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US stirring up ‘Iranophobia’ to boost arms sales to Arab nations – Tehran

I think USA is using KSA against Iran. Trump is using the secretarial differences. Because if USA attacks Iran directly Iran will attack Israel. But now USA is provoking another Muslim fight. Selling weapons to KSA and speaking against Iran. And now in Israel Trump's speeches are getting more harsh against Iran.

Would the Middle East be where it is currently if Saddam Hussein was still in charge in Iraq? US ill-advised invasion led to so many unintentional consequences, including this Iran-GCC standoff.
all of muslims love Hz Ali bro our prophet's says that Hz Ali is bab-ı ilim .
And we love Abu Bakr (RA)'s family. Mother Ayisha (SA) prophet's wife and Muhammad ibn Abu bakr, the great martyr of Jamal. Better to bold mutual points bro.
If you really would want to know, you should visit Syria and Turkey and Lebanon you will find out that what Iran's contribution is, I wish I could say more, but than when the time comes and if the world knows it already I than be able to explain that how Iran including Pakistan, Russia, China, Turkey and several other Countries helped Syrian Government in defeating ISIS on a massive scale.
Pakistan has other things to worry instead so leave it out of this mess. I really want to believe Iran as a major power working for the interest of the Muslim world but that's not the case and are only contributing to the problem of polarized Muslim world with their sectarian bias and false promises to Shias around the world.
If you really would want to know, you should visit Syria and Turkey and Lebanon you will find out that what Iran's contribution is, I wish I could say more, but than when the time comes and if the world knows it already I than be able to explain that how Iran including Pakistan, Russia, China, Turkey and several other Countries helped Syrian Government in defeating ISIS on a massive scale.
Pakistan helped Syrian government defeat ISIS? I would certainly like to hear more about it. If you've any details that you can authenticate, it would be great to share them.

As i said bro, we have guys called reformists. If our leader let them be free, they would even negotiate with USA and unite with anti Muslim countries. Our leader is a barrier to them. Take a look at this ::

The traitors are always present in all countries. The best thing is to recognize them. If a country has a selfless leader, such a country can never fall. Nothing against you personally but I've seen Iranian government to manipulate situations and play for their benefits on expense of other Muslim countries. I oppose only that.
Pakistan has other things to worry instead so leave it out of this mess. I really want to believe Iran as a major power working for the interest of the Muslim world but that's not the case and are only contributing to the problem of polarized Muslim world with their sectarian bias and false promises to Shias around the world.

I don't expect less from a narrow minded thinking, I am not here to describe how good Sunnis are or how bad Shias can be sometimes. When I did not brought Religion debate in my argument than why have you tried your sarcastic approach just to make an explanatory statement that I could be a considered sympathetic towards Shia Sect.

It is obvious that Pakistan have many things to worry about, as I explained it in my statement that I cannot explain that how and when did Pakistan along with other Countries helped Syrian Government to fight against ISIS more decisively.

Iran is our neighbor and that's where all the arguments ends. Whether you are a Sunni or Shia you have to digest the fact that we have a neighbor who needs us and we needs them more than ever. If you stick in your religious debates that who is Kafir and who is Momen than there are thousands of other forums to join, this isn't just the right one for you.
And we love Abu Bakr (RA)'s family. Mother Ayisha (SA) prophet's wife and Muhammad ibn Abu bakr, the great martyr of Jamal. Better to bold mutual points bro.
It is a good idea to emphasize on the common points. It is also a good idea not to rely on the writing of leaders or so called religious scholars whose writing is against Holly Quran. When Quran says wives of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H are mothers of believers then we can't go by writings of any so called religious scholar that talks crap about such noble personalities.
I was never into this 'hate the Wahabi' movement; really indifferent. If the Wahabis / Saudis go ahead with an attack on Iran to accommodate the Zionists, then they are really the most evil scum in existence.

$100 billion dollars? They really know how to waste money.
Pakistan helped Syrian government defeat ISIS? I would certainly like to hear more about it. If you've any details that you can authenticate, it would be great to share them.

As I said it in my earlier statement bro, that I wish I could have shared more about it, but I have to wait till other sources start to talk about it more frequently, its simply isn't the right time to discuss about this issue. But, let me give you few hints. This is one of the few example, I have no idea that how good you are in finding things but I hope you would get a fair bit of clues that what I was trying to explain, and let me remind you, it wasn't and it isn't limited to Shia Population in Pakistan, rest you figure it out yourself.

Also Sources can be deceiving, but its the news that worth noticing about.

"Pakistanis are likely to be a major beneficiary of Iran’s new citizenship legislation. Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has recruited Pakistani volunteers to participate in its pro-Assad military campaign in Syria. Meanwhile, the Pakistani government has maintained a strong alliance with embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The strength of the Islamabad-Damascus alliance is counter-intuitive;Pakistan is a Sunni majority country and a close ally of Saudi Arabia, which has repeatedly called for Assad’s overthrow.

Pakistan’s ongoing loyalty to Baathist Syria can be explained by historical legacies, and Islamabad’s disdain for Western interference in Syria’s internal politics. However, Pakistan’s support for Assad comes with considerable risks. The Pakistani government’s alliance with a Shiite Syrian regime could inflame sectarian tensions within Pakistan and cause Saudi Arabia to distance itself from Islamabad in favor of closer ties with India".


Unfortunately true. Iran is selective about which Islamic cause it supports. Just like the Saudis. They never really support Kashmiris either. These two countries are nothing but a fitna and Islam, as a religion, is taking the hit because of them.

In a far sense I agree with you, but don't you think Iran has always supported Palestinian cause? While Saudi Arabia on the other hand did nothing so far on an International forum to speak in the favor of Palestinians, a good example for you is that they even let Trump declare Hamas the root cause of all problems in between Palestinians and Israel's, and while they were quite as usual. Simply it goes to Kashmir, have they ever pressurized India? Well, it gets more excited when you think about the list of things that Saudi Arabian Government has done for the Muslim world.
As I said it in my earlier statement bro, that I wish I could have shared more about it, but I have to wait till other sources start to talk about it more frequently, its simply isn't the right time to discuss about this issue. But, let me give you few hints. This is one of the few example, I have no idea that how good you are in finding things but I hope you would get a fair bit of clues that what I was trying to explain, and let me remind you, it wasn't and it isn't limited to Shia Population in Pakistan, rest you figure it out yourself.

Also Sources can be deceiving, but its the news that worth noticing about.

"Pakistanis are likely to be a major beneficiary of Iran’s new citizenship legislation. Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has recruited Pakistani volunteers to participate in its pro-Assad military campaign in Syria. Meanwhile, the Pakistani government has maintained a strong alliance with embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The strength of the Islamabad-Damascus alliance is counter-intuitive;Pakistan is a Sunni majority country and a close ally of Saudi Arabia, which has repeatedly called for Assad’s overthrow.

Pakistan’s ongoing loyalty to Baathist Syria can be explained by historical legacies, and Islamabad’s disdain for Western interference in Syria’s internal politics. However, Pakistan’s support for Assad comes with considerable risks. The Pakistani government’s alliance with a Shiite Syrian regime could inflame sectarian tensions within Pakistan and cause Saudi Arabia to distance itself from Islamabad in favor of closer ties with India".
It could be, however, I doubt that.
It is a good idea to emphasize on the common points. It is also a good idea not to rely on the writing of leaders or so called religious scholars whose writing is against Holly Quran. When Quran says wives of Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H are mothers of believers then we can't go by writings of any so called religious scholar that talks crap about such noble personalities.
Extremists in both sides should be expelled to UK, they are being led from Bukinghum. Those idiots are the seeds of UK's monarchy, and i have said many times that they want all Muslims dead and forever slaves of west. Ignore them,
I remember one of them was making speeches in the mosque during the friday prayer, when he saw that i am getting angry and protesting against his words ,coz my Sunni , Iranian Kurds , friends were present there and prayed with us together, he asked me to leave the mosque. The irony, vise versa happened , and everyone supported me. After our complaint to Friday prayer leader of the city, in fact the representative of supreme leader , the extremist mullah was kicked out of the grand mosque forever.
Do the same thing wherever you are, my advice. Expose the extremists
Extremists in both sides should be expelled to UK, they are being led from Bukinghum. Those idiots are the seeds of UK's monarchy, and i have said many times that they want all Muslims dead and forever slaves of west. Ignore them,
I remember one of them was making speeches in the mosque during the friday prayer, when he saw that i am getting angry and protesting against his words ,coz my Sunni , Iranian Kurds , friends were present there and prayed with us together, he asked me to leave the mosque. The irony, vise versa happened , and everyone supported me. After our complaint to Friday prayer leader of the city, in fact the representative of supreme leader , the extremist mullah was kicked out of the grand mosque forever.
Do the same thing wherever you are, my advice. Expose the extremists
I support that act. Our foremost important duty is towards Islam. If we aren't loyal to Allah and to the message that Allah sent to Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H then we can never be loyal to anyone else.
Look around and see, the main problem these days is loyalty. Lack of loyalty among relatives, friends, nations and countries. How could we be loyal to anyone if we aren't loyal to Allah, the creator and sustainer of this universe. Anyone who talks against Sahaba (companions) or beloved family of our Prophet Muhammad P.B.U.H is not on the right track. Is among the deviated ones. Who can envy Sahaba and talk crap about them? No one else but Jahood o Nasara. The non believers, the mushriks. Only they can hate them because they had spread Islam so they hate Sahaba. Muslims can never hate any Sahaba. Their contributions towards Islam are unimaginable. We or any so called religious scholar has no right to talk about such high noble personalities. Not even a single religious scholar can match any Sahaba. Impossible.
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It could be, however, I doubt that.

Don't worry all you have to do is to wait, in beginning I though that you would understand, but, anyway, you can dig deeper if you are keen to find out, otherwise, sit back, relax and wait for the news to breakout.
hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW regarding "najd" is coming true. that hadith started to come true when arabs revolted against the ottomans . at that time english used them and they are being used by US now. the fitnah of dajjal is taking its final shape and majority of the muslim countries are on the wrong side of the fence.
So very true. But how to make our sheeple believe that their Saudi masters have sold their souls to the devil.
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