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US Thwarted $1.5mil Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador

I agree this is all US propaganda against Iran , they are even linking the Zetas from Mexico , who is a CIA runned drug cartel , I can´t believe so many people buys this nonsense
I and the majority of the NY Times bloggers who posted Comments about this story don't buy that 'Iranians' are stupid and crude enough to try to kill a high profile Saudi diplomat and that too inside America.
There are plenty of Saudis to target around the world. The least likely option would be to try in a hostile land like America where all Iranians are watched (and perhaps encouraged!) to do bad things.
Yes, a False Flag.
The million dollar question is: Are the Saudis going to fall for it?

They have already fallen for the bait. They donot have much of an option, as they have to obey their masters or risk their wrath.
I and the majority of the NY Times bloggers who posted Comments about this story don't buy that 'Iranians' are stupid and crude enough to try to kill a high profile Saudi diplomat and that too inside America.
There are plenty of Saudis to target around the world. The least likely option would be to try in a hostile land like America where all Iranians are watched (and perhaps encouraged!) to do bad things.
Yes, a False Flag.
The million dollar question is: Are the Saudis going to fall for it?

Watching Hillary act all serious and sanctimonious about this fake story was classic!

Although, to be fair, she probably believes this crap that was fed to her by the White House.

All eyes are now on the Saudis to see if they stand with the Muslim world, or play along with the enemies tricks.
Two ways to look at this either half the posters here are right and the CIA controls the drug gangs the terrorists the Arab revolution, the dictators that were over thrown by the revolution, RAW, MOSAD, the Saudi's every terrorist group ever in existance and the internet. Despite this they are up to thier arse in problems.Yet they need to fake a plot to kill senators and diplomats to make Iran look bad. Seeing Iran is number one on the **** list already doesnt get them much does it and seeing the CIA controls the world already pretty pointless.

Or we have a conflict between the Mullahs and the reformers in Iran and a nice little low level conflict with the US would really help cement public opinion behind the current regiem and get back at the Saudi's for supporting the portesters in Syria and rolling tanks into Bahrain. Seeing Quds are so keen on making weekly statements on how they will strike at the great satan that OMG for once they actually tried is so unbeliveable?
US regime is so evil. They have sunk so low. Any ways this is their classic divide and rule tactic which they have been using for several centuries now. Every one know US has killed more humans than any one else. And on this case I must say, US is known for false flag operations and how they use tensions between two parties by creating false flag operations eg. the claim that Pakistan killed Rabbani despite the fact that Rabbani was living wall to wall with US embassy in Kabul and he could have been killed by US and then blaming Pakistan for their failures in Afghanistan. Now this is another false flag against Iran. US is so good at it that they even make movies about such things.
MosaMania or any other Saudi members here will not answer my question on why the Saudi Elite have made Oil and American their masters, they will answer Allah when the time comes.

The Saudi rulers are in power only because they were so installed by the Brits. They remain in power courtesy of the Americans.

Forget Allah, these tyrants dread they day the ordinary Saudis realize how thoroughly their incompetent rulers have squandered the country's wealth and robbed future generations.
Wait for stage 2 of the operation.

The CIA will prod some random Iranian thugs to plot some terrorist event. Then they will 'uncover' the plot, trot out the dumb patsies in front of the media, and applaud themselves for the successful 'disruption'.
Two ways to look at this either half the posters here are right and the CIA controls the drug gangs the terrorists the Arab revolution, the dictators that were over thrown by the revolution, RAW, MOSAD, the Saudi's every terrorist group ever in existance and the internet. Despite this they are up to thier arse in problems.Yet they need to fake a plot to kill senators and diplomats to make Iran look bad. Seeing Iran is number one on the **** list already doesnt get them much does it and seeing the CIA controls the world already pretty pointless.

Or we have a conflict between the Mullahs and the reformers in Iran and a nice little low level conflict with the US would really help cement public opinion behind the current regiem and get back at the Saudi's for supporting the portesters in Syria and rolling tanks into Bahrain. Seeing Quds are so keen on making weekly statements on how they will strike at the great satan that OMG for once they actually tried is so unbeliveable?

Nobody's saying that the Iranian regime are saints, but the US regime has no credibility when it comes to this region.

Wait for stage 2 of the operation.

The CIA will prod some random Iranian thugs to plot some terrorist event. Then they will 'uncover' the plot, trot out the dumb patsies in front of the media, and applaud themselves for the successful 'disruption'.

They already have the assets such as PJAK/MEK/Jundollah etc. It is only a matter of time. I hope Iranians realize that without nuclear weapons their fate is not going to be any different than Iraq or Afghanistan. Only nukes guarantee national security. If US can not attack Pakistan it is because of nukes. So is also the case with North Korea, China and Russia.
Nobody's saying that the Iranian regime are saints, but the US regime has no credibility when it comes to this region.


You dont rely on credability you look at where the potential benefits are and i just cant see an up side for the US on this one belive me i dont theink the CIA or NSA are saints either.
Sure to have a healthy doubt over a press release is sensible but to automatically assume its a lie just because Hilary is saying it would be as silly as to automatically belive it.
I agree this is all US propaganda against Iran , they are even linking the Zetas from Mexico , who is a CIA runned drug cartel , I can´t believe so many people buys this nonsense

And which members of the Zetas are you in contact with, guey?

Oh yeah, what part of Spain are you from? I was there not too long ago.
Would you look that. Again Iran is accused of trying to kill our ambassador and everyone here is going "Evil Saudis" and sh*t like that. Damn Iranian Mullah slaves here. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Iran is killing our soldiers and you guys are giving them your full undying support.
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