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US stirring up ‘Iranophobia’ to boost arms sales to Arab nations – Tehran

May i ask for your proof? I am capable of insulting as well as you Muslim brother. Keep cal
OK will you accept it, or deny it like other iranis and Pakistani Irani slave b@kh ?

And the rest of the Muslim World has to suffer.

Terrorists made in KSA are killing our kids o those boundaries.
Lol how convenient. Just when the black clad ministers comes to Pakistan and then this happens, so they could sabatoge Pakistan's intention of getting Iran joined in alliance.

The hypocrisy is normal. Supporting people in Palestine, but ignoring Kashmir and making deals in chabar.

So much for the Islamic crown
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Lol how convenient. Just she the black clad ministers comes to Pakistan and then this happens so they couldnsabatoge Pakistan's intention of getting Iran joined in alliance. The hypocrisy is normal, supporting people in Palestine but ignoring Kashmir and making deals in chabar. So much for the Islamic crown

Unfortunately true. Iran is selective about which Islamic cause it supports. Just like the Saudis. They never really support Kashmiris either. These two countries are nothing but a fitna and Islam, as a religion, is taking the hit because of them.
OK will you accept it, or deny it like other iranis and Pakistani Irani slave b@kh ?
What is your proof?
ignoring Kashmir
Kashmir is up to you brothers. What do you need? Gas , oil? The pipeline is still waiting on you
making deals in chabar.
We have halted the 100 million dollar loan coming from India becoz of the same accidents. Yadhav, Baloch and etc. India has complaints but we won't let them to come back until they give us the required explanations about those guys and especially forging Iranian passport
What is your proof

The latest mortar fire incident, though old list is quite long

Kashmir is up to you brothers. What do you need? Gas , o
We just need you to stop sitting on the lap of investor in chabar. I thought as supreme leader of Muslims in Iran. It also had duty to look after oppressed Muslims in Kashmir. And also we need you stop giving passport to uzair blaoch and unhindered access to yadav.
Listen slave. I am Pakistani and I only bow to Allah.
Why would loser Irani accept anything ?
They kiratred fired twomdays ago on us, they threatened our sovereignty, they even killed our FC guards in cold blood and burnt their car. Where are you living ?min Irani cave or what ?

And Iran provides the reason for fear
Its pretty clear whether whos the slave here.
You kid first claimed that even Iranians accepted Contra Affair. Now you're ask why'd they?
The Mortars are being fired since 20 Years to stop smuggling and human trafficking infiltration. The Killing of FC Men was a lie which was later confirmed. Such lies are spread by people like you.
Its pretty clear whether whos the slave here.
You kid first claimed that even Iranians accepted Contra Affair. Now you're ask why'd they?
The Mortars are being fired since 20 Years to stop smuggling and human trafficking infiltration. The Killing of FC Men was a lie which was later confirmed. Such lies are spread by people like you.
Where was it confirmed as lie? An Irani bitch would never accept the truth even if his own Pakistani brethren are at line. You master nhas already accepted the contra affair. So a slave opinion is not needed here. So you fire mortar to stop smuggling on a smuggler who is running away ? Who you fooling slave ?
It is no wonder that there are plenty not slaves for Arabs and mullahs to choose from in Pakistan.
You have already done your bidding.

Have some shame and self-respect
Wahabi Arabs are drunk deep into Money and American Assistance. But nothing can defeat Emaan, Struggle and Truth when it comes. Examples are Lebanese War, Indo-Pak War 1965, Iran-Iraq War etc

Iran-Iraq war?? and who were the people with iman? the Iraqi Muslims or Irani Muslims ??? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Come on remain a Pakistani if you are a Pakistan indeed do not try to become an Irani or for that matter a Saudi.

I give a rat shittt what Iran and KSA do to each other. They should just spare us of their terrorism and internal hate towards each other.

The only worrisome factor for me is that this entire episode is going to effect Pakistan in a very bad way.

We have our own problems and we cannot afford to either support Iran or KSA.

Its pretty clear whether whos the slave here.
You kid first claimed that even Iranians accepted Contra Affair. Now you're ask why'd they?
The Mortars are being fired since 20 Years to stop smuggling and human trafficking infiltration. The Killing of FC Men was a lie which was later confirmed. Such lies are spread by people like you.

Majority of Irani loving Pakistani shias who are more Iranian than the Pakistanian should register yourself for fight against KSA. Please join the holy war we have no issue.

Just leave our country in peace. We do not need such mir jaffars here in Pakistan anymore.
Khamenai regime murdered over 1 million Muslims and expelled over 10 million Muslims for sake of atheist corrupt dictator and then they accusing others of Islamophobia. o_O
Who did rise in Syria?
ISIS? Al-Nusra? NATO's feet soldiers? Headchoppers? Terrorists of far east with almond eyes? Turkimen terrorists? YPG? PKK?
Who did exactly rise in Syria?
You will find answers in this report:

Dissecting an Evolving Conflict: The Syrian Uprising and the Future of the Country

Google it.


People in Syria grew sick of autocracy of Bashar family and desired change; mass protests (largely peaceful) occurred when Bashar prosecuted some university students for raising their voice against his regime. A man of integrity would have stepped down in place of Bashar but he ordered the Syrian Army to strike at protestors with force (like father like son). A large number of Syrian troops chose to defect and formulated the FSA to counter the moves of regime; FSA made notable advances but Iran intervened on behalf of Bashar and began to supply him militants and arms to stop advances of FSA. End result was a stalemate and nuemerous radical elements taking advantage of the situation (ISIS included).

Your state is guilty of supporting an oppressive and genocidal regime in Syria and uses ISIS as an excuse to justify it; not only that but your state employs all manners of propaganda to justify its ill-advised intervention in Syria. This is just an example of Iranian contribution to FITNA in other regions via exporting its brand of sectarianism in them. There are other examples that unmask the culpability and duplicity of your Mullah regime (collusion of Khomeinei with the 'great satan' before the coup via relevant contacts in Europe notwithstanding). And then you wonder why so many speak against Iran.

Your state does not have any moral ground in lecturing others about the sorry state of affairs in the Islamic bloc. We don't need American narrative to understand what is wrong with Iran when the writing is on the wall.
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Well, when your generals will openly brag about conquering four Arab Capitals, what you expect from Arabs+USA? Iran should protect its border and not look beyond, everything will be fine.
When Iran signed the nuclear deal with their Obama almighty, that was good. However, if Saudi Arabia intends to buy equipment from Trump, its bad. There is nothing bad in purchasing defense equipment from US.
Though, the way Saudi Arab treated Trump, I'm against that. However, Iran should be ashamed of it hypocrisy.
When Iran signed the nuclear deal with their Obama almighty, that was good. However, if Saudi Arabia intends to buy equipment from Trump, its bad. There is nothing bad in purchasing defense equipment from US.
Though, the way Saudi Arab treated Trump, I'm against that. However, Iran should be ashamed of it hypocrisy.
The shit of reformists, i was sure that it will be used against us.

@Saif-ud-Din Qutuz The contract , JCPOA , was not between Iran and USA. It was between Iran accused of developing WMDs and the world which was imposing sanctions on Iran. Don't you remember tehe sanctions that even Muslim countries followed?

You will find answers in this report:

Dissecting an Evolving Conflict: The Syrian Uprising and the Future of the Country

Google it.


People in Syria grew sick of autocracy of Bashar family and desired change; mass protests (largely peaceful) occurred when Bashar prosecuted some university students for raising their voice against his regime. A man of integrity would have stepped down in place of Bashar but he ordered the Syrian Army to strike at protestors with force (like father like son). A large number of Syrian troops chose to defect and formulated the FSA to counter the moves of regime; FSA made notable advances but Iran intervened on behalf of Bashar and began to supply him militants and arms to stop advances of FSA. End result was a stalemate and nuemerous radical elements taking advantage of the situation (ISIS included).

Your state is guilty of supporting an oppressive and genocidal regime in Syria and uses ISIS as an excuse to justify it; not only that but your state employs all manners of propaganda to justify its ill-advised intervention in Syria. This is just an example of Iranian contribution to FITNA in other regions via exporting its brand of sectarianism in them. There are other examples that unmask the culpability and duplicity of your Mullah regime (collusion of Khomeinei with the 'great satan' before the coup via relevant contacts in Europe notwithstanding). And then you wonder why so many speak against Iran.

Your state does not have any moral ground in lecturing others about the sorry state of affairs in the Islamic bloc. We don't need American narrative to understand what is wrong with Iran when the writing is on the wall.
It is true but the same people voted for Bashar Al Assad during the elections and asked him to fight terrorism. Before so called democracy, Syrians nneed to get rid of terrorists first. Assad's fate is in the hands of Syrian people and they can replace him with anyone they wish. It is a problem of Syrian Sha'ab and they will decide for their own fate.
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