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US Think-Tanks ask Pakistan to sign CTBT without waiting for India

Why is america so scared of our nuclear power when they themselves had more than 1 case where they nearly dropped bombs on their own people and where in their facilities locks have problems and stuff....
A disaster worse than the devastation wrought in Hiroshima and Nagasaki could have befallen the United States that night. But it didn't, thanks to a series of fortunate missteps.
"By the slightest margin of chance, literally the failure of two wires to cross, a nuclear explosion was averted."
There are at least 21 declassified accounts between 1950 and 1968 of aircraft-related incidents in which nuclear weapons were lost, accidentally dropped, jettisoned for safety reasons or on board planes that crashed. The accidents occurred in various U.S. states, Greenland, Spain, Morocco and England, and over the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and the Mediterranean Sea.
Report: Two nuclear bombs nearly detonated in North Carolina - CNN.com
US nearly detonated atomic bomb over North Carolina – secret document | World news | The Guardian

Exactly who should be afraid of what....21 in 18 yrs is too much!
You are wrong, bro.

Sanctions are always damaging. Right now, sanctions have damaged Russian economy to some extent; it has fallen from 9th position to 13th position on the economic front in a span of a year or two.

Pakistan was in a bad shape during the period of sanctions. While Pakistan did not compromise much on its defensive needs, its progress in other areas suffered. Besides, Pakistan wasn't in a good shape even on the defensive front during the period of sanctions; Kargil conflict exposed this fact.

Pakistan needs to become a trillion dollar economy to grow such a spine, bro.

US is not internationally isolated, bro. Truth is that Pakistan doesn't have many friends in the geo-political arena. Pakistan has to increasingly rely on China for its internal and external matters.

If US is not isolated at all, than why is that it failed in Syria completely? Why is it that no one backed US on Syria's issue? I am talking about the NATO allays. As far as Pakistan is concerned, Pakistan has more friends than foes, more than you can even think about, for that you will have to understand the parameter of different kind of relations, with different states. People might think that Pakistan doesn't have a good realtions with Arab world, but contrary to this thoughts of the world the reality is that Pakistan relations with Arab world are more stronger now a days than they ever were. A good example is this joint excercise between the two Countries, i-e Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Pakistan, Saudi Arabia initiate counterterrorism drill

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, one of the most powerful figures in the European Union, signaled Monday that she wanted to hold off on sanctions while pursuing a diplomatic solution to the Ukrainian crisis, not one based on the asset freezes, visa bans, and other punitive measures Kerry outlined during his appearance on "Meet the Press." Merkel’s government instead favors direct talks with Moscow and the deployment of international monitors from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, or OSCE, which would establish facts on the ground in Ukraine with the aim of assuring Moscow that the rights of ethnic Russians were being respected.
U.S. Increasingly Isolated On Russia Sanctions | Foreign Policy

And please if you are a reader, I recommend you read this book "National Insecurity, American Leadership in an age of fear".

Failing economy? No, bro. US is still the largest economic power in the world and is likely to retain this position in the near future.

The last thing Wall Street is thinking about is aneconomic collapse in 2015. After all, the stock markets are at record highs, unemployment is down, and inflation is in check. But the fact of the matter is that these same indicators were also in check before the markets crashed in 1987, 2000, and 2008/09. Back in 2008/09, everyone on Wall Street, save for Michael Lombardi and Peter Schiff, was absolutely certain that the U.S. economy was the envy of the world and that it was rock solid. But we all know what happened. And if history is any indicator, it will happen again. By the looks of things, the U.S. could experience an economic collapse in 2015 and slip back into a recession. Or worse.
Economic Collapse Headed for U.S. in 2015, U.S. Economic Collapse 2015

One of the journalist interviewed several bearish economists and investment advisers who have been screaming of economic apocalypse every step of the way since the bull market started in 2009. They contended the economic recovery since 2009 has been fabricated by massive government debt and money printing, also known as quantitative easing. The mountains of money created out of thin air will skyrocket inflation, which will eventually cripple the economy, they said. Everyone should buy gold and silver — the only real store of value when the U.S. dollar loses value owing to the onslaught of money supply. Pakistan's geo-political influence is [regional], and it is not in the position to dictate its terms at global stage due to its poor economic situation. If Pakistan is demanding a Civil-Nuclear deal from US, it has to compromise on its interests to some extent.
Is The U.S. Economy Going To Crash This Year?

I am sorry to say but you are totally wrong, a nuclear state can be as Powerful as the super powers despite of its weak economy. You are always on a safe side because you know that the world will hear you out. Here is an example for you. Pakistan will never compromise on its National Security and this is crystal clear.
Briefing the Pakistani media on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Washington, Chaudhary also said that Pakistan would not sign any nuclear deal with the United States during the visit.
No deal on nuclear weapons: Aizaz
We are much stronger than we were back in 1998 when we first declared to the entire world that we have become a Nuclear state. Think big about your own Country, what we have achieved no failed state could have ever achieved if were a failed state.
You think such reports are new? I have been reading them since 2007. So why haven't US economy crashed yet?

You should study the art of speculation. Not in general sense but in the context of economics.

I am sorry to say but you are totally wrong, a nuclear state can be as Powerful as the super powers despite of its weak economy. You are always on a safe side because you know that the world will hear you out. Here is an example for you. Pakistan will never compromise on its National Security and this is crystal clear.
Briefing the Pakistani media on Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Washington, Chaudhary also said that Pakistan would not sign any nuclear deal with the United States during the visit.
No deal on nuclear weapons: Aizaz
We are much stronger than we were back in 1998 when we first declared to the entire world that we have become a Nuclear state. Think big about your own Country, what we have achieved no failed state could have ever achieved if were a failed state.
Every nuclear-weapons state is not a superpower. Pakistan is not a superpower. If you assume this, you are deluding yourself. Pakistan is a regional power.

Now, nobody is forcing Pakistan to push for a Civil-Nuclear deal with USA. This is our choice.

My point is that [if] Pakistan desires a Civil-Nuclear deal with USA, then expect USA to put its terms and conditions on the table, and we shouldn't be surprised.

But of-course, the choice is ours in the end. Nobody is putting a gun on our head to make such a deal.
So after Iran the US is looking to curtail the next nuclear madman. It does seem the attention has now switched to Pakistan's nukes and once the US is committed to something they persist and persist.....

oh and handcuff india with the same treaty....
Not going to happen.
If they really persiste, and persiste then Pakistan should speed up the program more than ever.

And I think the US will increase their support to any non gouvernemental group to more distabilize Pakistan. They want to weaken Pakistan to contain China with the help of India. So they need to limit the risk of weapon, God forbid, which could falls in wrong hands.

In my opinion they already have accepted the idea of this situation. So limitations of range and numbers is a kind of controlling the accepted risk.

Pakistan should be very careful and fight terrorists organizations with more than full force with very well planned strategies. Pakistan should not fail in this fight for it's own survival.

Pakistan Zindabad.
Spare us with this BS, that you did all on your own.Here is list of just some of the countries that helped India. US, France and Russia, as well as Canada, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Argentina, Namibia, South Korea and the UK.

Manhattan Project,
U.S government research project (1942–45) that produced the second Atomic bomb. First was build by indians and it was called Samosa project.

Use that thing inside in your head (if there is anything like that )
34 years of isolation

Another feel good comment by Nair.

Move on people. Don't feed the troll.

Truth always hurts you .
But that doesnt mean truth should not to be told
You think such reports are new? I have been reading them since 2007. So why haven't US economy crashed yet?

You should study the art of speculation. Not in general sense but in the context of economics.

Every nuclear-weapons state is not a superpower. Pakistan is not a superpower. If you assume this, you are deluding yourself. Pakistan is a regional power.

Now, nobody is forcing Pakistan to push for a Civil-Nuclear deal with USA. This is our choice.

My point is that [if] Pakistan desires a Civil-Nuclear deal with USA, then expect USA to put its terms and conditions on the table, and we shouldn't be surprised.

But of-course, the choice is ours in the end. Nobody is putting a gun on our head to make such a deal.

Every person has his or her own opinions regarding whether Pakistan is as powerful state as the Super powers in this world or not? I can't stop you from thinking what your brains comes up with.
And as you have been reading those reports regarding US economic collapse, than you might have not heard of Financial crisis in 2009, where do you live at? Have you read all the articles and including that book that I prescribed you about? Off course not, you don't have enough time for it, read it out and you might know what the reality is, I can give you a small hint, if you have studied economics than you probably are aware of effects of printing money on economy? If not than you probably would never understand, unless you start studying economics. And you also should read about quantitative easing.
Every person has his or her own opinions regarding whether Pakistan is as powerful state as the Super powers in this world or not? I can't stop you from thinking what your brains comes up with.
And as you have been reading those reports regarding US economic collapse, than you might have not heard of Financial crisis in 2009, where do you live at? Have you read all the articles and including that book that I prescribed you about? Off course not, you don't have enough time for it, read it out and you might know what the reality is, I can give you a small hint, if you have studied economics than you probably are aware of effects of printing money on economy? If not than you probably would never understand, unless you start studying economics. And you also should read about quantitative easing.
Should Pakistan ever become a superpower, it will become apparent to everybody. At present, Pakistan is a developing country with limited industrial and power-projection capabilities.

Yes, I am fully aware of the recent economic recession (2008 - 2009). In-fact, USA have experienced several economic recessions in its history. However, it is a resilient nation and manages to bounce back (recover) after each event. Here: History of U.S. Recessions: Causes, Lengths, Stats

Ever heard of economic cycle? It is a concept that every economist should be aware of and we are witnessing it in action: http://thedantogroup.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/economic_cycle-670x270.jpg

As for additional economic aspects, they are not valid for discussion in this topic, so I will not delve into them. However, I shall make this clear that speculation about US economic collapse is not a new development but getting old. It won't happen until a major chunk of US population becomes irresponsible (plain and simple).

I fully understand how speculation works in the field of economics since I have worked in a bank; it's a fear tactic adopted by some bankers to divert investment from a source to another.
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So after Iran the US is looking to curtail the next nuclear madman. It does seem the attention has now switched to Pakistan's nukes and once the US is committed to something they persist and persist.....

Not going to happen.

America set the tone for the use of nukes long time ago. The real Madman! Though, I do not blame America for the use of nuke but on the way it used it on the civilians. After all it was a war and you do use whatever weapon you have when you feel your life is threatened. Pakistan on the other hand, in fact, has acted very responsibly and miniaturized it to limit its impact on the civilian populace (enroute countering the rash and arrogant swift limited wars doctrine aka cold start). Again, (after all) we have real enemies and nukes are top of the line weapons in our arsenal that WILL be used if Pakistan's existence is threatened. So, all this mantra of madman or sane man with nukes is a farce at best. The talk of NO nukes for the whole world (without discrimination) may make some sense though
Use that thing inside in your head (if there is anything like that )
34 years of isolation

Truth always hurts you .
But that doesnt mean truth should not to be told
HAH Truth. More like di*k measuring contest by you in every damn thread.

Even if the thread is about rupa underwear, you will bring muh Mars, ISRO, mighty indian army or muh fast breeding reactors.

So much for bragging right?

@AsianUnion @DESERT FIGHTER @SipahSalar
HAH Truth. More like di*k measuring contest by you in every damn thread.

Even if the thread is about rupa underwear, you will bring muh Mars, ISRO, mighty indian army or muh fast breeding reactors.

So much for bragging right?

@AsianUnion @DESERT FIGHTER @SipahSalar

Of Course .We will brag about our hard earned efforts and successes.And at the same time we will also acknowledge our short comings .
Some guys in here tried to compare India and Pakistan .Honestlywe dont like that and so I explained the gap between these two nation.There is no comparison at all.

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