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US Thwarted $1.5mil Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador

MosaMania or any other Saudi members here will not answer my question on why the Saudi Elite have made Oil and American their masters, they will answer Allah when the time comes.
Its everyone's choice, but i personally and along with a growing number of people believe that interracial breeding is not beneficial, i'm proud of my people and would rather preserve my race and its traditions rather than destroy it.

Did you know Irish, Germans, Jews, and Italians were once not considered White? If it's tradition and culture you're talking about preserving, it's breeding with your country(wo)men (probably living in the same area as you depending on how different the city, country, and regions are), not based on some nonexistent (scientifically) idea such as seperate human races.
Did you know Irish, Germans, Jews, and Italians were once not considered White?

Jews are Semites, they are in the same group as Arabs. Irish and Germans are white, regarding Italians i think it depends on what part of Italy you are talking about, northern Italy has people who are mostly Germanic and can easily be differentiated from other Italians especially sicilians because of their facial features, souther Italians and Sicilians have a olive skin tone, some even look Arab.

If it's tradition and culture you're talking about preserving, it's breeding with your country(wo)men (probably living in the same area as you depending on how different the city, country, and regions are), not based on some nonexistent (scientifically) idea such as seperate human races.

Every part of Pakistan has different people, different languages, different dialects, customs, and traditions, though majority have one thing in common and that is Islam and Islamic traditions but the differences are still there.
So is this enough for an attack against Iran, or will US and Israel come with something else?

Its everyone's choice, but i personally and along with a growing number of people believe that interracial breeding is not beneficial, i'm proud of my people and would rather preserve my race and its traditions rather than destroy it.

So you prefer Hindu-Muslim marriages in Indian subcontinent, over Pakistani marrying another muslim from Middle East, Asia or Europe? Not very muslim of you my racist friend.
So more conspiracy theories and lies coming out of the US. And man these guys have the audacity to call others conspiracy theorists. Get a life, yanks.
I don't suppose that the Pakistanis here, with their well-honed sense of selective blindness, bothered to remember that it is difficult to attack the Israeli embassy without also attacking the Pakistani one, as they are only about sixty feet apart.

The Israeli embassy compound is built more for security while the Pakistani one is more elegant. I daresay that an attack upon the Israeli embassy could result in more damage to Pakistan's embassy. They have that nice tree-like mirror mosaic facing the Israelis - wouldn't want that damaged, right?
So you prefer Hindu-Muslim marriages in Indian subcontinent, over Pakistani marrying another muslim from Middle East, Asia or Europe? Not very muslim of you my racist friend.

I'm not sure why you labeled me racist since i didn't discriminate against anyone of a different race, i merely put out my opinion which does not contain any racism in the sense that you are trying to prove.

So you prefer Hindu-Muslim marriages in Indian subcontinent, over Pakistani marrying another muslim from Middle East, Asia or Europe?

I'm not an advocate of hindu-Muslim marriages but they do still happen, especially in india, besides There's plenty of Muslims out there of every race, and i personally know many Albanians and Bosnians who are Christians from either their mothers or fathers side.
I'm not sure why you labeled me racist since i didn't discriminate against someone of a different race, i merely put out my opinion which does not contain any racism in the sense that you are trying to prove.

I'm not an advocate of hindu-Muslim marriages but they do still happen, especially in india, besides There's plenty of Muslims out there of every race, and i personally know many Albanians and Bosnians who are Christians from either their mothers or fathers side.

You are somewhat racist if you're against mixed marriages... at least in my opinion.

And yes, in communist Yugoslavia, when religion was not important, there were a lot of mixed marriages... not so much today.
Every part of Pakistan has different people, different languages, different dialects, customs, and traditions, though majority have one thing in common and that is Islam and Islamic traditions but the differences are still there.

We have another thing in common.. our "aryan" identity... almost all of us except the blacks,turkics,arabs etc belong to the aryan family.. our languages r kinda related... words match..

@Aldin we share nothing with the indians except our 8% or more population which has indian roots... n we hold no grudges against them..
PDF of FBI criminal complaint: link

Count One: Conspiracy to murder a foreign official
Count Two: Use of foreign commerce facilities to commit a murder-for-hire
Count Three: Conspiracy to use foreign commerce facilities to commit a murder-for-hire
Count Four: Conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction
Count Five: Conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism transcending national boundaries
We have another thing in common.. our "aryan" identity... almost all of us except the blacks,turkics,arabs etc belong to the aryan family.. our languages r kinda related... words match..

@Aldin we share nothing with the indians except our 8% or more population which has indian roots... n we hold no grudges against them..

In fact, Balochi, Pashto, Urdu, Farsi, and Dari are part of the indio-Aryan languages. Balochis, Pashtuns, and Tajiks are a part of the Iranic races.

English, Farsi, Balochi, Pashto, Dari, and Urdu have many words in common like Baradar and Brother, both have the same meaning.

---------- Post added at 03:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 AM ----------

You are somewhat racist if you're against mixed marriages... at least in my opinion.

And yes, in communist Yugoslavia, when religion was not important, there were a lot of mixed marriages... not so much today.

In Islam interracial marriages are not compulsory, you can't go to hell for being against interracial marriages.
In fact, Balochi, Pashto, Urdu, Farsi, and Dari are part of the indio-Aryan languages. Balochis, Pashtuns, and Tajiks are a part of the Iranic races.

English, Farsi, Balochi, Pashto, Dari, and Urdu have many words in common like Baradar and Brother, both have the same meaning.

---------- Post added at 03:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 AM ----------

In Islam interracial marriages are not compulsory, you can't go to hell for being against interracial marriages.

But being Racist is unislamic.

---------- Post added at 01:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 AM ----------

And why are we discussing interracial marriages in this thread again??
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