don't worry what others on this site say, they for some reason have an visercal aversion to anything Iranian and will love any piece of hate that goes Irans way.

His FM calls him moron.

...... ?
B@kh, I can't answer this as there are others here far more knowledgeable and in tune with our relationship with Iraqi's. They can and will respond to your comment.

The treason in IRAN has reached to required level and that is the reason there is terrorism and now the babylonians are trying to put hands on IRGC.

This is millennium old formula of babylonians against strong resistance.

No Treason = No terrorism and No war. (wait rebuild loyal generation)

Treason at required level = terrorism and war.

Terrorism and Interference is a clear proof that treason has now reached to the required levels inside Iran and hence it is natural that even the smallest and weakest of the puppies will shout and bark.
Nice language, I hope in reality you'd be a better person.

Nice time to wake up and complain about my language when some of your own countrymen are having a field day.

I’m as nice as you want me to be. Simple rule.

Usually I don't care about this type of posts but as I found him nice before this new development was a little odd.

There ain’t no new development here. This is who I am and always have been. Open your eyes and wake up.

It is duplicitous on your part to start complaining about language when so many of your own members are indulged in a hate fest in this thread. What is even more troubling is that you pick and choose specific posts to convey your shock and condemnation. Don’t make me quote the brilliant worded posts of other members in this thread.
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Iraqi Kurdistan Rudaw TV anti-IRGC anti-Soleimani campaign, Michael Pregent Iran has given US slap
تلویزیون وابسته به مسعود بارزانی رئیس حکومت خودمختار کردستان عراق بنام «روداو» اظهارات ضد حاج قاسم سلیمانی، فرمانده سپاه قدس و اظهارات "مایکل پرانتون در مصاحبه با تلویزیون رودوا: " ایران سلی به چهره
امریکا زد با از دسترفتن شهرکرکوک عراق"

Iraqi Kurdistan media Rudaw TV ( Barzani TV ) anti-Soleimani anti-IRGC media campaign by asking any commentator or official about IRGC Quds commander Haj Qassem Soleimani, Michael Pregent remarks in Interview with Rudaw TV: Iran has given US ‘slap in the face’ with Kirkuk
Iraqi Kurdistan Rudaw TV anti-IRGC anti-Soleimani campaign, Michael Pregent Iran has given US slap
تلویزیون وابسته به مسعود بارزانی رئیس حکومت خودمختار کردستان عراق بنام «روداو» اظهارات ضد حاج قاسم سلیمانی، فرمانده سپاه قدس و اظهارات "مایکل پرانتون در مصاحبه با تلویزیون رودوا: " ایران سلی به چهره
امریکا زد با از دسترفتن شهرکرکوک عراق"

Iraqi Kurdistan media Rudaw TV ( Barzani TV ) anti-Soleimani anti-IRGC media campaign by asking any commentator or official about IRGC Quds commander Haj Qassem Soleimani, Michael Pregent remarks in Interview with Rudaw TV: Iran has given US ‘slap in the face’ with Kirkuk

haha, i love this, Iran simple doesnt gave a f... and within 48 hours Kirkuk was liberatet.
Clearly shows who is boss in middlea east and Iraq, Trump clearly got that message! All options on table baby!
Lets hope east of Syria will be cleaned soon, with cobined help of the PMU from Iraq.
The race to Abu Kamal started.
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