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US Thwarted $1.5mil Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador

Look how pathetic all of you are. "Oh innocent Iran with its undying benevolence :cheesy: "

Nobody actually bothered to look at the Official Saudi response. Which said "Someone in Iran must pay according to International and Iranian system of law" But then again. Iran boot lickers here wouldn't know the difference they believe everything that Stupid Sadistic abusive regime says.
Look how pathetic all of you are. "Oh innocent Iran with its undying benevolence :cheesy: "

Nobody actually bothered to look at the Official Saudi response. Which said "Someone in Iran must pay according to International and Iranian system of law" But then again. Iran boot lickers here wouldn't know the difference they believe everything that Stupid Sadistic abusive regime says.

Why would somebody in Iran have to pay? Where is the evidence Iranian government had any involvement?

"sadistic abusive regime"

You got to be kidding me. You stone women to death and behead people every Friday, crush protestors and you are the #1 exporters of jihadists and you call another government "abusive"? If I was a Saudi I'd jump over a bridge in shame.
Why would somebody in Iran have to pay? Where is the evidence Iranian government had any involvement?

"sadistic abusive regime"

You got to be kidding me. You stone women to death and behead people every Friday, crush protestors and you are the #1 exporters of jihadists and you call another government "abusive"? If I was a Saudi I'd jump over a bridge in shame.

Too bad for you no Saudi would. Instead we will rise higher and higher. Beyond your silly accusations emerging from jealousy. It is only natural for the lowly to envy the great. Hahahahaha
i just cant see an up side for the US on this one


As a rule, I don't buy conspiracy theories. I usually wait till there is some kind of proof.

However, it is very easy to see an "up side" for America in this situation, regardless of whether or not they had anything to do with it. Answer me this: Who do you think is putting the most pressure on Iran right now, and why?

As a rule, I don't buy conspiracy theories. I usually wait till there is some kind of proof.

However, it is very easy to see an "up side" for America in this situation, regardless of whether or not they had anything to do with it. Answer me this: Who do you think is putting the most pressure on Iran right now, and why?

Like you I don't buy this completely and looking for a proof. The US is certainly trying to push us into war with Iran. Nobody wants war we want to build our country. We are experiencing an economic boom and we will not risk it.
Iran does not need to blow that saudi guy up, he will do it himself sometime in the future anyway.
I am laughing here that some people think saudi arabia can actually attack iran LOL.
If the saudis are too stupid to see this is fake then they dont deserve to have any relation with us.

The reason usa is doing this is because for the last 40 years they have been saying "we are gonna attack iran" and yet they never had the balls to do so..so the best thing they can do right now is this, they can only make iran look bad in the world and hope for more sanctiones against us.
Buch of low lives if you ask me.

For how long are you going to be like this?? "All Saudis are terrorists" mentality?? This is very racist and pretty much the idea the west is selling. The US is trying to get us to attack Iran but that will never happen. However Iran is a very good excuse to have a very much stronger military. We have been using Iran as an excuse for that lol. Besides the US is trying to get on our good side by this since lately we are having a more independent foreign policy.

As I said Iran is the perfect excuse for us to build up a world class military an opportunity we won't mess. But no war will ever eerily between Iran and KSA unless Iran attacks first. The same goes for Iran. Both our countries know what war brings with it.

And please tone down your racism.
wow they were not able to foil so called al-qaida's plan but they are able to catch One or Two guys planning to assassinate saudi ambassador I think CIA and others are getting taught by Aliens may be from Autobots. Y all this happens in America not in some other country. In short America is trying to get support from other countries to attack Iran and every one knows that.
For how long are you going to be like this?? "All Saudis are terrorists" mentality?? This is very racist and pretty much the idea the west is selling. The US is trying to get us to attack Iran but that will never happen. However Iran is a very good excuse to have a very much stronger military. We have been using Iran as an excuse for that lol. Besides the US is trying to get on our good side by this since lately we are having a more independent foreign policy.

As I said Iran is the perfect excuse for us to build up a world class military an opportunity we won't mess. But no war will ever eerily between Iran and KSA unless Iran attacks first. The same goes for Iran. Both our countries know what war brings with it.

And please tone down your racism.

make your own indigenous defense capability and stop relying on the west, no one says it will be easy, you will never ever be a match for the Iranians if you keep buying and buying..what are you gonna do if one day they show you the finger and say bye bye...stop giving them oil that all they want you for, they hate your guts in reality.
Iran is spending the least amount of its GDP in the ME on its defense and your spending the highest..do you really think iran is taking your military seriously?

Anyway we Iranians know this whole Saudi-Iran cold ware is BS and created by the usa, but as long as your leaders remain an uspuppet then you will keep fueling this iran v saudi situation.

Also you're the one going on irans threads and being sarcastic..
as long as your leaders remain an uspuppet then you will keep fueling this iran v saudi situation.

It takes two to tango; the blame lies on both sides.

Why don't the Saudi/UAE/etc. and the Iranian governments set up joint committees to expand mutual understanding and promote respect for each other?

Then the region will be less vulnerable to these kind of manipulation by the west.
make your own indigenous defense capability and stop relying on the west, no one says it will be easy, you will never ever be a match for the Iranians if you keep buying and buying..what are you gonna do if one day they show you the finger and say bye bye...stop giving them oil that all they want you for, they hate your guts in reality.
Iran is spending the least amount of its GDP in the ME on its defense and your spending the highest..do you really think iran is taking your military seriously?

Anyway we Iranians know this whole Saudi-Iran cold ware is BS and created by the usa, but as long as your leaders remain an uspuppet then you will keep fueling this iran v saudi situation.

We are on the process of developing an indigenous defense capability. And what is wrong in buying the best and also at the same get its technology with it. It will cut back on years of research and on a lot of money that will be wasted on making an inferior system. You have to play it smart and we not under sanctions like Iran so why not use this to our advantage?? If Iran was not under sanctions it would have done exactly the same thing.

And why stop selling Oil?? It is our bread and butter and it goes for the highest bidder wither it be the USA or China (We are selling more Oil to china than any other nation simply because they pay higher) And we know they hate our guts and the feeling is mutual but there is no room for emotions in Business. And Iran should take our military seriously the only thing Iran is superior to KSA in is the number of soldiers. In other areas we hold a Qualitative advantage.

And I agree with you this Cold war is stupid but it is not one sided.
It takes two to tango; the blame lies on both sides.

Why don't the Saudi/UAE/etc. and the Iranian governments set up joint committees to expand mutual understanding and promote respect for each other?

Then the region will be less vulnerable to these kind of manipulation by the west.

The usa will never let Iran saudi get better relation. our people would like to be friends but its always a countries leaders that ruin things.
you really think iran is taking your military seriously?

never ever go around with this mentality... it is deadly.

you can't seriously underestimate the Saudi Armed Forces. they have up to date technology when Iran reverse engineers stuff from the 70's. i know, i know... they are under sanctions! but that still isn't an excuse to say that the Iranian generals dont see Saudi Armed Forces as a powerfull force.

look at Iraq, Saddam thought Iran would be no match. what happened? several years later he gained nothing.
The usa will never let Iran saudi get better relation. our people would like to be friends but its always a countries leaders that ruin things.

We are not children. The US can and will try all sorts of things.
But we have to take control of our destiny at some point. Other countries have done it. Why not the Arabs and Persians?
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